Название | The Complete Works of Yogy Ramacharaka |
Автор произведения | William Walker Atkinson |
Жанр | Сделай Сам |
Серия | |
Издательство | Сделай Сам |
Год выпуска | 0 |
isbn | 9788075836458 |
Although many Western writers deny it, all true occultists know that all forms of Psychic Influence, including what is called "Personal Magnetism," "Mesmerism," "Hypnotism," "Suggestion," etc., are but different manifestations of the same thing. What this "thing" is may be readily imagined by those who have followed us in our preceding lessons. It is the power of the Mind of the individual, operated along the lines mentioned in our preceding lessons.
We trust that the student has acquainted himself with what we have said regarding "The Instinctive Mind," "Thought Dynamics," "Telepathy," "Thought Forms," etc., as well as the potency of Prana, that he may understand this lesson without too much repetition.
Psychic Influence - and by this we mean all forms of it - what does it mean? Of what does it consist? How is it called into operation? What is its effect? Let us try to answer these questions.
We must begin with the Instinctive Mind - one of the Seven Principles of Man. We told you (in Lesson II) that this is a plane of mentation shared in common with us by the lower animals, at least in its lowest forms. It is the first form of mentation reached in the scale of evolution, and, in its lowest stages manifests entirely along sub-conscious lines. Its beginnings are seen as far back as the mineral life, manifesting here in the formation of crystals, etc. In the lower forms of plant life it shows but feebly, and is scarcely a degree above that manifested by the mineral. Then, by easy and progressive stages it grows more distinct and higher in the scale, in plant life, until in some of the higher forms of plants it even manifests a rudimentary form of consciousness. In the kingdom of the lower animals, the Instinctive Mind is seen in varying stages, from the almost plant-like intelligence of the lowest forms of animal life to the almost human intelligence of some of the higher animals. Then in the lower forms of human life we find it scarcely removed from the highest form shown in the lower animals, and as we ascend in the scale we find it becoming shaded, colored, and influenced by the fifth principle, the Intellect, until we reach the highest form of man known to us at this time where we see the Intellect in control, asserting its proper position, and influencing the lower principle only for good, and avoiding the mistakes of the less developed man who pours harmful auto-suggestions into the Instinctive Mind, and works actual harm to himself.
In this consideration of the Instinctive Mind, we must pass over its wonderful work in superintending the work of the physical body, and also some of its other manifestations, and must confine ourselves to the subject of the part the Instinctive Mind plays in the matter of Psychic Influence - a most important part, by the way, as, without the Instinctive Mind there could be no operation of Psychic Influence, as there would be nothing to be acted upon. The Instinctive Mind is the instrument played upon by Psychic Influence. We speak, often, as if one's Intellect were influenced in this way, but this is incorrect, for the person is influenced in spite of his Intellect, not by means of it - the influence is so strongly impressed upon the Instinctive Mind that it runs away heedless of the protests of the Intellect, as many persons afterwards recollect to their sorrow.
Many are the persons who, in their own words, "knew better all the time, but did it just the same." We will start with what is known as "Suggestion," and which really lies at the bottom of all forms of Psychic Influence, personal or "absent." By Suggestion we mean the influencing or control of the thoughts and actions of another by means of a positive command, or a subtle insinuation of the desired thought, or any combination of the two, or anything that may come between these two extremes. Personal Suggestion is quite common in everyday life, in fact, we are constantly giving and taking suggestions, consciously and unconsciously, and one can scarcely get away from the giving and taking, so long as he associates with other persons hears their voices or reads what others have written or printed. But these everyday suggestions are relatively unimportant, and lack the force of a conscious and deliberate suggestion by one who understands the "Art of Suggesting." Let us first see how and why the suggestions are received and acted upon.
As we have said, in the early forms of life the Instinctive Mind worked on alone, uninfluenced by Intellect (for Intellect had not yet unfolded or developed) totally unconscious, as in plant life. As the scale of evolution was mounted, the animal began to become dimly conscious, and commenced to be "aware" of things, and to perform a something like primitive reasoning about them. In order to protect itself from its enemies, the animal had to be guided by the rudimentary consciousness which was beginning to unfold, and which manifested in and through the Instinctive Mind. Some animals progressed more rapidly than others of their kind, and naturally began to assert themselves and their peculiar power -they found themselves doing the thinking for their fellows. They came to be recognized as being the ones to look to in cases of danger, or when food became scarce, and their leading was generally recognized and followed. Leaders sprang up in flocks and herds, and not alone (as has been commonly taught in the text-books) because of their brute strength, but also because of their superior brain-power, which may be described as "cunning." The "cunning" animal was quick to recognize danger, and to take means to avoid it - quick to discover new ways to gain food, and overcome the common enemy, or the prey. Anyone who has been much around domestic animals - or who has studied the ways of the wild animals who flock together - will realize exactly what we mean. The few led and directed, and the many blindly followed and were led.
And, as the development went on, and Man was evolved, the same thing manifested itself - leaders sprang into prominence and were obeyed. And all along the history of the race up until the present time, this same state of affairs exists. A few lead and the many follow. Man is an obedient and imitative animal. The great majority of people are like sheep - give them a "bell-wether" and they will gladly follow the tinkle of the bell.
But mark this fact - it is a most important one - it is not always the man or woman of the greatest amount of what we call "intellectual. attainment," education or "book-learning" who is the leader of men - on the contrary, many of such people are often the most confirmed followers of leaders. The man or woman who leads is the one who feels within himself, or herself, that something which may be called a consciousness of power - an awareness of the real source of strength and power behind them and in them. This "awareness" may not be recognized by the Intellect, it may not be understood, but the individual feels somehow that he is possessed of power and force, or is in contact with power and force which he may use. And (speaking of the ordinary man) he consequently gives himself a personal credit for it, and begins to use his power. He feels the reality of the word "I" He feels himself as an individual - a real thing - an entity - and he, instinctively, proceeds to assert himself. These people, as a rule, do not understand the source of their power, but it is a matter of "feeling" with them, and they naturally make use of the power. They influence others, without understanding just "how," and often wonder how it all comes about. And how does it come about? Let us see.
Let us look to the persons who are influenced. What part of their mental mechanism or armament is affected? The Instinctive Mind, of course. And why are their Instinctive Minds affected so easily, while others are so much less so? That's just the point; let us look into the matter.
In the original state, and during the process of evolution, the Instinctive Mind was not influenced thusly, because there was nothing to influence it. But as Man developed, the individuals who became aware of the dawning sense of their "individuality" and real power, began to assert themselves, and their own Instinctive Minds and the Instinctive Minds of others began to be influenced. The man whose consciousness of individuality - whose awareness of the "I" is largely developed, invariably influences the Instinctive Mind of the one in whom the consciousness is not so fully developed. The Instinctive Mind of the less conscious man takes up and acts upon the suggestions of the stronger "I," and also allows the latter's thought-waves to beat upon it and to be absorbed.