The Sea Hawk and Captain Blood. Rafael Sabatini

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Название The Sea Hawk and Captain Blood
Автор произведения Rafael Sabatini
Жанр Книги для детей: прочее
Издательство Книги для детей: прочее
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9788027219025

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       Rafael Sabatini

      The Sea Hawk and Captain Blood

      Two Daring Pirate Captains and their Most Remarkable Sea Adventures

      Published by


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      2017 OK Publishing

      ISBN 978-80-272-1902-5

       The Sea Hawk

       Captain Blood

      The Sea Hawk

       Table of Contents

       Author’s Note

       Part I: Sir Oliver Tressilian

       Chapter I: The Huckster

       Chapter II: Rosamund

       Chapter III: The Forge

       Chapter IV: The Intervener

       Chapter V: The Buckler

       Chapter VI: Jasper Leigh

       Chapter VII: Trepanned

       Chapter VIII: The Spaniard

       Part II: Sakr-El-Bahr

       Chapter I: The Captive

       Chapter II: The Renegade

       Chapter III: Homeward Bound

       Chapter IV: The Raid

       Chapter V: The Lion of the Faith

       Chapter VI: The Convert

       Chapter VII: Marzak-Ben-Asad

       Chapter VIII: Mother and Son

       Chapter IX: Competitors

       Chapter X: The Slave-Market

       Chapter XI: The Truth

       Chapter XII: The Subtlety of Fenzileh

       Chapter XIII: In the Sight of Allah

       Chapter XIV: The Sign

       Chapter XV: The Voyage

       Chapter XVI: The Pannier

       Chapter XVII: The Dupe

       Chapter XVIII: Sheik Mat

       Chapter XIX: The Mutineers

       Chapter XX: The Messenger

       Chapter XXI: Moriturus

       Chapter XXII: The Surrender

       Chapter XXIII: The Heathen Creed

       Chapter XXIV: The Judges

       Chapter XXV: The Advocate

       Chapter XXVI: The Judgment

      Author’s Note

       Table of Contents

      Lord Henry Goade, who had, as we shall see, some personal acquaintance with Sir Oliver Tressilian, tells us quite bluntly that he was ill-favoured. But then his lordship is addicted to harsh judgments and his perceptions are not always normal. He says, for instance, of Anne of Cleves, that she was the “ugliest woman that ever I saw.” As far as we can glean from his own voluminous writings it would seem to be extremely doubtful whether he ever saw Anne of Cleves at all, and we suspect him here of being no more than a slavish echo of the common voice, which attributed Cromwell’s downfall to the ugliness of this bride he procured for his Bluebeard master. To the common voice from the brush of Holbein, which permits us to form our own opinions and shows us a lady who is certainly very far from deserving his lordship’s harsh stricture. Similarly, I like to believe that Lord Henry was wrong in his pronouncement upon Sir Oliver, and I am encouraged in this belief by the pen-portrait which he himself appends to it. “He was,” he says, “a tall, powerful fellow of a good shape, if we except that his arms were too long and that his feet and hands were of an uncomely bigness. In face he was swarthy, with black hair and a black forked beard; his nose was big and very high in the bridge, and his eyes sunk deep under beetling eyebrows were very pale-coloured and very cruel and sinister. He had—and this I have ever remarked to be the sign of great virility in a man—a big, deep, rough voice, better suited to, and no doubt oftener employed in, quarter-deck oaths and foulnesses than the worship