The Secret Twin. Catherine Mann

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Название The Secret Twin
Автор произведения Catherine Mann
Жанр Контркультура
Серия Mills & Boon Desire
Издательство Контркультура
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781474092081

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apartment, appreciating the down-to-earth nature of both of these women. “The gifts are lovely. You two didn’t have to do this.”

      “Conrad sends his thanks as well for the help with my lease,” Felicity called over her shoulder as if they all didn’t already know Conrad Steele could have paid the rent for her apartment multiple times over. Felicity continued to work at the local hospital, where she’d been today, and her hair was still swept back in a French twist. “You can soak out the tension.”

      Tally strode past, her red ponytail swishing. Felicity had taken her under her wing not too long ago. Tally had been a housekeeper and now attended college on a scholarship to become a social worker, as well. “If you need any help, just call me.”

      Felicity set the basket on the coffee table, cellophane wrapping crinkling. “Although, for the record,” she said with a smile and an elegantly arched eyebrow, “I did leave the place spotless.”

      “You did,” Brea agreed, chewing her bottom lip. It seemed so surreal to have the two women move so effortlessly into her life. Making friends was hard for her after all she’d been through. Even though the small Canadian community had been welcoming, her adoptive parents had been guarded with others. She’d been alone, not even sure she could trust her own instincts, for a long time. Being told that her biological family was deeply corrupt. She was safer away from them. “Thank you for coming over. Both of you. Could I offer you something to drink?”

      “Well, actually—” Tally paused, unloading the cleaning supplies and stowing them under the kitchen sink “—we did have another reason for coming by.”

      Brea’s stomach knotted with nerves. Closing the front door was tough, especially when she wanted to run. “What would that be?”

      Felicity pinned her with a knowing gaze. “When did you start dating Ward Benally?”

      Brea exhaled with relief that they weren’t going to grill her about her past. Only to have her nerves return with a vengeance over the mention of her fake boyfriend.

      Her very sexy, surprisingly charming fake boyfriend.

      She really wasn’t ready for fielding questions about Ward.

      “The relationship started very recently.” Very. Very. Recently.

      “Well, I’m not surprised at all.” Tally pulled out a barstool from behind the counter and sat, her boot heels resting on the lowest rung. “I noticed the chemistry between the two of you at the fund-raiser last month.”

      Had it been obvious even then? Brea had felt the sparks, but she’d liked to think she’d hidden her reaction. Apparently not.

      Felicity leaned over to look at the baked goods. “Was that when it started, at the fund-raiser?”

      Brea hmmed, taking a bite to fill her mouth and avoid talking. Too bad no one was around who could help if she shouted gargoyle. “Anyone want a muffin?”

      Tally pulled napkins from a counter holder. “Yes, please. Although I do hear you trying to change the subject. I imagine you’re wondering how much you can trust the two of us.”

      True, but not the sort of thing Brea expected to hear voiced aloud.

      “Although—” Felicity broke a muffin in half, then pinched off a bite “—that’s an unwinnable proposition, since no matter what we say, there’s really no way to prove you can trust us at this point. Trust takes time.”

      How long? Brea wished she knew. “Spoken like a counselor.”

      “Because I am one.” Felicity swept up a crumb into her hand and then into the sink. “For what it’s worth, Tally and I are both new to the Steele family realm. As such, we weren’t a part of the old days, the old problems and whatever happened then. But we’re here for you now and want to be your friends, as well as family.”

      Brea wanted to believe that. “I’m still getting to know everyone again.”

      “Give it time.” Felicity squeezed her hand.

      Tally scrunched her freckled nose, grinning. “And while you’re giving it time, tell us... Does Ward kiss as incredibly as it seems he would?”

      Brea felt the heat steal up to her face. That particular topic was occupying far more of her thoughts than it should. Her cell phone dinged with an incoming text and Brea embraced the excuse to step away from the intense conversation. She wanted—needed—a chance to regain her footing. “Excuse me for a moment. I need to check that.”

      She raced to scoop her phone off the coffee table and turned her back on the two women, who seemed content to snack on their muffins. She thumbed the text open to find...

      A message from Ward.

      Butterflies launched inside her. She shouldn’t feel this excited, but she did. And she couldn’t afford to be distracted by hormones, not when she finally had a real chance at the answers she craved.

      Then she read his message, and it was as if the floor fell away beneath her feet.

      I’ll be by at seven to pick you up for supper with the Steeles. Be ready to help me make nice with all your family members on the board.

      So much for keeping a lock on her emotions. Her body was already on fire at just the thought of seeing him again.

      * * *

      Ward knew he was pushing it with the impromptu dinner out with the Steeles. But he’d wanted to see Brea, and this was the fastest, easiest way to lock that down. He didn’t want to think overlong about how damn much he looked forward to seeing her. Better to keep it simple. This was a short-term thing between them. He was married to his work.

      So he could just enjoy the moment, and yes, this potential for a fling. By the time she figured out he had set up the get-together, it would be too late. She would already be sitting at the table.

      Would she be mad?

      Almost certainly.

      Was she sexy when riled up?


      He’d been surprised by how much he wanted to see her again. How his intentions had shifted so quickly from wanting to keep an eye on her to wanting to follow through on their attraction. Now he saw that his dating idea had no doubt sprung from the heat that flared whenever they were near each other. But if that played out into a fling, he could handle it. His emotions were locked down tight after the number his ex had pulled on him.

      He guided his SUV through the night, headlights striping bands of illumination into the snowy air ahead, Brea in the passenger seat, quiet since he’d picked her up. Likely there were other ways to keep watch over her, but this was far more...entertaining.

      Snowflakes sprinkled down, glinting in the beams. Brea looked stunning sitting beside him in a royal-blue wool coat and black leather boots. Her hair was draped over one shoulder in an appealing onyx waterfall. She sat so still and regal, he would have thought her unaffected by this evening together if not for the way she picked at her short fingernails.

      Low music played from the speakers, his playlist of classical guitar music.

      Brea sighed heavily.

      He stifled a grin. “You seem angry, my dear.”

      “My dear?” She turned in her seat toward him, the dash lights casting her face in seductive shadows. “Are you serious? No one’s watching us.”

      “But you are my dear, new girlfriend.” Flicking his eyes from the road, he met her eyes.

      “Fake girlfriend. And since no one’s around, let’s make some ground rules.”

      “Such as?” He gripped the leather steering wheel as he accelerated. The sound of the exhaust mingled with the few other trucks on the road.

      “You could start telling me about these plans of yours—the whole dating thing and going to the