The Greatest Adventures Boxed Set: Jack London Edition. Jack London

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Название The Greatest Adventures Boxed Set: Jack London Edition
Автор произведения Jack London
Жанр Книги для детей: прочее
Издательство Книги для детей: прочее
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9788027221165

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his long black hair flying like a blot of night, he leaped frantically about the circle. A certain rude rhythm characterized his frenzy, and when all were under its sway, swinging their bodies in accord with his and venting their cries in unison, he sat bolt upright, with arm outstretched and long, talon-like finger extended. A low moaning, as of the dead, greeted this, and the people cowered with shaking knees as the dread finger passed them slowly by. For death went with it, and life remained with those who watched it go; and being rejected, they watched with eager intentness.

      Finally, with a tremendous cry, the fateful finger rested upon La-lah. He shook like an aspen, seeing himself already dead, his household goods divided, and his widow married to his brother. He strove to speak, to deny, but his tongue clove to his mouth and his throat was sanded with an intolerable thirst. Klok-No-Ton seemed to half swoon away, now that his work was done; but he waited, with closed eyes, listening for the great blood-cry to go up—the great blood-cry, familiar to his ear from a thousand conjurations, when the tribespeople flung themselves like wolves upon the trembling victim. But only was there silence, then a low tittering, from nowhere in particular, which spread and spread until a vast laughter welled up to the sky.

      “Wherefore?” he cried.

      “Na! Na!” the people laughed. “Thy medicine be ill, O Klok-No-Ton!”

      “It be known to all,” La-lah stuttered. “For eight weary months have I been gone afar with the Siwash sealers, and but this day am I come back to find the blankets of Hooniah gone ere I came!”

      “It be true!” they cried with one accord. “The blankets of Hooniah were gone ere he came!”

      “And thou shalt be paid nothing for thy medicine which is of no avail,” announced Hooniah, on her feet once more and smarting from a sense of ridiculousness.

      But Klok-No-Ton saw only the face of Scundoo and its wan, gray smile, heard only the faint far cricket’s rasping. “I got it from the man La-lah, and often have I thought,” and, “It is a fair day and thy medicine be strong.”

      He brushed by Hooniah, and the circle instinctively gave way for him to pass. Sime flung a jeer from the top of the canoe, the women snickered in his face, cries of derision rose in his wake, but he took no notice, pressing onward to the house of Scundoo. He hammered on the door, beat it with his fists, and howled vile imprecations. Yet there was no response, save that in the lulls Scundoo’s voice rose eerily in incantation. Klok-No-Ton raged about like a madman, but when he attempted to break in the door with a huge stone, murmurs arose from the men and women. And he, Klok-No-Ton, knew that he stood shorn of his strength and authority before an alien people. He saw a man stoop for a stone, and a second, and a bodily fear ran through him.

      “Harm not Scundoo, who is a master!” a woman cried out.

      “Better you return to your own village,” a man advised menacingly.

      Klok-No-Ton turned on his heel and went down among them to the beach, a bitter rage at his heart, and in his head a just apprehension for his defenceless back. But no stones were cast. The children swarmed mockingly about his feet, and the air was wild with laughter and derision, but that was all. Yet he did not breathe freely until the canoe was well out upon the water, when he rose up and laid a futile curse upon the village and its people, not forgetting to particularly specify Scundoo who had made a mock of him.

      Ashore there was a clamor for Scundoo, and the whole population crowded his door, entreating and imploring in confused babel till he came forth and raised his hand.

      “In that ye are my children I pardon freely,” he said. “But never again. For the last time thy foolishness goes unpunished. That which ye wish shall be granted, and it be already known to me. This night, when the moon has gone behind the world to look upon the mighty dead, let all the people gather in the blackness before the house of Hooniah. Then shall the evil-doer stand forth and take his merited reward. I have spoken.”

      “It shall be death!” Bawn vociferated, “for that it hath brought worry upon us, and shame.”

      “So be it,” Scundoo replied, and shut his door.

      “Now shall all be made clear and plain, and content rest upon us once again,” La-lah declaimed oracularly.

      “Because of Scundoo, the little man,” Sime sneered.

      “Because of the medicine of Scundoo, the little man,” La-lah corrected.

      “Children of foolishness, these Thlinket people!” Sime smote his thigh a resounding blow. “It passeth understanding that grown women and strong men should get down in the dirt to dream-things and wonder tales.”

      “I am a travelled man,” La-lah answered. “I have journeyed on the deep seas and seen signs and wonders, and I know that these things be so. I am La-lah—”

      “The Cheater—”

      “So called, but the Far-Journeyer right-named.”

      “I am not so great a traveller—” Sime began.

      “Then hold thy tongue,” Bawn cut in, and they separated in anger.

      When the last silver moonlight had vanished beyond the world, Scundoo came among the people huddled about the house of Hooniah. He walked with a quick, alert step, and those who saw him in the light of Hooniah’s slush-lamp noticed that he came empty-handed, without rattles, masks, or shaman’s paraphernalia, save for a great sleepy raven carried under one arm.

      “Is there wood gathered for a fire, so that all may see when the work be done?” he demanded.

      “Yea,” Bawn answered. “There be wood in plenty.”

      “Then let all listen, for my words be few. With me have I brought Jelchs, the Raven, diviner of mystery and seer of things. Him, in his blackness, shall I place under the big black pot of Hooniah, in the blackest corner of her house. The slush-lamp shall cease to burn, and all remain in outer darkness. It is very simple. One by one shall ye go into the house, lay hand upon the pot for the space of one long intake of the breath, and withdraw again. Doubtless Jelchs will make outcry when the hand of the evil-doer is nigh him. Or who knows but otherwise he may manifest his wisdom. Are ye ready?”

      “We be ready,” came the multi-voiced response.

      “Then will I call the name aloud, each in his turn and hers, till all are called.”

      Thereat La-lah was first chosen, and he passed in at once. Every ear strained, and through the silence they could hear his footsteps creaking across the rickety floor. But that was all. Jelchs made no outcry, gave no sign. Bawn was next chosen, for it well might be that a man should steal his own blankets with intent to cast shame upon his neighbors. Hooniah followed, and other women and children, but without result.

      “Sime!” Scundoo called out.

      “Sime!” he repeated.

      But Sime did not stir.

      “Art thou afraid of the dark?” La-lah, his own integrity being proved, demanded fiercely.

      Sime chuckled. “I laugh at it all, for it is a great foolishness. Yet will I go in, not in belief in wonders, but in token that I am unafraid.”

      And he passed in boldly, and came out still mocking.

      “Some day shalt thou die with great suddenness,” La-lah whispered, righteously indignant.

      “I doubt not,” the scoffer answered airily. “Few men of us die in our beds, what of the shamans and the deep sea.”

      When half the villagers had safely undergone the ordeal, the excitement, because of its repression, was painfully intense. When two-thirds had gone through, a young woman, close on her first childbed, broke down and in nervous shrieks and laughter gave form to her terror.

      Finally the turn came for the last of all to go in, and nothing had happened. And Di Ya was the last of all. It must surely be he. Hooniah let out a lament to the stars, while the rest drew back from the luckless lad. He was half-dead