The Acts Of The General Assemblies of the Church of Scotland. Church of Scotland. General Assembly

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Название The Acts Of The General Assemblies of the Church of Scotland
Автор произведения Church of Scotland. General Assembly
Жанр Документальная литература
Издательство Документальная литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 4064066103262

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       Act recommending to Sessions To have the Printed Acts of Assemblie.

       13. Februar. 1645. Postmeridiem. Sess. Ult.

       Act for censuring the Observers of Yule-day, and other superstitious dayes, especially if they be Schollars.

       Act for encouragement of Schollars to Professions in Schooles.

       Act for restraining Abuses at Pennie Brydals.

       Act Discharging deposed Ministers to be reponed to their former Places.

       Renovation of the Commission for the publick Affairs of the Kirk.

       Renovation of the Commission to the Persons appointed to repair to the Kingdom, of England, for prosecuting the Treaty of Uniformitie in Religion.

       The General Assemblies Answer to the Right Reverend the Assembly of Divines in the Kirk of England.

       The humble Remonstrance of the Generall Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland, met at Edinburgh the 13. day of February, 1645.

       The Assemblies Answer to their Commissioners at London.

       The Generall Assembly Met at Edinburgh Junii 3. 1646.

       Edinb. 4. Junii 1646. Sess. 2.

       The Kings Letter to the Assembly, presented by M. Robert Douglas Minister at Edinburgh.

       6. Junii 1646. Antemeridiem. Sess. 4.

       Act concerning the Registers and Acts of Provinciall Assemblies.

       11. Junii 1646. Antemeridiem Sess. 7.

       Act concerning the publike satisfaction of Married persons, for Fornication committed before Marriage.

       13. Junii 1646. Antemeridiem. Sess. 10.

       Ordinance for Excommunication of the Earle of Seafort.

       Enormities and Corruptions observed to be in the Ministery, with the Remedies thereof.

       Commission of the Approbation of the proceedings of the preceding Assembly.

       15. Junii 1646. Postmeridiem. Sess. 11.

       Act for joyning of the Presbyteries in Orkney and Zetland to the Provincial of Cathnes.

       17. Junii 1646. Postmeridiem. Sess. 14.

       Act concerning Expectants Preaching in Publike.

       Act for censuring the Complyers with the publike Enemies of this Kirk and Kingdom.

       Act concerning James Grahams Proclamation.

       18. Junii 1646. Antermeridiem. Sess. Ult.

       Act against loosing of Ships and Barks upon the Lords Day.

       Act anent Children sent without the Kingdom.

       Overtures presented to the Assembly.

       Renovation of the Commission for the publike affairs of the Kirk.

       Renovation of the Commission for prosecuting the Treaty for Uniformity in England.

       The Assemblies Answer To The Kings Maiestie.

       The Assemblies Letter to the Right Honorable the Lords and Commons in the Parliament of England Assembled at Westminster.

       The Assemblies Letter to the Right Honorable the Lord Major Aldermen, and Common-Councel of the City of London.

       The Assemblies Letter to the right Reverend the Assembly of Divines in the Kirk of England assembled at Westminster.

       Recommendation to Presbyteries and Provincial Assemblies.

       Act for a publike Fast before the next Assembly.

       The Generall Assembly, At Edinburgh 4. August. 1647.

       August. 16. 1647 Postmeridiem. Sess. 2.

       Act allowing the half of the Ministers in the Presbyterie of Zetland only, with their Ruling Elders, to keep the Provincial Assembly.

       20. August 1647. Antemeridiem. Sess. 15.

       A Declaration, and Brotherly Exhortation of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, to their Brethren of England.

       24. August 1647. Antemeridiem. Sess. 19.

       Act for observing the Directions of the Generall Assembly for Secret and Private Worship, and mutuall edification, and censuring such as neglect Familie Worship.

       The Directions of the Generall Assembly, for Secret and Private Worship & mutuall edification, for cherishing Piety, for maintaining Unitie, and avoiding Schisme and Division.

       Act against such as withdraw themselves from the publike Worship in their own Congregation.

       26. August 1647. Postmeridiem. Sess. 22.

       Approbation of the preceedings of the Commission of the preceeding Assembly.

       27. August 1647. Antemeridiem. Sess. 23.

       Approbation of the Confession of Faith.

       Edinburgh 28. August 1647. Postmeridiem. Sess. 25.

       Act for revising the Paraphrase of the Psalmes brought from England, with a recommendation for Translating the other Scriptuall Songs in Meeter.

       Act recommending the execution of the Act of Parliament at Perth, for uplifting pecuniall paines to bee imployed upon pious uses, and of all Acts of Parliament made against excommunicate Persons.

       Ult. August 1647. Antemeridiem. Sess. 26.

       Act discharging the importing, venting or spreading of erronious Books or Papers.

       Act for debarring of Complyers in the first Classe from Ecclesiastick office.

       Act for pressing and furthering the plantation of Kirks.

       Act for censuring absents from the Generall Assembly.

       Renovation of former Acts of Assembly for Triall and Admission of Expectants to the Ministrie.

       Eodem die, Sess. 28. Postmeridiem.

       Renovation of the Commission for prosecuting the Treaty for Uniformity in England.

       Renovation of the Commission for the publike affaires of the Kirk.

       Desires and Overtures from the Commissioners of Universities, and the Assemblies answer thereto.

       Edinburgh 1. September 1647. Sess. Ult.

       The Assemblies Letter to their Countreymen in Poleland, Swedland, Denmarke, and Hungarie.

       Act concerning the Hundred and eleven Propositions therein mentioned.

       Desires and Overtures presented from Presbyteries and Synods, with the Assemblies answer thereunto.

       The Generall Assembly, At Edinburgh.

       Iuly 12. 1648. Post meridiem, Sess. 1.

       The Letter from the Synod of Divines in England to the Generall Assembly.

       Iuly 15 Antemeridiem, Sess. 4.

       Act concerning Commissions from Burghs.

       Iuly 18. 1648. Antemeridiem. Sess 6.

       Act concerning the examining of the proceedings of the Commissioners of Assemblies.

       Iuly 18. 1648. Postmeridiem. Sess. 7.

       Approbation of the proceedings of the Commission of the preceeding Assembly,

       July 20. 1648. Postmeridiem, Sess. 10.

       Approbation of the larger Catechisme.

       July 21. 1648.