The Ties That Bind. Ginna Gray

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Название The Ties That Bind
Автор произведения Ginna Gray
Жанр Контркультура
Серия Mills & Boon Vintage Cherish
Издательство Контркультура
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781472090164

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but she’s really a nice person and normally quite good-natured and easy to get along with.”

      “We understand. She’s upset, and apparently with good reason.”

      Matt rolled his eyes at his wife’s comment. “Spoken like a psychiatrist. You ask me, she’s a spoiled brat.”

      “That’s not fair,” Maude Ann protested. “From the sound of it, Seamus has been stringing that poor girl along for years.”

      “You don’t know the half of it,” Edward said. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I really must be going. It’s a long way to Bozeman. When you’ve reached a decision, give me a call. If I’m not at my office you can reach me on my cell phone,” he said, handing each of them his business card.

      He turned to leave, then hesitated. “Uh…it’s true that the Rocking R Ranch is a sizable inheritance, but I feel I must warn you, if you decide to stay you’ll earn every penny you get from it. Running a ranch this size is far from easy, and nothing is guaranteed. A poor calf crop, a string of bad luck, a few slaps from Mother Nature can hurt even a place this size. It won’t be a piece of cake.”

      Zach didn’t need anyone to tell him about the hardships and perils of ranching. He knew them firsthand. In college he’d earned degrees in ranch management and business and before going out on the rodeo circuit he’d been general manager of the Carter Cattle Company, better known as the Triple C, a huge spread near Ridgeway, Colorado. Zach, however, saw no need to mention that to the attorney.

      “Well, this is certainly an unexpected turn of events,” Kate said when Edward had gone. “From what you told Maude Ann and me about Seamus, I thought we’d attend a funeral, then go home with five dollars or some such slap-in-the-face bequest.”

      “Yeah, we all did,” Matt agreed. “I wonder what made the old man change his mind?”

      “My guess is, during our first visit here he somehow picked up on the strain between us,” Zach said. “The old coot probably took sadistic delight in that. Like Manning said, he cooked up this whole thing to stir up trouble and make claiming the inheritance as difficult as possible.”

      “Right,” J.T. agreed. “Wherever he is, he’s probably laughing himself silly right now.”

      “He’s got us in a bind, that’s certain. If just one of us refuses to go along with the conditions, we all lose.” Matt swept the others with a regretful look. “Much as I hate to, I’m afraid I’m going to have to be the bad guy. Maudie and I can’t just abandon Henley Haven and pick up and move here. The kids we foster need her care.”

      “Yeah, well, if it makes you feel any better, I can’t ask Kate to give up the Alpine Rose, either. Her parents spent years restoring that house and she’s turned it into a profitable business. Added to that, she grew up in Gold Fever. It makes no difference to me where I live. I can write anywhere, but I won’t rob her of her home.”

      “Before you two start making any noble sacrifices, don’t you think you should ask Kate and me what we think?”

      “Maude Ann’s right. What kind of wife would I be if I stood in the way of your inheritance? Besides, I wouldn’t have to sell the bed-and-breakfast. I’m sure I could hire someone to run it for me. And while it’s true that I love the Colorado mountains, have you looked around? It’s not too shabby here, either.”

      “The same applies to Henley Haven,” Maude Ann stated emphatically. “I can get another psychiatrist to take over for me, and Jane will stay on. And there’s no reason why I can’t continue to work with abused children. I’m sure there are some here in Montana who need my help.”

      “But what about our own kids? They—”

      “Will love it here,” Maude Ann insisted before Matt could finish. “Can you think of a better place to raise five rambunctious children than on a ranch? Or to shelter others? The wide-open spaces will be good for them. And the drier climate will be good for your leg.”

      Matt frowned at the mention of his disability. It had been seventeen months since he taken that bullet that had ended his career as a detective with the Houston Police Department and left him with a permanent limp.

      “Still…I don’t know.”

      According to J.T., Matt had become more flexible since marrying Maude Ann, but it was still his first instinct to resist change of any kind. Watching him, Zach could see the struggle going on inside his taciturn brother.

      “We’re talking about a complete change in lifestyle and careers,” Matt argued. “I don’t know anything about ranching. Neither does J.T.”

      “No, but Zach does,” J.T. said in a thoughtful voice, beginning to warm to the idea. “And you and I can learn.”

      “Maybe. Still, we all have to live together in this house,” Matt said.

      And that, Zach thought, was the real crux of the problem. He, J.T. and Matt might be brothers, but they didn’t really know one another. A year ago they had made contact again, but a lifetime apart had created a chasm between them that they couldn’t seem to breech.

      Kate said they didn’t try, and maybe that was true. At best, their relationship was distant, with currents of disquiet and wariness, even an undefined resentment running just below the surface, making them guarded with one another. For whatever reason, the fact remained that they were strangers.

      “It will be awkward, I guess,” J.T. agreed. “But it’s not as though it’ll be forever. Let’s not forget that we’re talking about a fortune here. And regardless of what Willa Simmons thinks, we are the rightful heirs. We’d be fools to turn it down. Surely we can manage to rub along together for a year. At the end of that time if anyone is miserable, they can sell out.”

      Matt looked at Zach. “You’ve sure been quiet. What do you think?”

      “I think I should stay out of this discussion and let the four of you decide. All of you know that owning a ranch is my dream. I’d put up with anything, even Ms. Simmons, to own a part of this place, but I don’t think it would be fair for me to try to influence you.”

      “Yeah, but do you think we could live and work together for a whole year?”

      “Maybe. Maybe not. I’m sure Seamus figured if he threw us together we’d be at one another’s throats inside of a week. But one way or another, we won’t know unless we try. One thing is certain, though. It’s what Colleen would have wanted us to do.”

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