The use of cordyceps-containing products. И. А. Недогон

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Название The use of cordyceps-containing products
Автор произведения И. А. Недогон
Жанр Медицина
Издательство Медицина
Год выпуска 2016
isbn 978-601-06-3724-5

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1 capsule 3 times a day, «Liuwei» tea, «Fohow Meigui», energy cream «Yang – Sheng» and work with Faradization thermal belts. When treating Glomerulonephritis, people usually take the hormone «Prednisolone», therefore, when treating according to the Scheme, it is recommended to gradually reduce the intake of hormones. It is recommended that continuous treatment according to the Scheme, the use of «Yang Sheng» energy cream according to the Glomerulonephritis program (section 1.4) and wearing Faradization thermal belts, which will recover the full functioning of the kidneys.

The application of energy cream «Yang Sheng» along the meridians:Urogenital pathology

      1. Pyelonephritis

      Hands: GI4 – GI4; GI10 – GI 10.

      Legs: E36 – E36; RP6 – RP6; R1 – R1.

      Abdomen: VC6, VC3 – unpaired points.

      Near the spine: V11 – V11; V23 – V23.

      2. Cystitis

      Abdomen: E28-E28; VC6, VC3 – unpaired points.

      3. Urinary incontinence (enuresis)

      Legs: E36 – E36; RP6 – RP6; RP10 – RP10; R1 – R1.

      Abdomen: E28 – E28; VC3 is an unpaired point.

      Back: V23 – V23.

      Spine: T4 – unpaired point.

      4. Renal colic

      Legs: E36 – E36; RP9 – RP9; VB34 – VB 34; F3 – F3.

      5. Glomerulonephritis. CRF (chronic renal failure).

      Systemic lupus erythematosus.

      Back: T4; – unpaired point; V23-V23.

      Abdomen: VC3 – unpaired point; VB25 – VB25 – point of intersection

      anterior axillary line and costal arch (gallbladder channel).

      Legs: R1-R1 – on the foot (kidney channel); R3-R3 – behind the outer ankle of the foot.

Urogenital pathology


      52-year-old man, Almaty city. Three cysts on the kidneys. Treatment was prescribed according to 2nd Scheme Resuscitation (Appendix 1). But the man took «Fohow» products not according to the scheme, without the «Phoenix» Oral Liquid. He took the «Sanbao» Oral Liquid, «XueQingFu» capsules, «Linchzhi» capsules. He was disturbed by the kidney pressure from taking «Liuwei» tea. Conclusions: «Liuwei» tea is indispensable in the treatment of renal pathology. It recovers the PCS, recovers filtration, excretion, and treats chronic renal pathology. It is tea that diagnoses and reveals № 1 kidney problems!

      As long as there is renal pressure and kidney cysts, the Oral Liquid Sanbao cannot be taken! The product must be taken correctly! Kidney disease is a chronic process, it is nephroptosis (prolapse of the kidneys, weakness of the muscles that hold the kidney), congenital disorder of mineral metabolism (muscle weakness and the PCS is involved, the pH of the PCS mucosa is disturbed, filtration, excretion, chronic renal failure develops). This is the basis of the treatment, that is the Oral Liquid Phoenix as a natural antibiotic, as a drug that recovers pH of the mucosa, recovers kidney function. Therefore, it is recommended to take the «Phoenix» Oral Liquid continuously throughout the year.

      Until renal pressure stabilizes, take 3 ml of «Phoenix» Oral Liquid 3 times a day continuously. After the renal pressure has stabilized, take the «Phoenix» Oral Liquid in the morning and afternoon to dissolve the cysts, without stopping, as a natural antibiotic, and take the «Sanbao» Oral Liquid in the evening.

