The American Indian as Participant in the Civil War. Annie Heloise Abel

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Название The American Indian as Participant in the Civil War
Автор произведения Annie Heloise Abel
Жанр Документальная литература
Издательство Документальная литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 4057664630254

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conceived it eminently fitting and practicable that that same Union element should have its loyalty put to good uses and be itself induced to take up arms in behalf of the cause it affected so ardently to endorse. To an ex-teacher among the Seminoles, E.H. Carruth, was entrusted the task of recruiting.

      The situation in Indian Territory was more than

      Footnote 130: (return)

      (cont.) Robinson was opposed to the idea [ibid., November 2, 6, 1861].

      Official Records, vol. iii, 530.

      Martin, First Two Years of Kansas, 24; Biographical Congressional Directory, 1771–1903.

      Daily Conservative, November 1, 1861, gives Robinson the credit of inciting Stanton to contest the seat.

      Daily Conservative, October 30, 1861.


      Secretary Cameron's reply to Secretary Smith's first request was uncompromising in the extreme and prophetic of his persistent refusal to recognize the obligation resting upon the United States to protect its defenceless "wards." This is Cameron's letter of May 10, 1861:

      "In answer to your letter of the 4th instant, I have the honor to state that on the 17th April instructions were issued by this Department to remove the troops stationed at Forts Cobb, Arbuckle, Washita, and Smith, to Fort Leavenworth, leaving it to the discretion of the Commanding Officer to replace them, or not, by Arkansas Volunteers.

      "The exigencies of the service will not admit any change in these orders." [Interior Department Files, Bundle no. 1 (1849–1864) War.]

      Secretary Smith wrote to Cameron again on the thirtieth [Interior Department Letter Press Book, vol. iii, 125], enclosing Dole's letter of the same date [Interior Department, File Box, January 1 to December 1, 1861; Indian Office Report Book, no. 12, 176], but to no purpose.

      Indian Office Report Book, no. 12, 218–219.

      Although his refusal to keep faith with the Indians is not usually cited among the things making for Cameron's unfitness for the office of Secretary of War, it might well and justifiably be. No student of history questions to-day that the appointment of Simon Cameron to the portfolio of war, to which Thaddeus Stevens had aspirations [Woodburn, Life of Thaddeus Stevens, 239], was one of the worst administrative mistakes Lincoln ever made. It was certainly one of the four cabinet appointment errors noted by Weed [Autobiography, 607].


      Boastful words those were and not to be made good until many precious months had elapsed and many sad regrettable scenes enacted. In early November occurred the reorganization of the Department of the West which meant the formation of a Department of Kansas separate and distinct from a Department of Missouri, an arrangement that afforded ample opportunity for a closer attention to local exigencies in both states than had heretofore been possible or than, upon trial, was subsequently to be deemed altogether desirable. It necessarily increased the chances for local patronage and exposed military matters to the grave danger of becoming hopelessly entangled with political.

      Indian Office Report Book no. 12, 225.

      Dole to Hunter, November 16, 1861, ibid., Letter Book, no. 67, pp. 80–82.

      On conditions in Colorado Territory, the following are enlightening: ibid., Consolidated Files, C 195 of 1861; C 1213 of 1861; C 1270 of 1861; C 1369 of 1861; V 43 of 1861; Official Records, vol. iv, 73.


      In addition to what may be obtained on the subject from the first volume of this work, two letters of slightly later date furnish particulars, as do also the records of a council held by Agent Cuther with certain chiefs at Leroy.

      (a). LAWRENCE, KANSAS, Dec. 14th, 1861.

      HON.W.P. DOLE, Commissioner of Ind. Affairs

      Dear Sir, It is with reluctance that I again intrude on your valuable time. But I am induced to do so by the conviction that the subject of our Indian relations is