Название | Mount Sinai Expert Guides |
Автор произведения | Группа авторов |
Жанр | Медицина |
Серия | |
Издательство | Медицина |
Год выпуска | 0 |
isbn | 9781119293309 |
Ron Shapiro, MD Director, Kidney and Pancreas Transplant Program Recanati/Miller Transplantation Institute Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai New York, NY, USA
Colin J. Sheehan, MD Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai New York, NY, USA
Andre Sotelo, MD Critical Care Attending Hackensack University Medical Center Hackensack, NJ, USA
Rupendra Swarup, MD Assistant Professor Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Director, Neurosurgery Intensive Care Unit Mount Sinai Morningside‐West New York, NY, USA
Kiumars Ranjbar Tabar, MD Department of Surgery Allegheny Health Network Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Parissa Tabrizian, MD Recanati/Miller Transplantation Institute Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai New York, NY, USA
Rami O. Tadros, MD Associate Professor of Surgery Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai New York, NY, USA
Ajay S. Vaidya, MD Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine Keck School of Medicine of USC Los Angeles, CA, USA
Jennifer Wang, DO Assistant Professor of Medicine Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai New York, NY, USA
Eric S. Weiss, MD, MPH Aurora Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery Aurora Health Care Milwaukee, WI, USA
Ewelina Wojtaszek, MD Robert Wood Johnson Barnabas Health New Brunswick, NJ, USA
Jiyeoun Yoo, MD Assistant Professor of Neurology Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai New York, NY, USA
David Young, DO Attending, Pulmonary Critical Care Reading Hospital Wyomissing, PA, USA
Series Foreword
Now more than ever, immediacy in obtaining accurate and practical information is the coin of the realm in providing high quality patient care. The Mount Sinai Expert Guides series addresses this vital need by providing accurate, up‐to‐date guidance, written by experts in formats that are accessible in the patient care setting: websites, smartphone apps, and portable books. The Icahn School of Medicine, which was chartered in 1963, embodies a deep tradition of pre‐eminence in clinical care and scholarship that was first shaped by the founding of the Mount Sinai Hospital in 1855. Today, the Mount Sinai Health System, comprised of seven hospitals anchored by the Icahn School of Medicine, is one of the largest health care systems in the United States, and is revolutionizing medicine through its embracing of transformative technologies for clinical diagnosis and treatment. The Mount Sinai Expert Guides series builds upon both this historical renown and contemporary excellence. Leading experts across a range of disciplines provide practical yet sage advice in a digestible format that is ideal for trainees, mid‐level providers, and practicing physicians. Few medical centers in the United States could offer this type of breadth while relying exclusively on its own physicians, yet here no compromises were required in offering a truly unique series that is sure to become embedded within the key resources of busy providers. In producing this series, the editors and authors are fortunate to have an equally dynamic and forward‐viewing partner in Wiley Blackwell, which together ensures that health care professionals will benefit from a unique, first‐class effort that will advance the care of their patients.
Scott Friedman MDSeries EditorDean for Therapeutic DiscoveryFishberg Professor and Chief, Division of Liver DiseasesIcahn School of Medicine at Mount SinaiNew York, NY, USA
This book, as part of the Mount Sinai Expert Guide series, aims to guide clinicians who care for patients in critical care units. Our goal is for the clinician – whether student, trainee, or faculty – to use this book when faced with a critically ill patient in order to understand the physiology, evaluation, and management of disease.
In conjunction with the founding of Mount Sinai’s Institute for Critical Care Medicine in 2017, we have brought together experts from the Mount Sinai Health System to provide the most current knowledge of management for these complex disorders. We hope that the information and management protocols will be utilized at the bedside, and will inspire the reader to delve into the medical literature, discover, and provide the highest quality care for their patients.
We are grateful to our patients, colleagues, and teachers. We hope that our book will advance patient care, and the learning and sharing of knowledge in medicine.
