Название | The Early Foucault |
Автор произведения | Stuart Elden |
Жанр | Афоризмы и цитаты |
Серия | |
Издательство | Афоризмы и цитаты |
Год выпуска | 0 |
isbn | 9781509525997 |
77 77. BNF NAF28803 (1), folder 1, subfolder 2, 2.
78 78. ‘La Constitution d’un transcendantal’, 113.
79 79. ‘La Constitution d’un transcendantal’, 122.
80 80. ‘La Constitution d’un transcendantal’, 131.
81 81. BNF NAF28803 (1), folder 1, subfolder 3, Plan 1, 1; Plan 2, 1.
82 82. ‘La Constitution d’un transcendantal’, 11.
83 83. BNF NAF28803 (1), folder 1, subfolder 3, Plan 1, 5.
84 84. ‘La Constitution d’un transcendantal’, 150.
85 85. BNF NAF28803 (1), folder 1, subfolder 3, Plan 1, 5; see ‘La Constitution d’un transcendantal’, 147, 150–51, 155.
86 86. BNF NAF28803 (1), folder 1, subfolder 3, Plan 1, 6.
87 87. ‘La Constitution d’un transcendantal’, 159–67.
88 88. ‘La Constitution d’un transcendantal’, Conclusion, 11 pp, unpaginated.
89 89. ‘La Constitution d’un transcendantal’, Conclusion [4].
90 90. See Terry Pinkard, Hegel: A Biography, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000, 228–9.
91 91. ‘La Constitution d’un transcendantal’, Conclusion [1].
92 92. ‘La Constitution d’un transcendantal’, Conclusion [11].
93 93. ‘La Constitution d’un transcendantal’, Conclusion [11]. Foucault suggests the Ideas tries ‘to dispel [dissiper] the sphere of philosophical reflection as an independent region’, but Hegel stresses the ‘legitimacy of this level of thought in Absolute Knowledge’.
94 94. For The Phenomenology of Spirit, I have consulted translations by A. V. Miller, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1977; and Terry Pinkard, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018. However, I have generally translated Hyppolite’s translation, rather than used these, since this makes it closer to Foucault’s terminology.
95 95. G. W. F. Hegel, The Difference between Fichte’s and Schelling’s System of Philosophy, trans. H. S. Harris and Walter Cerf, Albany: SUNY Press, 1977; Early Theological Writings, trans. T. M. Knox and Richard Kroner, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1971 [1948].
96 96. See the ‘Avertissement’, ‘La Constitution d’un transcendantal’.
97 97. Hyppolite, Genèse et structure; Wahl, ‘Hegel et Kierkegaard’, Revue philosophique de la France et de l’étranger 112, 1931, 321–80.
98 98. Georg Lukács, Der junge Hegel: Über die Beziehungen von Dialektik und Ökonomie, Zurich, 1948; The Young Hegel: Studies in the Relation between Dialectics and Economics, trans. Rodney Livingstone, London: Merlin, 1975; Karl Löwith, ‘L’Achèvement de la philosophie classique par Hegel et sa dissolution chez Marx et Kierkegaard’, Recherches philosophiques IV, 1934–5, 232–67; Benedetto Croce, Ce qui est vivant et ce qui est mort de la philosophie de Hegel: Étude Critique suivie d’un essai de bibliographie hégélienne, trans. Henri Buriot, Paris: V. Giard and E. Brière, 1910.
99 99. Eugen Fink, ‘Die phänomenologische philosophie Husserls in der gegenwärtigen Kritik: Mit einem Vorwort von Edmund Husserl’, Kantstudien 38 (1–2), 1933, 319–83; Emmanuel Lévinas, ‘Sur les “Ideen” de M. E. Husserl’, Revue philosophique de la France et de l’étranger, 107, 1929, 230–65; Sartre, ‘La Transcendance de l’ego’, Recherches philosophiques, VI, 1936–7, 85–123; The Transcendence of the Ego: A Sketch for a Phenomenological Description, trans. Andrew Brown, London: Routledge, 2005.
100 100. Defert, OE I, xxxviii. Foucault turned 23 on 15 October.
101 101. BNF NAF28803 (1), folder 3 contains notes that mention Heidegger and Kierkegaard on angst. In the thesis, Foucault suggests language and the concept have an ‘être-là’, but this is in relation to Hegel’s use of Dasein as an alternative to Existenz, following Hyppolite’s translation and does not seem to have an Heideggerian (or Sartrean) inflection. See, for example, ‘La Constitution d’un transcendantal’, 94–5, 142.
