Special Ops Cowboy. Addison Fox

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Название Special Ops Cowboy
Автор произведения Addison Fox
Жанр Короткие любовные романы
Серия Midnight Pass, Texas
Издательство Короткие любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781474093750

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voice that always urged her to be careful and cautious and lifted her head toward his. It was a matter of inches that separated them and a quick reach on her tiptoes had their mouths meeting in the moonlight.

      She expected resistance. Sexual tension had simmered between them all evening—she wasn’t imagining that—but he’d also maintained a gentlemanly distance. A maddening distance, if she were honest.

      Which meant the quick brush of lips that exploded into an inferno of hot carnal passion caught her just enough off guard that she barely had time to catch her breath. Even less time when she realized that she was being consumed, body and soul, by the delectable form of Hoyt Reynolds.

      His mouth was hot on hers, his tongue filling the small O of surprise between her lips with smooth, effortless grace. His tongue was strong and persuasive and welcome, she admitted to herself. What should have felt like an intrusion was the exact opposite and as heat flared through her nerve endings like lightning, it filled every last inch of her body with the most delicious electricity.

      Was this what it felt like to be kissed? Really and truly kissed?

      She’d been kissed before, obviously. She’d had sex, too. If she’d considered it even an hour before, she’d have said those experiences were good ones. On a grading curve, satisfactory moving on toward excellent.

      Oh, how little she’d understood.

      Especially as every one of those experiences seemed to wash away in a sea of dull memory as Hoyt filled in its place. Nothing had ever felt like this. It was as if a sensual live wire lit her up, sparking from the inside out.

      It was glorious.

      It was heavenly.

      And in that moment, she’d have gladly given up all she possessed to keep on kissing him.

      Suddenly realizing she was doing way more analyzing than enjoying, Reese quickly fixed that, giving into the impulse that had her kissing him in the first place.

      The strong shoulders beneath her palms flexed as he shifted his position, deepening the kiss and taking them another level. She took what he gave, all the while using her fingertips to explore the thick muscle and rounded curves of his shoulders. This was a man in his prime, of that there was no doubt. He was a product of hard, daily physical labor and she could hardly argue with the results.

      Nor was she quite ready to let go yet.

      Which made the lift of his head and the grim line of his mouth, more than evident in the glow of her front door light, that much harder to accept.

      “I should get you to your door.”

      “Why?” That same tartness that had accompanied her comments on the ride home rose up to the fore. Which wasn’t like her, yet seemed right for the moment.

      “For all the reasons we talked about at Border Line.”

      “I thought we talked about answers.”

      That grim line of his mouth quirked up into a wry smile. “I thought we said there were no answers.”

      Reese wasn’t sure if it was the smile or the heady feeling that still rode her bloodstream from his excellent kisses or something else she couldn’t define or resist. The only thing she understood as the words tumbled past her lips, one after the other, was an overwhelming sense of rightness.

      “Then why don’t you stay?”

       Chapter 2


      That lone word still shimmered between them, taking shape and form in the late night heat, as he walked her to her front porch. June in south Texas was always hot and this year had been no exception, with a few days already posting one hundred degrees plus. But tonight it felt different, somehow.

      Hotter. More breathless. Anticipatory.

      Reese Grantham tantalized and tempted, tugging at Hoyt in ways he’d never expected. And had certainly never predicted for the evening.

      When had things changed?

      They knew each other, sure. And he’d be a total liar if he didn’t admit to himself that he’d always found her attractive. But what was it about this night?

      This time?

      What was it about her?

      She was different from what Hoyt remembered and it wasn’t simply because of what had happened a few months ago. She still had that beautiful face, the elegant cheekbones set off against smooth olive skin that already showed the evidence of a summer tan. She still had the long legs and mouthwatering curves that even right now tempted him and had his fingers itching to settle on her hips once again.

      Maybe it was just right place at the right time.

      But even that felt like an excuse as he turned the idea over in his mind.

      She wasn’t easy and he wasn’t going to justify away this sudden shot of desire by trying to make himself feel better. There was something different about her but maybe there was also something different about him. Because after months of restless, aimless feelings, everything had suddenly settled in the past few hours in her company.

      That strange dissatisfaction that had ridden him—one that wouldn’t be assuaged by working the land or riding his horse or mending fences or any number of things he’d found to occupy his time—had vanished in the pretty face of Reese Grantham. It was like he’d had a perpetual buzzing in his ears for a year and now all he had was blessed silence.

      “Hoyt.” She whispered his name, pulling him from the aimless wandering of his mind.


      Her lips feathered over his collarbone, drifting up his neck and on toward his ear. “I know this isn’t the answer, either.”

      He hung on to his control by a shockingly thin thread, but was willing to do it anyway to get out and leave her well enough alone. “No, it’s not.”

      “Then we’re agreed?”

      He shifted back, pulling his skin away from the tantalizing strokes of her tongue so he could look down at her. “Agreed on what?”

      “This might not be the answer to anything, but please don’t leave.”

      “I need to go.”

      “Do you?” Something sharp and deliberate stuck beneath her words, part dare and all temptation. He saw it clearly in the flash of heat in her gaze and the sultry pout of her lips. Moonlight filled the sky and, combined with her front porch lights, made it easy to read every emotion on her face.

      “You think I don’t?” he asked, well aware he’d like nothing else than to follow her up those steps and on through the front door.

      “All I know is we had a nice evening. We’re two grown adults and we’re both well able to determine how we want to spend the rest of it.” She held up a hand. “And before you blame it on two whiskey chasers, I can assure you I’m making this decision, not a few shots of liquor.”

      “You seem sure about that.”

      “I’m beyond sure.” She stepped back, removing her hands from his body, leaving a strange emptiness when she pulled away. “Aren’t you?”

      That dare grew stronger and Hoyt knew he wasn’t immune to her words. Nor was he immune to the increasing heat that had nothing to do with the weather and everything to do with the woman who stood before him.

      “Being sure about tonight isn’t the problem.”

      “Then what is?”


      As excuses went, it was a cop out and Hoyt was gripping it with both hands. Hell, he’d claw at it