Essays. George Orwell

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Название Essays
Автор произведения George Orwell
Жанр Языкознание
Издательство Языкознание
Год выпуска 0
isbn 4057664559661

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       George Orwell


      69 Essays: Books vs. Cigarettes; The Lion and the Unicorn, Antisemitism in Britain, Reflections on Gandhi, Not Counting Niggers, Prophecies of Fascism…

      Published by


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      2019 OK Publishing

      EAN 4057664559661

      Table of Contents

       Thoughts on England

       Down the Mine

       North and South

       Democracy in the British Army

       The Lion and the Unicorn: Socialism and the English Genius

       Antisemitism in Britain

       In Defence of English Cooking

       Decline of the English Murder

       Politics and the English Language

       Reflections on War and Society

       Spilling the Spanish Beans

       Not Counting Niggers

       Prophecies of Fascism

       Wells, Hitler and the World State

       Looking Back on the Spanish War

       Who Are the War Criminals?

       Future of a Ruined Germany

       Revenge is Sour

       You and the Atomic Bomb

       Notes on Nationalism

       Catastrophic Gradualism

       Freedom of the Park

       How the Poor Die

       In Front of Your Nose

       Views on Literature, Art & Influential Famous People

       In Defence of the Novel

       Notes on the Way

       Charles Dickens

       Charles Reade

       Inside the Whale

       Literature and Totalitarianism

       The Art of Donald McGill

       Rudyard Kipling

       W. B. Yeats

       Mark Twain—the Licensed Jester

       Raffles and Miss Blandish

       Arthur Koestler

       Benefit of Clergy: Some Notes on Salvador Dali

       Good Bad Books

       Nonsense Poetry

       In Defence of P. G. Wodehouse

       Politics vs. Literature: An Examination of Gulliver’s Travels

       Confessions of a Book Reviewer

       The Prevention of Literature

       Lear, Tolstoy and the Fool

       Writers and Leviathan

       Reflections on Gandhi

       Book Reviews

       Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler

       Personal Record by Julien Green

       The Totalitarian Enemy by Franz Borkenau