      The drugs dissolve the cysts, and the «XueQingFu» capsules increase the blood flow and the cysts do not dissolve. It is not recommended to take «XueQingFu» capsules in the presence of cysts! Since initially, the «XueQingFu» capsules were taken by a man to treat hypertension. But it is necessary to understand the cause of hypertension. It is the renal pressure of the cyst (transformations, especially on the thyroid gland, in the uterus, in the kidneys: cysts are always pre-oncology, they can give rise to cysts and malignancy). The basis of kidney treatment is the restoration of microcirculation (there are no large vessels in the kidneys), so it is recommended to take the «Phoenix» Oral Liquid continuously.

      Capsules «Linchzhi» and «Haicao Gai» will regulate arterial blood pressure, relieve vasospasm, reduce atherosclerosis, and also regulate the work of the kidney channel. During the renal pressure, «Linchzhi» and «Haicao Gai» capsules should be taken 3 times a day.

      In such situations in women, it is recommended to use «Guifei Bao» tampons.

      Wear a cervical belt on the calf muscles of the legs from 3 pm to 5 pm, as well as from 5 pm to 7 pm, when the kidney channel is working.

      Energy cream «Yang Sheng» according to the «Hypertension» program (section 1.3).

      It is necessary to take the «recovery line» of «Gaoqian» pills in the morning and afternoon, since they dissolve cysts very well, 2 pills after lunch for people with asthenic physique, 2 pills before lunch for overweight people, from the 4th month. In the evening, you take the Oral Liquid «Sanqing». Take the «Phoenix» Oral Liquid in the morning and afternoon, the «Sanbao» Oral Liquid in the evening, «Linchzhi» and «Haicao Gai» capsules, 1 capsule in the morning and in the evening, continue drinking «Liuwei «tea 2 liters per day, and «XueQingFu» capsules are not recommended.

      67-year-old woman, Talgar city. Hypertension. There is a stand. Fatty hypatosis, cholestasis, shriveled kidney, only one kidney functioned. The woman purchased this book and began to take cordyceps-containing Fohow preparations on her own according to the Resuscitation Scheme (Appendix 1). After two months of taking the drugs, the woman felt good. On the 3rd month, when she added the Oral Liquid Sanbao for the night and the intake of the Oral Liquid Phoenix changed by 3 ml 3 times a day, she began to jump in arterial blood pressure, pain in the area of the wrinkled kidney and areas of the liver in the right hypochondrium. The woman did an ultrasound. The doctor stated: «You don't have a shriveled kidney! Your kidney is fully functioning and your liver is cleansed, there is no fatty hypatosis!» Conclusions: due to the overwork of the liver and kidneys, the woman went through jumps in arterial blood pressure. And they canceled her intake of the «Sanbao» Oral Liquid. We must approach each Scheme individually. If there is a period of liver and kidney overload, AP will increase, especially in a «hypertensive» with experience. Therefore, the Oral Liquid Sanbao is not recommended to take while the AP is jumping. It is recommended to continue the Treatment Scheme with «Phoenix» Oral Liquid, «Sanqing» Oral Liquid 3 ml 3 times a day, «Linchzhi» capsules, «Haicao Gai», «Garlic essence» 1 capsule 3 times a day, one of the ways of treatment is recommended to be done from 11 am to 1 pm together with the 1 capsule of XueQingFu and drink it with Qi Li. And the result is a 5-times effect of improving the work of the cardiovascular system. There is stabilization, a prolonged severe effect of rejuvenation. Excellent result!

      Q & A:

      The reader's question: «Can BEM be used during hemodialysis?»

      The author's answer: «It is possible, but from the third month! Two months scheme Resuscitation (Appendix 1) + energy cream «Yang Sheng» doing acupuncture according to programs «General health program» (section 1.14) in the morning, «Glomerulonephritis» (section 1.4) in the evening. In the third month, we switch to a 3-times intake of the Oral Liquid Phoenix, the rest of the scheme is the same. And we begin to use BEM every other day at a frequency of 5–6 Hz, point by point after applying the «Yang Sheng» energy cream according to the «Glomerulonephritis» program (section 1.4), 2 weeks off. You stay on this scheme all year long (without the» Sanbao» Oral Liquid)!»

      1.5 Eyes

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