102 102. Daniel Lagache, Œuvres, ed. Eva Rosenblum, Paris: PUF, 4 vols, 1977–82; The Works of Daniel Lagache, trans. Elizabeth Holder, London: Karnac, 1993.
103 103. Jacques Lacan, Écrits, Paris: Seuil, 1966, 602, 647–84; Écrits: The First Complete Edition in English, trans. Bruce Fink, New York: W.W. Norton, 2006 (the English has the French pagination in the margins).
104 104. Alain Berthoz, ‘Hommage à Julian de Ajuriaguerra’, 1994, http://www.college-de-france.fr/site/julian-de-ajuriaguerra/Hommage.htm
105 105. Georges Politzer, Critique des fondements de la psychologie I: La Psychologie et la psychanalyse, Paris: Rieder, 1928; trans. Maurice Apprey, Critique of the Foundations of Psychology: The Psychology of Psychoanalysis, Pittsburgh: Duquesne University Press, 1994.
106 106. Eribon, Michel Foucault, 58/30; Macey, The Lives of Michel Foucault, 66.
107 107. See Henri Lefebvre, ‘Georges Politzer’, La Pensée, October–December 1944, 7–10. On this group, see Michel Trebitsch, ‘Les Mesaventures du groupe Philosophies, 1924–1933’, La Revue des revues, 3, 1987, 6–9; ‘Le Groupe Philosophies et les surréalistes (1924–1925)’, Melusine: Cahiers du centre de recherches sur le surréalisme, XI, 1990, 63–75; and Bud Burkhard, French Marxism Between the Wars: Henri Lefebvre and the ‘Philosophies’, Atlantic Highlands, NJ: Humanity Books, 2000.
108 108. Friedrich Schelling, Recherches philosophiques sur l’essence de la liberté humaine et sur les problemes qui s’y rattachent, trans. Georges Politzer, introduced by Henri Lefebvre, Paris: F. Rieder, 1926.
109 109. Politzer, La Crise de la psychologie contemporaine, ed. Jean Kanapa, Paris: Sociales, 1947; and Écrits 2: Les Fondements de la psychologie, Paris: Sociales, 1969.
110 110. See Georges Cogniot, ‘Biographie de Georges Politzer’, in Politzer, Principes élémentaires de philosophie, Paris: Sociales, 2nd edn, 1977, i–viii; ‘Georges Politzer’, in Elementary Principles of Philosophy, trans. Barbara L. Morris, London: Lawrence and Wishart, 1976, xi–xv; and Amedeo Giorgi, ‘Foreword: The Psychology of Georges Politzer’, in Politzer, Critique of the Foundations of Psychology, xxii–xxxviii; Roudinesco, Jacques Lacan and Co, 51–54, 56–67.
111 111. For example, Politzer, Critique des fondements, 184; Politzer, The Psychology of Psychoanalysis, 112.
112 112. Politzer, Critique des fondements, 269; The Psychology of Psychoanalysis, 165.
113 113. Politzer, Critique des fondements, 18; The Psychology of Psychoanalysis, 7.
114 114. Politzer, Critique des fondements, 31; The Psychology of Psychoanalysis, 15.
115 115. Politzer, Critique des fondements, 31 n. 1; The Psychology of Psychoanalysis, 166 n. 6. The 1928 designation of volume I is dropped in later editions.
116 116. See Françoise Parot (ed.), Pour une psychologie historique: Écrits en hommage à Ignace Meyerson, Paris: PUF, 1996; Noemí Pizarroso López, Ignace Meyerson, Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 2018; and Csaba Pléh, ‘Recovering a French Tradition: Ignace Meyerson in Focus’, Culture and Psychology, 2019, https://doi.org/10.1177/1354067X19851029
117 117. See Adolfo Fernandez-Zoïla, ‘Ignace Meyerson et la psychopathologie: position de la psychologie historique’, in Parot (ed.), Pour une psychologie historique, 137–47; Frédéric Fruteau de Laclos, La Psychologie des philosophes: de Bergson à Vernant, Paris: PUF, 2012, 256–7.
118 118. Foucault to Ignace Meyerson, 1 June [1953], Fonds Ignace Meyerson, Correspondance 1946–1984, Archives Nationales 920046 51.
119 119. Alessandro de Lima Francisco, Calçando os tamancos de