A Book of Fruits and Flowers. Anonymous

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Название A Book of Fruits and Flowers
Автор произведения Anonymous
Жанр Сделай Сам
Издательство Сделай Сам
Год выпуска 0
isbn 4057664131188

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Excellent Medicine or Salve for an Ache coming of cold, easie to be made by any Countrey Housewife.

       To cake the Ague out of any place.

       For the Ague in Children, or Women with Child.

       To strengthen the Back weak or diseased.

       For a Paine or Ache in the Back.

       For a suddain Bleeding at the Nose.

       A Medicine for Burning or Scalding.

       For the Canker in Womens Breasts.

       For the Canker in the Mouth.

       To make a Tooth fall out of it selfe.

       To take away the cause of the paine in the Teeth.

       For A Consumption.

       An excellent Medicine for the Cough of the Lungs.

       Of Violets.

       The use of Oyle of Violets.

       The Syrupe of Violets.

       The use of Conserve of Violets and Cowslips.

       To make Paste of Violets, or any kind of Flowers.

       Powder of Violets.

       A good Plaister for the Strangury.

       A Medicine for sore blood-shotten and Rhuematick eyes.

       A Glister to open and loosen the Body being bound, which may safely be administred to any man or woman.

       To cleanse the head, and take the Ache away.

       A Medicine that hath healed old Sores upon the leggs, that have run so long that the bones have been seen.

       An Oyntment for a Rupture.

       A Barley Water to purge the Lungs and lights of all Diseases.

       To Cure the Diseases of the Mother.

       To kill Warts: an approved Medicine.

       For the Piles.

       A Medicine for the Piles.

       A Diet for the Patient that hath Ulcers or Wounds that will hardly be Cured with Oyntments, Salves, or Plaisters.

       Of Cowslips.

       Oyle of Cowslips.

       The use of the Oyle of Wormwood, and Oyle of Mint.

       Syrupe of Cowslips.

       To keep Cowslips for Salates.

       To Conserve Cowslips.

       To Preserve all kinde of Flowers in the Spanish Candy in Wedges.

       A Medicine to break and heale sore breasts of Women, used by Mid-wives, and other skillfull Women in London.

       A Medicine that hath recovered some from the Dropsie whome the Physitian hath given over.

       An especiall Medicine for all manner of Poyson.

       Doctor Lewin's Unguentum Rosatum, good for the heat in the Back.

       Of Beanes.

       To defend Humours.

       To dissolve the Stone; which is one of the Physitians greatest secrets.

       Unguentum Sanativum.

       A Serecloath for all Aches.

       An Oyntment to be made at any time of the yeare, and is approved good, and hath helped old Paines, Griefes, and Aches.

       An Oyntment for the Sciatica.

       A Water to drive away any Infection.

       An excellent Conservative for the stomach, helping digestion, warming the braine, and drying the Rheumes.

       An Oyntmnt for any wound or sore.