American Political Thought. Ken Kersch

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Название American Political Thought
Автор произведения Ken Kersch
Жанр Социальная психология
Издательство Социальная психология
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781509530359

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Great Plains dust storms

      1933–1934: First New Deal

      1933–1945: Franklin Delano Roosevelt presidency

      1935: National Labor Relations Act

      1935: Social Security Act

      1935–1936: Second New Deal

      1938: Fair Labor Standards Act

      1939–1962: Civil rights movement sit-ins

      1941 (December 7): Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii; US enters World War II

      1941–1945: World War II

      1944: Normandy Invasion

      1945: US drops atomic bombs on Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

      1945: Yalta Conference

      1947–1991: Cold War

      1947: Jackie Robinson breaks baseball color barrier

      1948: Alger Hiss–Whittaker Chambers hearings

      1948–1952: Chinese Communist Revolution

      1949–1951 (circa): US television networks established

      1950: Mattachine Society founded

      1950–1953: Korean War

      1950–1954: “McCarthy era” anticommunist crusade

      1953: Soviets test hydrogen bomb

       Chapter 7 Radical Stirrings, Civil Rights, the Contentious 1960s, and the Rise of Modern Conservatism

      1954: Brown v. Board of Education

      1955: Lynching of Emmitt Till

      1955: Daughters of Bilitis founded

      1955: National Review founded by William F. Buckley Jr.

      1955–1956: Montgomery Bus Boycott

      1955–1975: Vietnam War

      1957: Russian Sputnik 1 satellite launched

      1960: Students for a Democratic Society founded

      1960: Civil rights movement sit-ins begin at Greensboro, North Carolina

      1960: Young Americans for Freedom founded

      1960: Christian Broadcasting Network founded

      1961: Bay of Pigs invasion (failed)

      1961: Freedom Rides

      1962: Cuban Missile Crisis

      1963: March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom

      1963: Birmingham 16th Street Baptist Church bombing

      1963 (November 22): John F. Kennedy assassinated, Dallas

      1963–1969: Lyndon Baines Johnson presidency

      1964 (June): Murder of civil rights workers James Chaney, Andrew Goodman, and Michael Schwerner, Neshoba County, Mississippi

      1964 (June–August): Mississippi Freedom Summer

      1964: Civil Rights Act of 1964

      1964: Barry Goldwater nomination

      1964: UC Berkeley Free Speech movement

      1964–1965: Great Society social welfare programs, including Medicare and Medicaid, launched

      1965: Selma to Montgomery Voting Rights marches

      1965: Voting Rights Act of 1965

      1965: Delano Grape Boycott (Cesar Chavez)

      1965: Malcolm X assassinated, New York City

      1966: National Organization for Women founded

      1966: Black Panther Party founded.

      1967: Summer of Love, Haight-Asbury, San Francisco

      1968 (April 4): Martin Luther King Jr. assassinated, Memphis

      1968 (April–May): Urban riots

      1968 (June 6): Robert F. Kennedy assassinated, Los Angeles

      1968: Democratic National Convention riots, Chicago

      1969: Stonewall uprising

      1969 (July 20): Apollo 11 moon landing

      1969 (August): Woodstock Music Festival

      1969–1974: Richard M. Nixon presidency

      1970: First Earth Day

      1972: Eagle Forum established by Phyllis Schlafly

       Chapter 8 The Identity and Post-Materialist Left, the New Right, and Third Way Liberalism

      1972–1974: Watergate scandal; Nixon resigns

      1973: Roe v. Wade

      1979: Moral Majority founded

      1981–1989: Ronald Reagan presidency

      1982: Gay Men’s Health Crisis founded

      1985: Democratic Leadership Council founded

      1986: Operation Rescue founded

      1987: ACT-UP founded

      1990–1991: Persian Gulf War

      1992: Los Angeles Riots

      1992: North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

      1993: First World Trade Center bombing

      1995: Oklahoma City federal building bombing

      1998: Bill Clinton–Monica Lewinsky scandal

      2001 (September 11): Al-Qaeda terrorist attacks on New York and Washington, DC

      2001: US invasion of Afghanistan

      2001– : “War on Terror”

      2002: Department of Homeland Security founded

      2003–2011: Second Iraq War

      2005: Hurricane Katrina

       Chapter 9 Conclusion

      2008 (September): Financial Crisis/Great Recession

      2008: Election of Barack Obama

      2010: Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission

      2010: Affordable [Health] Care Act

      2011: Occupy Wall