Quantum Mechanics, Volume 3. Claude Cohen-Tannoudji

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Название Quantum Mechanics, Volume 3
Автор произведения Claude Cohen-Tannoudji
Жанр Физика
Издательство Физика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9783527822751

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3-c. Time derivative

      As for the time derivative term, the function it contains can be written as:


      In this summation, all terms involving the individual states j other than the state i (which is undergoing the derivation) lead to an expression of the type:


      which equals 1 since this expression is the square of the norm of the state image, which is simply the Fock state |nj = 1〉. As for the state i, it leads to a factor written in the form of a scalar product in the one-particle state space:


      Regrouping all these results, we can write the value of the functional S in the form:

      We now vary the ket |θk(t)〉 according to:


      where δf(t) is an infinitesimal time-dependent function.

      with l > N.


      to have no components on any of the non-occupied states |θl(t)〉 with (l > N). In other words, stationarity will be obtained if, for all values of k & between 1 and N, we have:


      where |ξk(t)〉 is any linear combination of the occupied states |θl(t)〉 (l < N). As we pointed out at the beginning of § 4, adding to one of the |θk(t)〉 a component on the already occupied individual states has no effect on the Af-particle state (aside from an eventual change of phase), and therefore does not change the value of S; consequently, the stationarity of this functional does not depend on the value of the ket |ξk(t)〉, which can be any ket, for example the zero ket.

      Finally, if the |θn(t)〉 are equal to the solutions |φn(t)〉 of the N equations:

      Relations (36) are the time-dependent Hartree-Fock equations. Introducing the one-particle mean field operator allowed us not only to compute the stationary energy levels, but also to treat time-dependent problems.

      Let us return to the particular case of fermions all having the same spin state, as in § 1 of Complement EXV. We can then write the Hartree-Fock equations in terms of the wave functions as: