Life and Adventures of Santa Claus & Other Christmas Novels. Люси Мод Монтгомери

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Название Life and Adventures of Santa Claus & Other Christmas Novels
Автор произведения Люси Мод Монтгомери
Жанр Книги для детей: прочее
Издательство Книги для детей: прочее
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9788027200511

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I could hardly sleep because I kept sliding down from them all the time. Could you sleep with them, grandmother?"

      "Of course, because that would keep me warm. I could breathe so much easier, too," said the grandmother, trying to find a higher place to lie on. "But I must not talk about it any more, for I have to be thankful for many things. I get the lovely roll every day and have this beautiful warm shawl. I also have you, my child! Heidi, wouldn't you like to read me something to-day?"

      Heidi immediately fetched the book and read one song after another. The grandmother in the meantime was lying with folded hands; her face, which had been so sad a short time ago, was lit up with a happy smile.

      Suddenly Heidi stopped.

      "Are you well again, grandmother?" she asked.

      "I feel very much better, Heidi. Please finish the song, will you?"

      The child obeyed, and when she came to the last words,

      When mine eyes grow dim and sad,

       Let Thy love more brightly burn,

       That my soul, a wanderer glad,

       Safely homeward may return.

      "Safely homeward may return!" she exclaimed: "Oh, grandmother, I know what it is like to come home." After a while she said: "It is getting dark, grandmother, I must go home now. I am glad that you feel better again."


      The grandmother, holding the child's hand in hers, said: "Yes, I am happy again, though I have to stay in bed. Nobody knows how hard it is to lie here alone, day after day. I do not hear a word from anybody and cannot see a ray of sunlight. I have very sad thoughts sometimes, and often I feel as if I could not bear it any longer. But when I can hear those blessed songs that you have read to me, it makes me feel as if a light was shining into my heart, giving me the purest joy."

      Shaking hands, the child now said good-night, and pulling Peter with her, ran outside. The brilliant moon was shining down on the white snow, light as day. The two children were already flying down the Alp, like birds soaring through the air.

      After Heidi had gone to bed that night, she lay awake a little while, thinking over everything the grandmother had said, especially about the joy the songs had given her. If only poor grandmother could hear those comforting words every day! Heidi knew that it might be a week or two again before she could repeat her visit. The child became very sad when she thought how uncomfortable and lonely the old woman would be. Was there no way for help? Suddenly Heidi had an idea, and it thrilled her so that she felt as if she could not wait till morning came to put her plan in execution. But in her excitement she had forgotten her evening prayer, so sitting up in bed, she prayed fervently to God. Then, falling back into the fragrant hay, she soon slept peacefully and soundly still the bright morning came.



       Table of Contents

      Peter arrived punctually at school next day. He had brought his lunch with him in a bag, for all the children that came from far away ate in school, while the others went home. In the evening Peter as usual paid his visit to Heidi.

      The minute he opened the door she ran up to him, saying: "Peter, I have to tell you something."

      "Say it," he replied.

      "You must learn to read now," said the child.

      "I have done it already."

      "Yes, yes, Peter, but I don't mean it that way," Heidi eagerly proceeded; "you must learn so that you really know how afterwards."

      "I can't," Peter remarked.

      "Nobody believes you about that any more, and I won't either," Heidi said resolutely. "When I was in Frankfurt, grandmama told me that it wasn't true and that I shouldn't believe you."

      Peter's astonishment was great.

      "I'll teach you, for I know how; when you have learnt it, you must read one or two songs to grandmother every day."

      "I shan't!" grumbled the boy.

      This obstinate refusal made Heidi very angry. With flaming eyes she planted herself before the boy and said: "I'll tell you what will happen, if you don't want to learn. Your mother has often said that she'll send you to Frankfurt. Clara showed me the terrible, large boys' school there, where you'll have to go. You must stay there till you are a man, Peter! You mustn't think that there is only one teacher there, and such a kind one as we have here. No, indeed! There are whole rows of them, and when they are out walking they have high black hats on their heads. I saw them myself, when I was out driving!"

      Cold shivers ran down Peter's back.

      "Yes, you'll have to go there, and when they find out that you can't read or even spell, they'll laugh at you!"

      "I'll do it," said Peter, half angry and half frightened.

      "Oh, I am glad. Let us start right away!" said Heidi joyfully, pulling Peter over to the table. Among the things that Clara had sent, Heidi had found a little book with the A,B,C and some rhymes. She had chosen this for the lessons. Peter, having to spell the first rhyme, found great difficulty, so Heidi said, "I'll read it to you, and then you'll be able to do it better. Listen:

      "If A, B, C you do not know,

       Before the school board you must go."

      "I won't go," said Peter stubbornly.


      "Before the court."

      "Hurry up and learn the three letters, then you won't have to!"

      Peter, beginning again, repeated the three letters till Heidi said:

      "Now you know them."

      Having observed the good result of the first rhyme, she began to read again:

      D, E, F you then must read,

       Or of misfortune take good heed!

      Who over L and M doth stumble,

       Must pay a penance and feel humble.

      There's trouble coming; if you knew,

       You'd quickly learn N, O, P, Q.

      If still you halt on R, S, T,

       You'll suffer for it speedily.

      Heidi, stopping, looked at Peter, who was so frightened by all these threats and mysterious horrors that he sat as still as a mouse. Heidi's tender heart was touched, and she said comfortingly: "Don't be afraid, Peter; if you come to me every day, you'll soon learn all the letters and then those things won't happen. But come every day, even when it snows. Promise!"

      Peter did so, and departed. Obeying Heidi's instructions, he came daily to her for his lesson.

      Sometimes the grandfather would sit in the room, smoking his pipe; often the corners of his mouth would twitch as if he could hardly keep from laughing.

      He generally invited Peter to stay to supper afterwards, which liberally rewarded the boy for all his great exertions.

      Thus the days passed by. In all this time Peter had really made some progress, though the rhymes still gave him difficulty.

      When they had come to U, Heidi read:

      Whoever mixes U and V,

       Will go where he won't want to be!

      and further,

      If W you still ignore,

       Look at the rod beside the door.