Two in the Saddle. Vicki Lewis Thompson

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Название Two in the Saddle
Автор произведения Vicki Lewis Thompson
Жанр Контркультура
Серия Mills & Boon Temptation
Издательство Контркультура
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781472083609

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but you’ve got the basics down. I’m worried about what you’ll do if something goes wrong, though. We’d be at least three hours getting home, assuming we even got the message right away, and—”

      “You are such an old granny, Daniels. I swear. I can handle it. If it’s major I’ll go to Doc Harrison. If it’s minor, I’ll go to Gwen.” He’d just now thought of that, but the idea appealed to him. Not that he wanted any emergency to crop up concerning Lizzie. But the combination of him and the baby seemed to melt women’s hearts. It might have a thawing effect on Gwen, too. Yeah, he just might have to consult Gwen on some baby-care question.

      “What’s up with you and Gwen, anyway?”

      “What do you mean?” Travis took another swig of his beer, so he’d look cool and casual as he answered the question.

      “I thought you two were like oil and water, but you were blending together pretty good during that dance earlier tonight.”

      “I think she’s figured out I don’t have horns and a forked tail, after all.”

      Sebastian gazed at him. “You do anything to hurt that woman, and Matty’ll be the one with the pitchfork, aiming it straight at your sorry ass.”

      Travis blew out a breath. “Why does everybody think I’m out to break women’s hearts?”

      “It couldn’t be on account of all the women you’ve left in tears, now could it?”

      “Look, I’ve told each and every one of them I’m not in for the long haul. Is it my fault they won’t listen?”

      Sebastian took a drink of his beer and glanced up at the moon. “I told Matty I couldn’t get serious, either, because of the baby and thinking I’d have to ask Jessica to marry me. That didn’t stop Matty from getting hurt.” He glanced back at Travis. “You can’t order a woman not to fall in love with you.”

      Travis shifted uncomfortably under Sebastian’s scrutiny. “I don’t want Gwen to fall in love with me. I just—”

      “Yeah, I know what you just. That dress she’s wearing would make a monk leave his order.”

      Travis grinned. “Or revive a corpse at a wake.”

      Sebastian chuckled. “Or replace Viagra.”

      “I’m only human.”

      “I know all about your humanity,” Sebastian said. “You’re a legend in your own time. But go easy on this, okay? Gwen’s a sweet lady and she had a rough few years with that husband of hers.”

      “I promise to be careful. We won’t do anything that’s not in our mutual best interests.”

      Sebastian nodded. “Good. And one other thing. If Jessica comes back while Matty and I are in Denver, you make her stay at the ranch until we can get home, okay?”

      “Damn right I will. Jessica has some explaining to do, to all of us.” And telling them who was Lizzie’s father was the first thing, Travis thought. But he knew in his heart the little girl was his. Looks aside, Lizzie had his temperament. She was smart, easygoing and loved everybody.

      “If I’m not convinced Jessica’s in a position to take care of Elizabeth,” Sebastian said, “I’m going to see what I can do about keeping the baby with us. I’ve checked into it, and abandoning your kid puts you on shaky legal ground.”

      Travis rubbed the back of his neck. “I still can’t figure why she’d do that. It doesn’t seem like the kind of thing the Jessica we know would even think of. Hell, it was her grit that saved Nat’s life after the avalanche. Something pretty nasty must have scared the daylights out of her, to make her leave her kid like this.”

      “Yeah, and I want to find out what.” Sebastian took another swig of his beer. “I’ve decided to hire a private investigator while we’re in Denver.”

      “Good. I’ll go halves with you on the fee. This is dragging out way too long.”

      “And it damned near made me lose Matty.” Sebastian cocked an ear toward the tent. “And speaking of Matty, we’d better get back in. I think the bouquet and garter-throwing is about to start.”

      “Hey, you go ahead. I’d sooner catch a rattlesnake with my bare hands than that garter.”

      Sebastian laughed and shook his head. “I don’t know what your problem is, Evans. You’re twenty-eight, for crying out loud. The carefree single life must be getting old by now.”

      “Nah. It’s terrific.”

      “So’s marriage. Or at least I plan on it being terrific, this time around.”

      “For you, maybe. Not for this cowboy.” Travis tipped the bottle back for a deep swallow of beer.

      “Well, you gotta come back in and pretend to try for the garter. You’re the best man, which means you should act like you’re part of the proceedings. It’ll look bad if you’re not there.”

      “I’ll be in shortly.” Travis lifted his bottle. “And thanks for the beer.”

      “It’ll come out of your paycheck. Don’t forget—now that Matty and I are combining our spreads, you’ll be working for me.”

      Travis clutched his chest and staggered backward in mock horror. “Don’t tell me I have to start calling you boss?”

      “Or Your Royal Highness. Whichever comes easier.”

      “How about Your Royal Pain in the Ass?” Travis grinned. “That comes real easy.”

      Sebastian rolled his eyes. “When I throw the garter, I’m aiming for you, hotshot. You need a woman to trim your wick. Now get your butt in there.”


      “Insubordination already.” Sebastian sighed and went back inside the tent.

      Travis figured he’d stall around outside and appear at the tail end of the garter-throwing. He wasn’t overly superstitious, but a guy couldn’t be too careful.

      He’d thought about marriage, more than he’d ever admit to Sebastian, and he’d reasoned out that it was too complicated given his present circumstances. A promise was a promise, and he’d made a huge one to his dad before the old man died six years ago. Travis intended to honor that promise and take care of his mother, who depended on him something fierce.

      She managed okay during the summer months, when she could walk to the little country store down the road from their place. In the winter, though, when the snow was up to her armpits, she needed Travis there to shovel the walkways and drive her where she had to go.

      No one in this valley knew anything about his life in Utah, and that’s the way he liked it. If folks around here thought he was a devil-may-care playboy, that was fine with him. But the truth was that keeping his mother healthy and happy took all of his resources. He couldn’t imagine having enough energy left for a wife.

      GWEN HADN’T PLANNED to take part in the bouquet tossing, but Matty had informed her it was obligatory. So she moved to the back of the crowd of women, figuring Matty wouldn’t heave the thing that far.

      As the women stood there laughing and joking, Matty turned her back and sent the flowers sailing…right over everybody’s head. Gwen was forced to leap up and snag it or the beautiful bouquet would have landed on the floor. For a split second she considered letting that happen, but that would have created an awkward moment. With skills learned on the volleyball court as a kid, she pulled down the prize.

      Everybody in the room cheered, and Gwen stood there holding the bouquet and feeling like a doofus. She was immensely grateful when the attention returned to Matty for the garter removal ceremony.

      Amid a chorus of wolf whistles, Matty propped one foot on a chair and pulled back her skirt.

      Sebastian quickly and efficiently divested