Janet M. Shapiro and Stephan A. Mayer
2Dtwo‐dimensional3Dthree‐dimensionalAAAabdominal aortic aneurysmAABBAmerican Association of Blood BanksABGarterial blood gasACanticoagulationACCAmerican College of CardiologyACEangiotensin‐converting enzymeACEIangiotensin‐converting enzyme inhibitorACLSadvanced cardiac life supportACSabdominal compartment syndrome; acute coronary syndrome/s; American College of SurgeonsADCapparent diffusion coefficientADHantidiuretic hormoneAECOPDacute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary diseaseAEDantiepileptic drug; automated external defibrillatorAFatrial fibrillationAFEamniotic fluid embolismAFlatrial flutterAGanion gapAHAAmerican Heart AssociationAHFacute hepatic failureAIDSacquired immune deficiency syndromeAINacute interstitial nephritisAISacute ischemic strokeAKIacute kidney injuryAKINAcute Kidney Injury NetworkALLacute lymphoblastic leukemiaALTalanine aminotransferaseAMAEacute mesenteric arterial embolismAMATacute mesenteric arterial thrombosisAMIacute mesenteric ischemiaAMLacute myeloid leukemiaANAantinuclear antibodyANCabsolute neutrophil countANPatrial natriuretic peptideAoVaortic veinAPanteroposteriorAPACHEAcute Physiologic Assessment and Chronic Health Evaluation (score)APRVairway pressure release ventilationaPTTactivated partial thromboplastin timeARASascending reticular activating systemARBangiotensin receptor blockerARDSacute respiratory distress syndromeARTantiretroviral therapyASAAmerican Society of AnesthiologistsASCVD atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseaseASIAAmerican Spinal Injury AssociationASPantimicrobial stewardship programASTaspartate aminotransferaseATatrial tachycardiaATLSadvanced traumatic life supportATNacute tubular necrosisATPadenosine triphosphateATSAmerican Thoracic SocietyAUCarea under curveAVatrioventricularAVDO2 arteriovenous difference in oxygen contentAVFarteriovenous fistulaAVMarteriovenous malformationAVNRTatrioventricular nodal re‐entrant tachycardiaAVRTatrioventricular re‐entrant tachycardiaBALbronchoalveolar lavageBBBblood–brain barrierBEARbrainstem evoked audio responseBGblood glucoseBIPAPbilevel positive airway pressureBISbispectral indexBLSbasic life supportBMIbody mass indexBMPbasic metabolic profile/panelBNPB‐type natriuretic peptideBPblood pressurebpmbeats per minuteBPSbehavioral pain scaleBSAbody surface areaBSASbedside shivering assessment scaleBUNblood urea nitrogenCABGcoronary artery bypass graftingCADcoronary artery diseaseCADASILcerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathyCAPcommunity‐acquired pneumoniaCAPCCenter to Advance Palliative CareCAScarotid artery stenosisCAUTIcatheter‐associated urinary tract infectionCBCcomplete blood countCBFcerebral blood flowCDCCenters for Disease Control and PreventionCDIClostridium difficile infectionCEAcarotid endarterectomycEEGcontinuous electroencephalogramcfucolony‐forming unitCFVcommon femoral veinCHFcongestive heart failureCIcardiac indexCIMcritical illness myopathyCINcontrast‐induced nephropathyCIPcritical illness polyneuropathyCKcreatine kinaseCKDchronic kidney diseaseCLABSIcentral line‐associated bloodstream infectionCMLchronic myeloid leukemiaCMPcomprehensive metabolic profileCMRO2cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen consumptionCMSCenters for Medicare and Medicaid ServicesCMVcytomegalovirusCNIcalcineurin inhibitorCNScentral nervous systemCOcardiac outputCO2 carbon dioxideCOPDchronic obstructive pulmonary diseaseCPAPcontinuous positive airway pressureCPEcardiogenic pulmonary edemaCPMcentral pontine myelinolysisCPOTcritical care pain observation toolCPPcerebral perfusion pressureCPRcardiopulmonary resuscitationCrcreatinineCREcarbapenem‐resistant EnterobacteriaceaeCRPC‐reactive proteinCRRTcontinuous renal replacement therapyC/Sculture and sensitivityCSEconvulsive status epilepticusCSFcerebrospinal fluidCSHTcontext‐sensitive half‐timeCTcomputed