Amish Covert Operation. Meghan Carver

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Название Amish Covert Operation
Автор произведения Meghan Carver
Жанр Короткие любовные романы
Серия Mills & Boon Love Inspired Suspense
Издательство Короткие любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781474096867

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      Alarm filled Katie. She grasped one hand in the other in a vain attempt to stop her trembling. What could she do to stop this? To restore order to her simple world? But her mind could barely comprehend the fighting in her home, let alone figure out a way to stop it.

      With a punch to the attacker’s jaw, Adam subdued the man. Adam jumped up from the floor and drew his weapon, pointing it at the intruder. “Up. On your feet.” Adam’s voice held an austerity that Katie hadn’t heard before. “Now, let’s get some answers.”

      The man slowly stood, his hands on his knees as he pushed himself upright. As he straightened, he jerked to the side and grabbed a kitchen chair with both hands. In an instant, the chair was airborne and flying toward Katie.

      The room seemed to stand still for a split second, the chair suspended in midair as it hurtled toward her. All breathing stopped. Could this really be happening?

      Then all was moving again. She lunged to the right to dodge the chair, placing her weight squarely on her injured leg. Overwhelming pain shot through her body. Her leg collapsed underneath her. As she fell, she glimpsed the two men struggling over the gun, her attacker with his hands on the weapon and turning it to point at Adam.

      Her head hit the floor as she heard the gun go off. A moment later, darkness swallowed her.

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