Introduction to Linear Regression Analysis. Douglas C. Montgomery

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Название Introduction to Linear Regression Analysis
Автор произведения Douglas C. Montgomery
Жанр Математика
Издательство Математика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781119578758

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5.4 Linearizable functions. (From Daniel and Wood [1980], used with per...Figure 5.5 Plot of DC output y versus wind velocity x for the windmill data.Figure 5.6 Plot of residuals ei versus fitted values in186-1.gif for the windmill data....Figure 5.7 Plot of DC output versus x′ = 1/x for the windmill data.Figure 5.8 Plot of R-student values ti versus fitted values in188-1.gif for the transfor...Figure 5.9 Plot of residual sum of squares SSRes(λ) versus λ.Figure 5.10 Plot of ordinary least-squares residuals versus fitted values, Exa...Figure 5.11 Plot of weighted residuals in200-1.gif versus weighted fitted values in200-2.gif, Exam...Figure 5.12 JMP results for the delivery time data treating city as a random e...

      6 Chapter 6Figure 6.1 An example of a leverage point.Figure 6.2 An example of an influential observation.

      7 Chapter 7Figure 7.1 An example of a quadratic polynomial.Figure 7.2 Danger of extrapolation.Figure 7.3 Scatterplot of data, Example 7.1.Figure 7.4 Plot of residuals ei, versus fitted values in236-1, Example 7.1.Figure 7.5 Normal probability plot of the residuals, Example 7.1.Figure 7.6 Scatterplot of voltage drop data.Figure 7.7 Plot of residuals ei, versus fitted values in240-1 for the cubic spline m...Figure 7.8 Plot of residuals ei, versus fitted values in240-2 for the cubic polynomi...Figure 7.9 Piecewise linear regression: (a) discontinuity at the knot; (b) con...Figure 7.10 The loess fit to the windmill data from SAS.Figure 7.11 The loess fit to the windmill data from JMP.Figure 7.12 The residuals versus fitted values for the loess fit to the windmi...Figure 7.13 The normal probability plot of the residuals for the loess fit to ...Figure 7.14 Central composite design for the chemical process example.Figure 7.15 Normal probability plot of the studentized residuals, chemical pro...Figure 7.16 Plot of studentized residuals versus predicted conversion, chemica...Figure 7.17 Plot of the studentized residuals run order, chemical process exam...Figure 7.18 (a) Response surface of predicted conversion. (b) Contour plot of ...Figure 7.19 (a) Response surface plot of in256-1. (b) Contour plot of in256-2.

      8 Chapter 8Figure 8.1 Response functions for the tool life example.Figure 8.2 Plot of tool life y versus lathe speed x1 for tool types A and B.Figure 8.3 Plot of externally studentized residuals t versus fitted values in271-1, ...Figure 8.4 Normal probability plot of externally studentized residuals, Exampl...Figure 8.5 Response functions for Eq. (8.4).

      9 Chapter 9Figure 9.1 Levels of family income and house size for a study on residential e...Figure 9.2 Contact time versus reactor temperature, acetylene data. (From Marq...Figure 9.3 Predictions of percentage of conversion within the range of the dat...Figure 9.4 Sampling distribution of (a) unbiased and (b) biased estimators of Figure 9.5 Ridge trace for acetylene data using nine regressors.Figure 9.6 Performance of the ridge model with k = 0.032 in prediction and ext...Figure 9.7 A geometrical interpretation of ridge regression.Figure 9.8 JMP output for ridge regression model for the acetylene data.Figure 9.9 JMP output for LASSO model for the acetylene data.Figure 9.10 JMP output for the elastic net model for the acetylene data.

