Crystallography and Crystal Defects. Anthony Kelly

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Название Crystallography and Crystal Defects
Автор произведения Anthony Kelly
Жанр Физика
Издательство Физика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781119420163

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1.3).13 To develop the lattices consistent with orthorhombic symmetry, therefore, the two relevant nets are the rectangular net (Figure 1.14d) and the rhombus net (Figure 1.14e). The positions of diad axes are shown on the right‐hand sides of Figures 1.14d and 1.14e. The rhombus net can also be described as the centred rectangular net.

      If we stack rectangular nets vertically above one another so that a corner lattice point of the second net lies vertically above a similar lattice point in the net at zero level (t3 normal to t1 and t2) then we produce the primitive lattice P. The unit cell is shown in Figure 1.19d. It is a rectangular parallelepiped.

The stacking of rhombus nets vertically above one another to form an orthorhombic lattice with centring on one pair of faces. The three possible stacking sequences of rectangular nets. In the three left-hand diagrams, lattice points in the net at zero level are denoted with dots and those in the net at level z with open circles. The staggered stacking of rhombus nets. This form of stacking generates the orthorhombic F Bravais lattice.

      We have so far described nine of the Bravais space lattices. All further lattices are based upon the stacking of triequiangular nets of points. The triequiangular net is shown in Figure 1.14c. There are sixfold axes only at the lattice points of the net. To preserve sixfold rotational symmetry in a three‐dimensional lattice, such nets must be stacked vertically above one another so that t3 is normal to t1 and t2. The lattice produced has the unit cell shown in Figure 1.19j. The unique hexagonal axis is taken to lie along the z‐axis so a = bc, γ = 120° and α and β are both 90°. This lattice (i.e. the array of points) possesses sixfold rotational symmetry and is the only lattice to do so. However, it is also consistent with threefold rotational symmetry about an axis parallel to z. A crystal in which an atomic motif possessing threefold rotational symmetry was associated with each lattice point of this lattice would belong to the trigonal crystal system (Table 1.3).