Life and Adventures of Santa Claus & Other Christmas Novels. Люси Мод Монтгомери

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Название Life and Adventures of Santa Claus & Other Christmas Novels
Автор произведения Люси Мод Монтгомери
Жанр Книги для детей: прочее
Издательство Книги для детей: прочее
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9788027200511

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the matter?" asked Flossie.

      "The doors are locked," answered Claus, "and I can not get in."

      Glossie looked around at the houses. The snow was quite deep in that village, and just before them was a roof only a few feet above the sledge. A broad chimney, which seemed to Glossie big enough to admit Claus, was at the peak of the roof.

      "Why don't you climb down that chimney?" asked Glossie.

      Claus looked at it.

      "That would be easy enough if I were on top of the roof," he answered.

      "Then hold fast and we will take you there," said the deer, and they gave one bound to the roof and landed beside the big chimney.

      "Good!" cried Claus, well pleased, and he slung the pack of toys over his shoulder and got into the chimney.

      There was plenty of soot on the bricks, but he did not mind that, and by placing his hands and knees against the sides he crept downward until he had reached the fireplace. Leaping lightly over the smoldering coals he found himself in a large sitting-room, where a dim light was burning.

      From this room two doorways led into smaller chambers. In one a woman lay asleep, with a baby beside her in a crib.

      Claus laughed, but he did not laugh aloud for fear of waking the baby. Then he slipped a big doll from his pack and laid it in the crib. The little one smiled, as if it dreamed of the pretty plaything it was to find on the morrow, and Claus crept softly from the room and entered at the other doorway.

      Here were two boys, fast asleep with their arms around each other's neck. Claus gazed at them lovingly a moment and then placed upon the bed a drum, two horns and a wooden elephant.

      He did not linger, now that his work in this house was done, but climbed the chimney again and seated himself on his sledge.

      "Can you find another chimney?" he asked the reindeer.

      "Easily enough," replied Glossie and Flossie.

      Down to the edge of the roof they raced, and then, without pausing, leaped through the air to the top of the next building, where a huge, old-fashioned chimney stood.

      "Don't be so long, this time," called Flossie, "or we shall never get back to the Forest by daybreak."

      Claus made a trip down this chimney also and found five children sleeping in the house, all of whom were quickly supplied with toys.

      When he returned the deer sprang to the next roof, but on descending the chimney Claus found no children there at all. That was not often the case in this village, however, so he lost less time than you might suppose in visiting the dreary homes where there were no little ones.

      When he had climbed down the chimneys of all the houses in that village, and had left a toy for every sleeping child, Claus found that his great sack was not yet half emptied.

      "Onward, friends!" he called to the deer; "we must seek another village."

      So away they dashed, although it was long past midnight, and in a surprisingly short time they came to a large city, the largest Claus had ever visited since he began to make toys. But, nothing daunted by the throng of houses, he set to work at once and his beautiful steeds carried him rapidly from one roof to another, only the highest being beyond the leaps of the agile deer.

      At last the supply of toys was exhausted and Claus seated himself in the sledge, with the empty sack at his feet, and turned the heads of Glossie and Flossie toward home.

      Presently Flossie asked:

      "What is that gray streak in the sky?"

      "It is the coming dawn of day," answered Claus, surprised to find that it was so late.

      "Good gracious!" exclaimed Glossie; "then we shall not be home by daybreak, and the Knooks will punish us and never let us come again."

      "We must race for the Laughing Valley and make our best speed," returned Flossie; "so hold fast, friend Claus!"

      Claus held fast and the next moment was flying so swiftly over the snow that he could not see the trees as they whirled past. Up hill and down dale, swift as an arrow shot from a bow they dashed, and Claus shut his eyes to keep the wind out of them and left the deer to find their own way.

      It seemed to him they were plunging through space, but he was not at all afraid. The Knooks were severe masters, and must be obeyed at all hazards, and the gray streak in the sky was growing brighter every moment.

      Finally the sledge came to a sudden stop and Claus, who was taken unawares, tumbled from his seat into a snowdrift. As he picked himself up he heard the deer crying:

      "Quick, friend, quick! Cut away our harness!"

      He drew his knife and rapidly severed the cords, and then he wiped the moisture from his eyes and looked around him.

      The sledge had come to a stop in the Laughing Valley, only a few feet, he found, from his own door. In the East the day was breaking, and turning to the edge of Burzee he saw Glossie and Flossie just disappearing in the Forest.

      9. "Santa Claus!"

       Table of Contents

      Claus thought that none of the children would ever know where the toys came from which they found by their bedsides when they wakened the following morning. But kindly deeds are sure to bring fame, and fame has many wings to carry its tidings into far lands; so for miles and miles in every direction people were talking of Claus and his wonderful gifts to children. The sweet generousness of his work caused a few selfish folk to sneer, but even these were forced to admit their respect for a man so gentle-natured that he loved to devote his life to pleasing the helpless little ones of his race.

      Therefore the inhabitants of every city and village had been eagerly watching the coming of Claus, and remarkable stories of his beautiful playthings were told the children to keep them patient and contented.

      When, on the morning following the first trip of Claus with his deer, the little ones came running to their parents with the pretty toys they had found, and asked from whence they came, they was but one reply to the question.

      "The good Claus must have been here, my darlings; for his are the only toys in all the world!"

      "But how did he get in?" asked the children.

      At this the fathers shook their heads, being themselves unable to understand how Claus had gained admittance to their homes; but the mothers, watching the glad faces of their dear ones, whispered that the good Claus was no mortal man but assuredly a Saint, and they piously blessed his name for the happiness he had bestowed upon their children.

      "A Saint," said one, with bowed head, "has no need to unlock doors if it pleases him to enter our homes."

      And, afterward, when a child was naughty or disobedient, its mother would say:

      "You must pray to the good Santa Claus for forgiveness. He does not like naughty children, and, unless you repent, he will bring you no more pretty toys."

      But Santa Claus himself would not have approved this speech. He brought toys to the children because they were little and helpless, and because he loved them. He knew that the best of children were sometimes naughty, and that the naughty ones were often good. It is the way with children, the world over, and he would not have changed their natures had he possessed the power to do so.

      And that is how our Claus became Santa Claus. It is possible for any man, by good deeds, to enshrine himself as a Saint in the hearts of the people.

      10. Christmas Eve

       Table of Contents

      The day