Introduction to Linear Regression Analysis. Douglas C. Montgomery

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Название Introduction to Linear Regression Analysis
Автор произведения Douglas C. Montgomery
Жанр Математика
Издательство Математика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781119578758

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estimate of the slope is in25-1, and in Example 2.2, we computed the estimate of σ2 to be in25-2. The standard error of the slope is


      Therefore, the test statistic is


      If we choose α = 0.05, the critical value of t is t0.025,18 = 2.101. Thus, we would reject H0: β1 = 0 and conclude that there is a linear relationship between shear strength and the age of the propellant.

       Minitab Output

      The Minitab output in Table 2.3 gives the standard errors of the slope and intercept (called “StDev” in the table) along with the t statistic for testing H0: β1 = 0 and H0: β0 = 0. Notice that the results shown in this table for the slope essentially agree with the manual calculations in Example 2.3. Like most computer software, Minitab uses the P-value approach to hypothesis testing. The P value for the test for significance of regression is reported as P = 0.000 (this is a rounded value; the actual P value is 1.64 × 10−10). Clearly there is strong evidence that strength is linearly related to the age of the propellant. The test statistic for H0: β0 = 0 is reported as t0 = 59.47 with P = 0.000. One would feel very confident in claiming that the intercept is not zero in this model.

      2.3.3 Analysis of Variance

      We may also use an analysis-of-variance approach to test significance of regression. The analysis of variance is based on a partitioning of total variability in the response variable y. To obtain this partitioning, begin with the identity


      Note that the third term on the right-hand side of this expression can be rewritten as


      since the sum of the residuals is always zero (property 1, Section 2.2.2) and the sum of the residuals weighted by the corresponding fitted value in26-1 is also zero (property 5, Section 2.2.2). Therefore,

      Equation (2.32) is the fundamental analysis-of-variance identity for a regression model. Symbolically, we usually write

      We can use the usual analysis-of-variance F test to test the hypothesis H0: β1 = 0. Appendix C.3 shows that (1) SSRes = (n − 2)MSRes/σ2 follows a in27-4 distribution; (2) if the null hypothesis H0: β1 = 0 is true, then SSR/σ2 follows a in27-5 distribution; and (3) SSRes and SSR are independent. By the definition of an F statistic given in Appendix C.1,
