A Dark Secret: Part 3 of 3. Casey Watson

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Название A Dark Secret: Part 3 of 3
Автор произведения Casey Watson
Жанр Биографии и Мемуары
Издательство Биографии и Мемуары
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780008298623

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as well. And if anyone needed positives in his life, little Sam did. Perhaps even more than his brother and sister. Who at least had each other, after all.

      We chatted on, about nothing much, Mike admiring her back garden, and, by extension, he got the same tour upstairs as me and Colin had, where, in the drizzle, next door’s ‘garden’ couldn’t have provided more of a contrast, the rotting dog enclosure filling more than a third of the space. I wondered, given the situation with Sam’s mother, how soon it would become a home again, instead of an eyesore. It couldn’t have been nice to live next door to.

      Mrs Gallagher pressed us to take a few cakes home. ‘Whoever else will eat them?’ And though we promised to, because her lemon buns were apparently Sam’s favourites, we knew we wouldn’t pass them on to Sam himself. So Mike tucked in almost the minute we drove away.

      ‘So, Cinderella,’ he said, through a mouthful of cake crumbs, ‘looks like you will be going to the ball after all – and without the worry of having to be home by midnight either. And you never know, if it all goes well then the mini-break world is our oyster!’

      ‘Oh, my dear wife,’ Mike said, ‘for all the many sayings your lovely mother taught you, she really didn’t teach you the best ones, did she? I mean, what about never looking a gift horse in the mouth?’

      I couldn’t help but smile. ‘Okay, fair enough. But what about not counting your chickens before they’re hatched?’

      ‘Okay, touché!’ he said. ‘But, Case, you have to admit it – I think we’ve found ourselves a real gem in that woman, don’t you?’

      I could only agree, even as I didn’t want to count chickens. As blunt as she was, Maureen Gallagher was a diamond in the rough, and I was thankful she was now in our lives. A good day, I thought. A productive one, too. Because when we returned it was also to hear all about Sam’s ‘brilliant’ adventure, which had included dog walking, exploring, the bestest burger ever, an egg hunt – he had the loot to show for it too – and being taken to a place that was so special and secret, only the best superheroes knew where it was. Or, in Colin’s terms, ‘some old country park ruin’.

      There was much building to do yet, and perhaps the early blueprints hadn’t been perfect, but, brick by brick, we were at least heading upwards. And though I’m not that superstitious, when I went to bed that night, I touched the bedside table before I drifted off to sleep.

      So far so good. And – touch wood – that would continue.

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