What is Philosophy of Mind?. Tom McClelland

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Название What is Philosophy of Mind?
Автор произведения Tom McClelland
Жанр Философия
Издательство Философия
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781509538782

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of achy muscles, it remains clear that muscle fatigue itself is non-mental. So what determines whether a state goes in the first column or the second? We can ask the same question about the processes Mindy is undergoing. A process is a sequence of states that unfolds over time. For instance, Mindy is in the process of reasoning about where to aim her shot and in the process of digesting her lunch. But what makes the former process mental and the latter nonmental? To answer this, we need to find some defining feature of mentality – a feature possessed by everything in the mental column but nothing in the non-mental column. This elusive feature is known as the mark of the mental.

Perceiving the football Having a temperature of 37.1° Celsius
Feeling an ache in her muscles Having a heart rate of 125 beats per minute
Feeling excited Having a blood pressure of 100/70
Believing that the goalkeeper will go left Having muscle fatigue
Desiring that she will score Being well hydrated
Remembering that the goalkeeper went left before Being 6ft tall
Having an intention to kick the ball Being in good physical health

      A more promising proposal is that the mark of the mental is intentionality. The word ‘intentionality’ sounds like it should have something to do with a person’s intentions, but this appearance is misleading. The word is derived from medieval Latin, and to have intentionality is to be about something. Mindy’s perceptual experience, for example, is a perception of the football. So although her perceptual state is something in her mind, that state is about something beyond itself, namely the football. We can call the target of an intentional state an intentional object. Going through Mindy’s other mental states, it’s not too hard to pick out their intentional objects. Her achy feeling is about her muscles, her excitement is about her prospective goal, her desire is about scoring and her belief and memory are about the goalkeeper. In contrast, Mindy’s non-mental states don’t seem to be about anything. Mindy’s height and muscle fatigue aren’t about anything – they just exist without pointing beyond themselves.

      To properly evaluate Brentano’s thesis we need to consider whether it is vulnerable to counter-examples. Can we undermine Brentano’s thesis with a non-mental case of intentionality? Well, we’ve seen already that paintings can have intentionality, like a portrait being of Henry VIII. Similarly, the map in my drawer is about Cambridge, the book on my desk is about philosophy and the reading on my thermostat is about the temperature. All of these things have intentional objects, yet none of them plausibly have mental states. Advocates of Brentano’s thesis deal with such cases by arguing that these things only have intentionality because we give it to them. The painting is a painting of Henry VIII (rather than of his brother or of a fictional king) because that’s who Holbein meant it to be of. The map is of Cambridge because the map-makers designed it to be. And the reading on the thermostat is about the temperature because that is the function it was given. A bunch of stuff happening in a box on the wall is meaningless without the wider context of people who design and use thermostats. On this view, one of the things that beings with real intentionality can do is imbue non-mental things with this kind of derivative intentionality. But non-derivative intentionality remains an exclusively mental property.