The American Commonwealth. Viscount James Bryce

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Название The American Commonwealth
Автор произведения Viscount James Bryce
Жанр Историческая литература
Издательство Историческая литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781614871217

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Note on the Federal System

       41 The State Executive

       42 The State Judiciary

       43 State Finance

       44 The Working of State Governments

       Note on Recent Tendencies of Legislation

       45 Remedies for the Faults of State Governments

       46 State Politics

       Note on Developments in State Government

       47 The Territories

       48 Local Government

       49 Observations on Local Government

       50 The Government of Cities

       51 The Working of City Governments

       52 An American View of Municipal Government in the United States


       On Constitutional Conventions

       What the Federal Constitution Owes to the Constitutions of the Several States

       Extracts from the Rules of the Senate

       Private Bills

       The Lobby

       Constitution of the Confederate States, 1861–65

       The Federal Constitution of Canada

       The Dartmouth College Case

       Articles of Confederation, 1781–88

       Constitution of the United States

       Extracts from the Constitution of the State of Oklahoma

       Extracts from the Constitution of the State of California



       PART III

       The Party System

       53 Political Parties and Their History

       54 The Parties of Today

       55 Composition of the Parties

       56 Further Observations on the Parties

       57 The Politicians

       58 Why the Best Men Do Not Go Into Politics

       59 Party Organizations

       60 The Machine

       Note on Recent Legislation Regarding Primaries

       61 What the Machine Has to Do

       62 How the Machine Works

       63 Rings and Bosses

       64 Local Extension of Rings and Bosses

       65 Spoils

       66 Elections and Their Machinery

       67 Corruption

       68 The War Against Bossdom

       69 Nominating Conventions

       70 The Nominating Convention at Work

       71 The Presidential Campaign

       72 The Issues in Presidential Elections

       73 Further Observations on Nominations and Elections

       74 Types of American Statesmen

       75 What the People Think of It

       Note on the Party System

       PART IV

       Public Opinion

       76 The Nature of Public Opinion

       77 Government by Public Opinion

       78 How Public Opinion Rules in America

       79 Organs of Public Opinion

       80 National Characteristics as Moulding Public Opinion

       81 Classes as Influencing Opinion

       82 Local Types of Opinion—East, West, and South

       83 The Action of Public Opinion

       84 The Tyranny of the Majority

       85 The Fatalism of the Multitude

       86 Wherein Public Opinion Fails

       87 Wherein Public Opinion Succeeds

       PART V

       Illustrations and Reflections

       88 The Tammany Ring in New York City

       89 The Philadelphia Gas Ring

       90 Kearneyism in California

       Epilogue to This and the Two Last Preceding Chapters

       91 The Home of the Nation

       92 The Latest Phase of Immigration

       93 The South Since the War

       94 Present and Future of the Negro

       95 Further Reflections on the Negro Problem

       96 Foreign