Advanced Laser Surgery in Dentistry. Georgios E. Romanos

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Название Advanced Laser Surgery in Dentistry
Автор произведения Georgios E. Romanos
Жанр Медицина
Издательство Медицина
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781119583349

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6.7 Ligature‐induced peri‐implant defects in dog irradiated with the ...Figure 6.8 New bone formation in contact with the implant surface after CO2 ...Figure 6.9 Soft tissue incision with a CO2 laser for implant uncovering; an ...Figure 6.10a Clinical condition of a submerged implant system before uncover...Figure 6.10b Second stage surgery with a focused beam of a CO2 laser (4 W, C...Figure 6.10c One week after implant uncovering presents an excellent peri‐im...Figure 6.11 Peri‐implant hyperplasia before surgery (a); using noncontact fo...Figure 6.12a Peri‐implant hyperplastic mucosa demonstrating difficulties in ...Figure 6.12b Removal of the peri‐implant hyperplastic tissues with a 980 nm ...Figure 6.13a Peri‐implant hyperplasia underneath a bar‐retained implant supp...Figure 6.13b Hyperplastic tissues before laser excision after removal of the...Figure 6.13c Excision and sufficient coagulation after CO2 laser irradiation...Figure 6.13d Two weeks postoperative clinical condition presents an improvem...Figure 6.14 Peri‐implant lesions in the area #19–21 after removal of the res...Figure 6.15 Peri‐implantitis diagnosed immediately before delivery of the fi...Figure 6.16 Advanced peri‐implant bony defect with symptoms of peri‐implanti...Figure 6.17 Peri‐implant bone loss associated with pain and suppuration (a);...Figure 6.18 Peri‐implant infrabony defects at #19–20 (a, b); meticulous degr...Figure 6.19 Advanced peri‐implant bony defect around splinted implants #13 a...Figure 6.20 Bar chart of means of coronal (continuous) by group over time.Figure 6.21 Bar chart of means of apical (continuous) by group over time.Figure 6.22 Bar chart of means of coronal (pulsed mode) by group over time....Figure 6.23 Bar chart of means of apical (pulsed mode) by group over time.Figure 6.24 Average temperature change at the coronal level (t = 30 seconds)...Figure 6.25 Average temperature change at the apical level (t = 30 seconds)....Figure 6.26 Average time to reach critical threshold (Δ10°C) in the coronal ...Figure 6.27 Measurement of heat transfer using noninitiated (a) and initiate...Figure 6.28 Experimental setting to evaluate temperature changes of implants...Figure 6.29 Temperature increase during laser irradiation of an implant with...Figure 6.30 Ossseointegrated blade implant removal using an Er:YAG laser (Ve...

      7 Chapter 7Figure 7.1 Application of the phenothiazine chloride dye following subgingiv...Figure 7.2 Application of the low level‐laser light into the pocket.

      8 Chapter 8Figure 8.1 ANSI Z535.2 new laser signs.Figure 8.2 ANSI Z535.2 new sign example.Figure 8.3 ANSI Z136.12014 grandfathered sign.Figure 8.4 Example of occlusive tested laser window covers.Figure 8.5 Example of occlusive tested laser covers.Figure 8.6 Appropriate eye protection (goggles) specific for different wavel...Figure 8.7 Laser protective eyewear (LPE).Figure 8.8 Example of laser wavelength and O.D. imprinted on eyewear.Figure 8.9 Example of occlusive metal laser eyewear.Figure 8.10 Example of adhesive laser protective eyewear.Figure 8.11 Example of corneoscleral patient eye shields.Figure 8.12 Example of portable plume evacuator with support clamp.


      1  Cover Page

      2  Advanced Laser Oral Surgical Procedures

      3  Advanced Laser Surgery in Dentistry

      4  Dedication

      5  About the Author

      6  List of Contributors

      7  Preface

      8  Acknowledgement

      9  Table of Contents

      10  Begin Reading

      11  Appendix A Suggested Reading

      12  Appendix B Physical Units

      13  Index



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