Ontario Teachers' Manuals: Nature Study. Ontario. Department of Education

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Название Ontario Teachers' Manuals: Nature Study
Автор произведения Ontario. Department of Education
Жанр Математика
Издательство Математика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 4064066146481

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and study of a few spring flowers, as trillium, bloodroot, hepatica, spring-beauty. (See pp. 90–2.)

      Birds and Insects:

      Identification and study of the habits of a few common birds, as song-sparrow, blue-bird, wren; observations of the form and habits of a few common insects, as house-fly, dragon-fly. (See pp. 30–3 and 93–9.)

      Common Trees:

      Observations on the opening buds of the trees which were studied in the Autumn. (See p. 65.)

       Table of Contents


      Birds and Insects:

      Autumn migration of birds; identification and observations on the habits and movements of a few common insects, including their larval forms, as grasshopper, eastern swallow-tail butterfly. (See pp. 113–4 and 118–9.)

      Animals of the Farm, Field, and Wood:

      Observations on the homes and habits of wild animals, as frog, toad, squirrel, ground-hog; habits and structures, including adaptive features, of domestic animals, as dog, cat, horse, cow. (See pp. 83 and 123–30.)

      Trees of the Farm, Roadside, Wood, and Orchard:

      Observations on the shapes, sizes, rate of growth, and usefulness of common orchard, shade, and forest trees, as apple, elm, horse-chestnut. (See pp. 109–10.)

      Wild Flowers and Weeds:

      Identification and study of a few common weeds, noting their means of persistence and dispersal. (See pp. 139–40.)

      Care of Potted and Garden Plants:

      Preparation of pots and garden beds for bulbs; selecting and storing garden seeds; observations on the habits of climbing plants, and application of the knowledge gained to the care required for these plants. (See pp. 101–9 and 120.)



      Identification of winter birds and study of their means of protection and of obtaining food. (See pp. 130–2.)

      Animals of the Farm:

      Comparative study of the horse and cow, of the dog and cat, and of the duck and hen. (See pp. 123–8.)

      Animals of the Park and Zoological Garden:

      Observations on the general structural features, noting the natural adaptations of such animals as bear, lion, deer, tiger, etc. (See p. 132.)


      Winter study of trees, noting buds, branches, and foliage of spruce, cedar, horse-chestnut, etc. (See pp. 121–3.)


      Birds and Insects:

      Observations on the structure, adaptations and development of insect larvæ kept in an aquarium, as larva of mosquito, dragon-fly, caddice-fly; spring migration of birds. (See pp. 149–153.)

      Animals of the Field and Woods:

      Observations on the forms, homes, habits, and foods of wild animals, continued. (See pp. 114–8, 143–9.)

      Orchard Trees:

      The buds and blossoms of apple, and cherry or plum, observed through the stages up to fruit formation. (See pp. 141–3.)

      Experiments in the Germination of Seeds:

      Germination of seeds and general observations on the stages of development; testing the conditions required for seed germination; introductory exercises in soil study as a preparation for seed planting. (See pp. 133–8 and 112–3.)

      Wild Flowers and Weeds:

      Field and class-room study of marsh marigold, Jack-in-the-pulpit, violet, etc. (See pp. 139–40.)

       Table of Contents


      Birds and Insects:

      Observations on the habits and the ravages of common noxious insects, as cabbage-worm, grasshopper, tussock-moth, etc.; discussion of means of checking these insects. (See pp. 156–7 and 172–7.)

      Farm and wild Animals of the Locality:

      Field study and class-room lessons on the habits and structure, including adaptive features, of common animals, as musk-rat, fox, fish, sheep. (See pp. 99 and 183–5.)

      Garden and experimental Plots:

      Harvesting of garden and field crops; preparation of cuttings from geraniums, begonia, currant, etc.; identification of garden plants; seed dispersal. (See pp. 154, 179–80, and 164–8.)

      Study of common Flowers, Trees, and Fruits:

      Characteristics of annuals, biennials, and perennials; life histories of common plants, as sweet-pea, Indian corn, etc. (See pp. 158–64 and 168–70.)

      Study of Weeds and their Eradication:

      Identification of the common noxious weeds of the locality; collection, description, and identification of weed seeds; cause of the prevalence of the weeds studied, and means of checking them. (See pp. 164–8 and 170–2.)


      Farm and wild Animals of the Locality:

      Habits and instincts of common domestic animals, as fowls, sheep, and hogs; the economic values of these animals. (See pp. 185–8.)

      Garden Work and experimental Plots:

      The characteristics of common house plants, and care of these plants. (See pp. 178–9.)

      Study of common Flowers, Trees, and Fruits:

      Comparative study of common evergreens, as balsam, spruce, hemlock, etc.; collection of wood specimens. (See pp. 181–3.)

      Observations of natural Phenomena:

      Simple experiments to show the nature of solids, liquids, and gases. (See pp. 188–9.)

      Heat Phenomena:

      Source of heat, changes of volume in solids, liquids, and gases, accompanying changes in temperature; heat transmission; the thermometer and its uses. (See pp. 189–200.)


      Birds and Insects:

      Field and class lessons on the habits, movements, and foods of common birds, as crow, woodpecker, king-bird, phoebe, blackbird, etc. (See pp. 217–22.)

      Garden Work and experimental Plots:

      Care of garden plots; transplanting; testing best varieties; making of, and caring for, window boxes; propagation of plants by budding, cuttings, and layering. (See pp. 201–3 and 208–13.)

      Common wild Flowers:

      Field lessons on the habitat of common wild flowers; class-room study of the plant organs including floral organs; study of weeds and weed seeds continued, also the study of garden and field annuals, biennials, and perennials. (See Autumn.) (See pp. 170–2 and 212–5.)

      Soil Studies and Experiments:

      The components of soils, their origin, properties, and especially their water absorbing and retaining properties; the relation