A History of China. Morris Rossabi

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Название A History of China
Автор произведения Morris Rossabi
Жанр Историческая литература
Издательство Историческая литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781119604228

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      My own family has been extremely supportive over the years. My older brother Mayer, whose life was cut short by a virulent form of brain cancer in 1998, taught me so much – from a concern for social justice to skills such as swimming – that it is difficult to imagine what I would have become without his influence. I think of him daily and hope he realized how important he was in my life and career. Like their father Mayer, Joseph and Amiel Rossabi are decent and honorable, and they have been helpful to me and my immediate family over the years. My daughter Amy and my son Tony and their respective families – Howard, Sarah, and Nathan Sterinbach and Anna and Julia Rossabi – have been a source of joy, stimulation, and assistance throughout the writing of this book, although Julia, then two years old, is probably not aware of her contribution.

      My wife Mary is always mentioned last but should be first, and I don’t say so merely because she will be the first person to read these acknowledgments. Indeed, she has read every book and article (even my doctoral dissertation!) that I’ve ever written and has improved all of them through her suggestions for change. We have also collaborated on five books over the years, pleasurable experiences for both of us. Her intelligence, energy, and sense of humor have enriched both of our lives.


      I have taken advantage of the opportunity offered by a second edition to correct some errors in style and substance, to add a few comments based on the latest research, and to bring the history up to date, as of 2020.

      In the decade since I completed the original edition, a number of close friends and colleagues have died. I miss their wise counsel which was always leavened with humor. I dedicate this work to them.


       3.1 Terracotta Warriors, Xian, Shaanxi, China. © Jon Arnold Images Ltd/Alamy

       3.2 Horse, terracotta figure from tomb of Qin Shi Huangdi, 221–210 bce, emperor of China, Qin dynasty, 221–207 bce, from Lintong, Shaanxi province, China. Discovered 1974. © The Art Archive/Alamy

       3.3 Belt buckle, Han dynasty (206 bce–220 ce), China, third–second century bce, gilt bronze, H. 2¼” (5.7 cm),W. 1½” (3.8 cm). New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Rogers Fund, 1918. Acc.no. 18.33.1. © 2013. Image copyright The Metropolitan Museum of Art/Art Resource/Scala, Florence

       3.4 Flying or galloping horse, western or “celestial” breed, standing on a swallow, bronze, Eastern Han dynasty, second century ce, from Wuwei, Gansu province, China, 34.5 cm. © The Art Archive/Alamy

       3.5 Funeral suit of Princess Tou Wan, wife of prince Liu Sheng, jade, Western Han dynasty, late second century bce, from her tomb at Mancheng, Hebei province, China, 172 cm, seen from side. © The Art Archive/Alamy

       3.7 Female dancer, Western Han dynasty (206 bce–9 ce), second century bce, earthenware with slip and pigments, H. 21” (53.3 cm). New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Charlotte C. and John C. Weber Collection, Gift of Charlotte C. and John C. Weber, 1992. Acc.no.: 1992.165.19. Photo: Seth Joel. © 2013. Image copyright The Metropolitan Museum of Art/ Art Resource/Scala, Florence

       4.1 Ancient stone carvings of bodhisattvas at the Longmen Grottoes in Luoyang, China. © Michael Gray/iStockphoto

       4.2 Leaves seven and eight from Wang Xizhi Book One, “Calligraphy of Ancient Masters of Various Periods,” Section V of the “Calligraphy Compendium of the Chunhua Era,” 1616, ink rubbing and yellow ink on paper, Chinese School, Ming dynasty (1368–1644). © FuZhai Archive/The Bridgeman Art Library

       5.1 Tomb figure of a Bactrian camel, Tang dynasty. Philadelphia Museum of Art, Pennsylvania, PA, USA/Gift of Mrs. John Wintersteen/The Bridgeman Art Library

       6.1 Fan Kuan (ca. 990–1030), Travelling among Streams and Mountains. Hanging scroll, ink and color on silk. China, Northern Song, eleventh century. 206.3 × 103.3 cm. This painting is among the most famous of all Chinese paintings,and is one of the best examples of the Northern Song “monumental” landscape style. Photo: akg-images/Erich Lessing

       7.1 Liu Guandao, Khubilai Khan, ink and color on silk. National Palace Museum,