Modern Romance Collection: November 2017 Books 5 - 8. Annie West

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Название Modern Romance Collection: November 2017 Books 5 - 8
Автор произведения Annie West
Жанр Контркультура
Серия Mills & Boon e-Book Collections
Издательство Контркультура
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781474079860

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want anything from you, Raul, and especially not a kiss. All you need to do is find out if your mother has any idea who it was your father had an affair with.’ Desperate to rid her body of the heat that surged powerfully through it after that explosive kiss, she pulled off his jacket, allowing the rain to cool her, to dampen the desire she hadn’t been able to fight.

      ‘That may not be easy.’ He glared at her, obviously fighting the same desire as she was. A man like Raul Valdez, who had a reputation for being as ruthless a lover as a businessman, surely wouldn’t have to fight the attraction.

      ‘Marrying you won’t be easy either.’ She spoke the truth, but now those words came from a different place than they had done when she’d first met him. She hadn’t known then just how lethal a kiss from him could be.

      ‘Very well,’ he said as he looked down at her, raindrops falling from his hair, making her want to reach up and push it back from his forehead. ‘I will arrange for you to meet my mother. And now I suggest we go and get dry—separately.’

      ‘Absolutely separately. There won’t be a repeat of this. Of that much I can assure you.’


      THE LAST THING Lydia had expected was Raul to announce they were going away for the weekend and to be driven out of Madrid, into the countryside. Even more of a shock was the fact that he had relented and agreed to take her to see his mother. In the short time she’d spent with Raul, Lydia knew he didn’t do anything on a whim. Everything had a purpose. So what was this visit all about?

      The question lingered in her mind until finally, after what had felt like hours of driving, due to the tension filling the car, he turned off the road. The car tyres scrunched over the gravel drive of a country villa, typically Spanish in every way. Not at all like the grandeur of his Madrid penthouse apartment.

      ‘This is nice,’ she said lightly as he turned off the engine, silence filling the car, blending with that ever-present tension as he looked at her. She’d been acutely aware of his presence next to her, of every move he’d made as he’d driven first on the busy roads away from the city and then to the quieter and smaller roads through farmland, interspersed with villages.

      ‘My weekend retreat,’ he offered as he got out of the car. She watched him walk around the front of it and towards her door, rebelliously enjoying the view of his long legs and lean body encased, as always, in a suit, which did little to hide his strength. Memories of how it had felt to be pressed against his body as rain had soaked them rushed back at her, adding to the air of expectancy zinging between them.

      Aware he would think she was waiting for him to open her door, she quickly did so herself and slipped out of the low sports car. Standing outside in the fresh air of winter, she expected to feel less intimidated by him, but after the previous night and the kiss that had set fire to her whole body she was anything but. There wasn’t any escape from the attraction, no relief from the sizzle of tension now.

      She couldn’t allow herself to be drawn in by it—by him. She had to keep in mind his motives for bringing her to Spain, to this romantic villa. It was purely money and wealth that drove him; not the need to find a brother he’d never known of, purely money. He might have all the trappings of wealth, but other than that he was no different from Daniel, wanting her for what she had, not who she really was.

      ‘And your mother lives here?’ She hoped the question was light and casual, belying the turmoil in her mind, but the look he fired her way was far from that. It was cold and calculating. Distanced yet intense.

      ‘No, she lives about half an hour’s drive into the hills.’

      So she was alone with him again and this time there wouldn’t be an office to escape to. ‘I see.’

      ‘You made yourself perfectly clear last night, Lydia. You have nothing to fear from being here with me.’ The brusqueness of his voice backed up his words and she tried not to be disappointed as a small reckless part of her wanted him to kiss her again—and much more. She pushed that woman aside. She had to remain strong and as detached as he evidently was. It was the only way.

      ‘So we are here purely to see your mother?’

      ‘Sí. Did you think I had ulterior motives for bringing you here?’ Raul’s dark eyes fixed her to the spot, but the haughty façade she lived behind served her well.

      ‘Only to increase your wealth.’

      He stepped towards her, but she stood firm, retained her cool composure. ‘All I want, Lydia, is for you to find my brother. Then I can secure the future of the company by settling the extortionate debts your father has run up and move forward in my life.’

      Before she could register his words, he turned and walked towards the door of the villa. Deep within her, hidden expertly away, she trembled with shock. It might be her father’s debts he wanted repaid, but he’d just confirmed he was no better than either his father or hers. This was all about greed.

      He opened the door and stepped back for her to enter the villa, which was not at all what she’d expected of this hard and dominating businessman. This was more like a home. It was comfortable and welcoming, not a sleek modern angle in sight. It was the kind of place she would choose, the kind of place to finally put down roots.

      Her early years had been spent moving from one house to the next. She’d never had time to settle, time to make friends before the family was on the move again. Then, if that wasn’t unsettling enough, her mother had left her with her father. Luckily her grandmother had stepped in and her father had been all too ready to allow her to live with her grandmother, the only time she’d felt she belonged.

      She pushed away that yearning need to make a place a home, to actually belong somewhere, and focused her attention on the reason for being here in the first place. To ensure her grandmother didn’t find out just how low her own son had sunk.

      ‘Then I suggest the sooner I can speak with your mother, the better. Time is ticking away and as I have no intention at all of marrying you in three weeks’ time I want my father’s debt settled.’ She tried to hide her see-sawing emotions and appear as calm as he was, watching as he moved around the villa, looking out of place in his smart suit. The ruthless businessman she’d come to know didn’t fit here at all.

      ‘You will not ask her anything directly.’ Raul’s firm voice snapped in the air around them like the first clap of thunder as a storm broke.

      ‘Then how am I supposed to fulfil my part of the deal?’ What was he trying to hide or, more to the point, what didn’t he want her to know?

      ‘My parents’ marriage was an arranged one and even as a young child I sensed the undercurrent of dislike between her and my father. They barely tolerated one another.’ Each word was emotionless and matter-of-fact. Exactly how she would describe her childhood and attempt to hide the hurt emotions of the child that still remained. Was Raul hurting too? Could it be that he was more capable of emotions than he wanted her to believe?

      ‘That is a scenario I am familiar with.’ She dropped the words in casually as she looked around the villa, liking it more with each passing second.

      He looked at her as he walked across the room and opened doors to the terrace, the cool air of winter rushing in, fresh and stimulating. When his eyes met hers seconds later, that mask of indifference was well and truly in place. ‘My father led a double life, Lydia. For eight years he had two families.’

      When she didn’t speak he continued, ‘I was sent to boarding school from a very young age and never knew family life. When I came home it was to hostilities and stand-offs. Then one day he was gone. So although I assume my mother knows all about the affairs my father had after that, as well as the mistress he’d lived with and had a family with alongside ours, I would rather she didn’t have to face it head-on.’

      ‘Fine,’ she said as she watched him, tall and powerful against the backdrop of the