      10 Chapter 10Figure 10.1 Plot of in348-1 versus p.Figure 10.2 Plot of MSRes(p) versus p.Figure 10.3 A Cp plot.Figure 10.4 Plot of in355-1 versus p, Example 10.1.Figure 10.5 Plot of MSRes(p) versus p, Example 10.1.Figure 10.6 The Cp plot for Example 10.1.Figure 10.7 JMP computer output for all possible regressions, Hald Cement Data...Figure 10.8 Forward selection results from Minitab for the Hald cement data.Figure 10.9 Backward selection results from Minitab for the Hald cement data....Figure 10.10 Stepwise selection results from Minitab for the Hald cement data....Figure 10.11 Flowchart of the model-building process.Figure 10.12 Normal probability plot of the residuals for the asphalt data.Figure 10.13 Residuals versus the fitted values for the asphalt data.Figure 10.14 Residuals versus the log of the viscosity for the asphalt data.Figure 10.15 Residuals versus surface for the asphalt data.Figure 10.16 Residuals versus base for the asphalt data.Figure 10.17 Residuals versus run for the asphalt data.Figure 10.18 Residuals versus fines for the asphalt data.Figure 10.19 Residuals versus voids for the asphalt data.Figure 10.20 Normal probability plot of the residuals for the asphalt data aft...Figure 10.21 Residuals versus the fitted values for the asphalt data after the...Figure 10.22 Residuals versus the log of the viscosity for the asphalt data af...Figure 10.23 Residuals versus surface for the asphalt data after the log trans...Figure 10.24 Residuals versus base for the asphalt data after the log transfor...Figure 10.25 Residuals versus run for the asphalt data after the log transform...Figure 10.26 Residuals versus fines for the asphalt data after the log transfo...Figure 10.27 Residuals versus voids for the asphalt data after the log transfo...

      11 Chapter 11Figure 11.1 Scatterplot of delivery volume x1 versus distance x2, Example 11.3...Figure 11.2 Estimation data (×) and prediction data (•) using orthonormalized ...

      12 Chapter 12Figure 12.1 Contours of the residual-sum-of-squares function: (a) linear model...Figure 12.2 Plot of reaction velocity versus substrate concentration for the p...Figure 12.3 (a) Plot of inverse velocity versus inverse concentration for the ...Figure 12.4 Plot of fitted nonlinear regression model, Example 12.5.Figure 12.5 Plot of residuals versus predicted values, Example 12.5.Figure 12.6 Normal probability plot of residuals, Example 12.5.Figure 12.7 A geometric view of linearization: (a) the first iteration; (b) ev...

      13 Chapter 13Figure 13.1 Examples of the logistic response function: (a) E(y) = 1/(1 + e−6....Figure 13.2 A scatter diagram of the pneumoconiosis data from Table 13.1.Figure 13.3 The fitted logistic regression model for pneumoconiosis data from ...Figure 13.4 Normal probability plot of the deviance residuals.Figure 13.5 Plot of deviance residuals versus estimated probabilities.Figure 13.6 Logit, probit, and complimentary log-log functions for the linear ...Figure 13.7 Plots of the deviance residuals from the GLM for the worsted yarn ...

      14 Chapter 14Figure 14.1 Plot of residuals versus time for the soft drink concentrate sales...Figure 14.2 Plot of residuals versus time for the soft drink concentrate sales...

      15 Chapter 15Figure 15.1 A scatter diagram of a sample containing an influential observatio...Figure 15.2 The double-exponential distribution.Figure 15.3 Robust criterion functions.Figure 15.4 Robust influence functions: (a) least squares; (b) Huber’s t funct...Figure 15.5 Normal probability plots from least-squares fits: (a) least square...Figure 15.6 Normal probability plots from robust fits: (a) robust fit with all...Figure 15.7 Scatterplot of observed and actual temperatures, Example 15.2.Figure 15.8 Histogram of bootstrap in542-11, Example 15.3.Figure 15.9 Histogram of bootstrap estimates in544-1, Example 15.4.Figure 15.10 Histogram of bootstrap estimates in544-2, Example 15.4.Figure 15.11 The tree partition analysis from JMP for the gasoline mileage dat...Figure 15.12 Artificial neural network with one hidden layer.Figure 15.13 The central composite design for k = 2 and in554-1.Figure 15.14 The central composite design