Individual Participant Data Meta-Analysis. Группа авторов

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Название Individual Participant Data Meta-Analysis
Автор произведения Группа авторов
Жанр Медицина
Издательство Медицина
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781119333753

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of 999. Tumour stage was collected as a categorical variable with a single code for each stage and sub‐stage, and with a missing data code of 9. This afforded the greatest flexibility for subsequent analysis, as the sub‐stages could be used as supplied, or collapsed into broader‐stage categories as needed. While trial eligibility criteria indicate which participants a trial intends to recruit, it is worth suggesting a wider range of possibilities in the data dictionary, because recruitment of some ineligible participants might be inevitable. This could arise, for example, if eligibility is predicated on a positive diagnostic test, and false positives are identified at subsequent review, or as a result of a later diagnostic procedure. In the aforementioned cervical cancer IPD meta‐analysis, women with stage IVB stage were not eligible for any of the included trials. However, they were sometimes randomised erroneously, because initial clinical staging did not identify them as such, but subsequent surgical staging did, and so the data dictionary allowed for that possibility. If particular participant characteristics are collected on different scales, then it may be possible to convert to a common scale. In the cervical cancer IPD meta‐analysis, the included trials recorded performance status on different scales, so in the data dictionary it was made clear that all were permitted, and these were later converted into a common meta‐analysis scale.

      Source: Claire Vale and Jayne Tierney.

Variable Variable name Definition
Age at randomisation Age Numeric Age in years 999 = unknown
Tumour stage TumStage Numeric Tumour stage categories 1 = Stage Ia 2 = Stage Ib 3 = Stage IIa 4 = Stage IIb 5 = Stage IIIa 6 = Stage IIIb 7 = Stage IVa 8 = Stage IVb 9 = unknown
Performance status PerfStat Numeric Provide the data as defined in the trial and supply full details of the system used
Survival status SurvStat Numeric 0 = Alive 1 = Dead
Date of death or last follow‐up DOLF Date in dd/mm/yy format unknown day = ‐‐/mm/yy unknown month = ‐‐/‐‐/yy unknown date = ‐‐/‐‐/‐‐

      Source: Lesley Stewart and Lisa Askie, based on the data dictionary used by Askie et al.97

Variable Definition Issue
Severe maternal morbidity 1 = none 2 = stroke 3 = renal failure 4 = liver failure 5 = pulmonary oedema 6 = disseminated intravascular coagulation 7 = HELP syndrome 8 = eclampsia 9 = not recorded Collection as a single variable did not allow for the provision of more than one morbidity for the same women
Gestation at randomisation Gestation in completed weeks9 = unknown Woman could be randomised at 9 weeks gestation

      Negotiating and maintaining collaborations with trial investigators and organisations from different countries, settings and disciplines can take considerable time and effort, and requires careful management,43,44 but is critical to the success of collaborative IPD meta‐analysis projects. In an era where the value of clinical data sharing is more widely appreciated, persuading trial investigators of the value of participating is becoming easier. However, it is worth remembering that not all trial investigators will be obliged by their funders to share their IPD, and it is perfectly reasonable that they may require persuading