Cinderella's Prince Under The Mistletoe. Cara Colter

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Название Cinderella's Prince Under The Mistletoe
Автор произведения Cara Colter
Жанр Короткие любовные романы
Серия Mills & Boon True Love
Издательство Короткие любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781474091619

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in the photo was missing.

      Not that that necessarily meant anything. Maybe she didn’t wear it to do chores.

      Luca forced himself to move away from her, and once again went in search of something to eat.

      He found a cozy dining room, and on a large plank harvest table, perfectly in keeping with the woodsy atmosphere of the Lodge, sat a single table setting and a bowl of soup—mushrooms clustered in a thick broth and garnished with fresh herbs.

      Beside the soup was a plate of cheeses, gone unfortunately dry around the edges, along with strawberries and grapes. All were artfully placed. He considered that for a moment. He wondered if Imogen had been disappointed when he did not come for dinner. He sampled her offering, taking a slice of cheese. Unfortunately, it was as dry as it looked, but it piqued his hunger. He turned his attention to the bowl of soup. It probably only needed heating. Forgetting he would need power to do that, Luca scooped up the bowl and went in search of the kitchen.

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