The Herodotus Encyclopedia. Группа авторов

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Название The Herodotus Encyclopedia
Автор произведения Группа авторов
Жанр История
Издательство История
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781119113522

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Volume I

      The Herodotus Encyclopedia

       Edited by

       Christopher Baron

      Volume I


      This edition first published 2021

      © 2021 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

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      The right of Christopher Baron to be identified as the authors of the editorial material in this work has been asserted in accordance with law.

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       Library of Congress Cataloging‐in‐Publication Data

      Names: Baron, Christopher, 1973– editor.

      Title: The Herodotus encyclopedia / Christopher Baron.

      Description: Hoboken : Wiley, 2021. | Includes bibliographical references and index.

      Identifiers: LCCN 2020013454 (print) | LCCN 2020013455 (ebook) | ISBN 9781118689646 (hardback) | ISBN 9781119113539 (adobe pdf) | ISBN 9781119113522 (epub)

      Subjects: LCSH: Herodotus–Encyclopedias. | History, Ancient–Historiography–Encyclopedias.

      Classification: LCC D56.52.H45 H49 2020 (print) | LCC D56.52.H45 (ebook) | DDC 930.03–dc23

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      Cover Design: Wiley

      Cover Image: Eglon Hendrik van der Neer – Kandaules’ Wife Discovering the Hiding Gyges © The Artchives/Alamy Stock Photo

       To Herodotus: 2,500 years and still going strong


      The editor of any large collection must first and foremost thank the contributors. This truism is even more true in the case of Herodotus, whose vast scope requires the expertise of specialists in a broad array of modern disciplines. That academic diversity can be seen in the list of contributors (xiii–xxxv): 181 scholars, based in 18 different nations, from current graduate students to the most senior (or retired) professors. From the beginning of this project, I have been continually impressed by the erudition, generosity, patience, and good humor of this community of scholars. Herodotus is well‐served.

      The reader will find my name attached to several hundred entries in this encyclopedia. That was not the initial intention, nor does it fully reveal the process by which this massive work came into being. Florencia Foxley and Lester Stephens, during their time in the Classics MA program at Notre Dame, assisted in the preparation of approximately 200 entries each (initial research, collecting notes, writing rough drafts). Their work saved me many hours and helped me begin to gain a sense of what form the final product would take. All errors remain my responsibility.

      My Herodotus class at Notre Dame in Spring 2017 accepted their assignment—with not just good humor, but genuine enthusiasm—to prepare an initial draft of an entry (or entries): Steven Garden, Alyssa Grant, Thomas