Statistics and the Evaluation of Evidence for Forensic Scientists. Franco Taroni

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Название Statistics and the Evaluation of Evidence for Forensic Scientists
Автор произведения Franco Taroni
Жанр Математика
Издательство Математика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781119245414

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is invariant to permutation) can be represented as random withdrawals from an urn of unknown composition. If one can assess one's uncertainty in such a way that labelling of the trials is not relevant, then it can be proved that as the number of observations increases the relative frequencies of successes (i.e. the relative frequency of white balls) tend to a limiting value that is the proportion images of white balls. A subjective assessment about the outcome of a sequence of Bernoulli trials is equivalent to placing a prior distribution on images. According to this, one only needs to model a prior distribution images for the possible values that images might take: personal beliefs concerning the colour of the next ball extracted can be computed as


      The introduction of a prior probability distribution modelling personal belief about images may seem, at first sight, in contradiction with statements that probability is a single number. One can have probabilities for events, or probabilities for propositions, but not probabilities of probabilities, otherwise one would have an infinite regression (de Finetti 1976). Confusion may arise from the fact that parameter images is generally termed as ‘probability of success’. However, it is worth noting that, although it is effectively a probability, it represents a chance rather than a belief.

      A set of observations images is said to be exchangeable – for you, given a knowledge base – if their joint distribution is invariant under permutation. A formal definition is as follows (Bernardo and Smith 2000):

      The random quantities images, are said to be judged exchangeable under a probability measure images if the implied joint degree of belief distribution satisfies images for all permutations images defined on the set images. (p. 169)

       One way of expressing this is to say that any one toss, with its resulting outcome, may be exchanged for any other with the same outcome, in the sense that the exchange will not alter your belief, expressing the idea that the tosses were done under conditions that you feel were identical. (p. 148)

      The role of exchangeability in the reconciliation of subjective probabilities and frequencies in forensic science is developed in Taroni et al. (2018). It is possible to give relative frequency an explicit role in probability assignments but this does not mean that probabilities can only be given when relative frequencies are available.

      The existence of relative frequencies is not a necessary condition for the assignment of probabilities. Typically, relative frequencies are not available in the case of single (not replicable) events. Other methods of elicitation, such as scoring rules, can be implemented to deal with such situations. An extended discussion on elicitation is given by O'Hagan et al. (2006).