The Case for Universal Basic Services. Anna Coote

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Название The Case for Universal Basic Services
Автор произведения Anna Coote
Жанр Экономика
Издательство Экономика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781509539840

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      We are extremely grateful to Ian Gough for invaluable advice and support throughout, to Pritika Kasliwal and Edanur Yazici for their research, and to Alfie Stirling for helpful feedback on the draft. We are also indebted to Henrietta Moore and the Institute for Global Prosperity for their work on developing the idea of UBS.

      All of us, however much or little we earn, need certain things to make our lives possible – and worth living. A roof over our heads, nourishing food, education, people to look after us when we can’t look after ourselves, health care when we are ill, water and electricity, transport to take us where we need to go and (these days) access to the internet.

      What all these things have in common is that they are everyday essentials that everybody needs to live a decent life.

      Suppose, then, that we all clubbed together and made sure they were available and affordable for everyone. Suppose we pooled our resources so that the risk of suffering the ruinous consequences of going without one or more of these essentials was shared between us. That’s the goal of universal basic services (UBS): acting together to help each other, and ourselves, so that everyone has access to three things that are fundamental to a successful, peaceful, functioning democracy: security, opportunity and participation.

      It doesn’t have to be like this. Our goal is to reclaim the collective ideal and rebuild the social wage. Let’s start by defining our terms.

      ‘Universal basic services’ (UBS) encapsulates three crucial concepts. What we mean by each of them is best described in reverse order. Together they sum up what we mean by ‘public services’ whenever we refer to them in the following pages:

      1 Services: collectively generated activities that serve the public interest.1

      2 Basic: services that are essential and sufficient (rather than minimal) to enable people to meet their needs.

      3 Universal: everyone is entitled to services that are sufficient to meet their needs, regardless of ability to pay.

      We are seeking radical change that builds on the best we already have. We don’t want to return to the ‘good old days’ or simply to have more of what we’ve had in the past. Our proposal is radical for three main reasons. First, central to our case is the collective ideal, which has been submerged and discredited by the politics of individual choice and market competition. We aim to reverse that trend, recognizing that what we do together and how we care for each other is the key to enabling all of us to meet our needs and live lives that we value.

      Second, we aim for sufficiency and sustainability. Universal basic services form an essential part of an agenda for sustainable development, which we must embrace as a matter of priority to safeguard the future of human civilization.

      Third, we are seeking to overhaul the traditional model of public services so that they are genuinely participative, controlled by the people who need and use them, and supported rather than always directly provided by the state.