Act against such as withdraw themselves. from the publike Worship in their own Congregation.
26. August 1647. Postmeridiem. Sess. 22.
Approbation of the preceedings of the Commission. of the preceeding Assembly.
27. August 1647. Antemeridiem. Sess. 23.
Approbation of the Confession of Faith.
Edinburgh 28. August 1647. Postmeridiem. Sess. 25.
Ult. August 1647. Antemeridiem. Sess. 26.
Act discharging the importing, venting or. spreading of erronious Books or Papers.
Act for debarring of Complyers in the first. Classe from Ecclesiastick office.
Act for pressing and furthering the. plantation of Kirks.
Act for censuring absents from the. Generall Assembly.
Renovation of former Acts of Assembly for. Triall and Admission of Expectants. to the Ministrie.
Eodem die , Sess. 28. Postmeridiem.
Renovation of the Commission for prosecuting. the Treaty for Uniformity in England.
Renovation of the Commission for the publike. affaires of the Kirk.
Desires and Overtures from the Commissioners. of Universities, and the Assemblies. answer thereto.
Edinburgh 1. September 1647. Sess. Ult.
The Assemblies Letter to their Countreymen. in Poleland, Swedland, Denmarke, and Hungarie.
Act concerning the Hundred and eleven Propositions. therein mentioned.
The Generall Assembly, At Edinburgh .
Iuly 12. 1648. Post meridiem, Sess. 1.
The Letter from the Synod of Divines in England to the Generall Assembly.
Iuly 15 Antemeridiem , Sess. 4.
Act concerning Commissions from Burghs.
Iuly 18. 1648. Antemeridiem. Sess 6.
Act concerning the examining of the proceedings. of the Commissioners of Assemblies.
Iuly 18. 1648. Postmeridiem. Sess. 7.
Approbation of the proceedings of the Commission. of the preceeding Assembly,
July 20. 1648. Postmeridiem, Sess. 10.
Approbation of the larger Catechisme.
July 21. 1648. Antemeridiem, Sess. 11.
Act against sudden admitting deposed Ministers. to particular Congregations.
July 25. 1648. Antemeridiem. Sess. 14.
The Assemblies Answer to the Paper sent from. the Committee of Estates of the 24. July.
July 28. 1648. Antemeridiem, Sess. 18.
Eodem die Postmeridiem. Sess. 19.
Approbation of the shorter Catechisme.
Act discharging a little Catechisme printed. at Edinburgh, 1647.