Cruelty or Humanity. Rees, Stuart

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Название Cruelty or Humanity
Автор произведения Rees, Stuart
Жанр Социальная психология
Издательство Социальная психология
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781447357001

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Johnson, Eva A letter to my mother Khlebnikov, Velimir Suppose I make a timepiece of humanity Darwish, Mahmoud Psalm Sabawi, Abdul Gaza sea and sky Hernández, Miguel Waltz poem of those in love and inseparable for ever Brecht, Bertolt When evil-doing comes like falling rain Brecht, Bertolt To those born later Vasefi, Saba Asylum Wordsworth, William Humanity Wright, Judith Two dreamtimes Éluard, Paul Dawn dissolves the monsters MacNeice, Louis Prayer before birth Neruda, Pablo The dictators Levertov, Denise Thai Binh (Peace) Province Levertov, Denise Weeping woman Owen, Wilfred Anthem for doomed youth Brecht, Bertolt Violence Nunucaal, Oodgeroo The protectors James, Clive Statement from The Secretary of Defense Rees, Stuart Tell me the truth about war Wordsworth, William Humanity Stafford, William Poetry Brecht, Bertolt The bread of the people Donne, John No man is an island Nunucaal, Oodgeroo All one race Angelou, Maya Human family Shelley, Percy Bysshe The mask of anarchy Waters, Roger Each small candle Seeger, Pete If I had a hammer Murray, Les Equanimity Stafford, William You reading this stop Krieger, David True to himself
Rendra, Willibrordus I write this pamphlet
Rees, Stuart The empty chair
Wright, Judith The flame tree
Milosz, Czeslaw This world
Yeats, W.B. To a friend whose work has come to nothing
Yeats, W.B. Meditations in a time of civil war
Angelou, Maya A brave and startling truth
Sabawi, Samah Cultivating hope
Levertov, Denise What it could be
Levertov, Denise About political action