Called to Teach. Группа авторов

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Название Called to Teach
Автор произведения Группа авторов
Жанр Учебная литература
Издательство Учебная литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781532683206

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that students learnOrganizedRigorous/intellectually stimulatingNote: Information taken from Buskist (in press), Buskist and Keeley (2014), and Keeley, Ismail, and Buskist (2016).

      Table 3.2: How Roger E. Kirk Demonstrated the Common Qualities of Master Teachers

QualityExample Behaviors from Kirk
Passionate about content areaAnimation when discussing class topics; provided many anecdotes related to the content
Proactively improves teachingDeliberate and purposive approach to designing his course
Deep understanding of content areaRecognized by his peers as an expert in the field of quantitative methods
Develops rapport/is approachableUses humor; spontaneous dance breaks; planned conversations with students before class; receptive body language
Cares that students learnMade it safe to ask questions; made himself available to students to answer questions; patience; frequently reviewed material
OrganizedDetailed syllabus and logical organized of material (for example syllabus, see Kirk, 2008)
Rigorous/intellectually stimulatingRigorous approach to material; overtly high student expectations; provided multiple examples and content-related anecdotes
Note: Qualities taken from Table 3.1.


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