Baby for the Midwife. Fiona McArthur

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Название Baby for the Midwife
Автор произведения Fiona McArthur
Жанр Контркультура
Серия Mills & Boon By Request
Издательство Контркультура
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781472016157

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made me realise how close I’d been to disaster with Tayla. I can see now I want more in a wife than convenient paperwork.’

      How had they started this conversation? Now she was confused at a time when she most needed clarity. ‘You want to tell me what you want in a wife?’ Suddenly she felt like crying. She knew what she didn’t need in a husband.

      He went on and she tried to blink away her tears before he could see them.

      Max was getting to the point. He just hoped she saw it the way he did. ‘Ah. Yes. The big question. Now I want a partner. Someone who understands what I do and even has a passion for it. I can’t fight Tayla every time someone has a baby out of hours or obstetrics have an emergency.’

      He noticed the way her hand tightened over her baby and he couldn’t begin to imagine how she must feel to have been so close to losing her daughter a second time.

      Maybe he had stumbled on someone he could come home to or meet at work and bounce problems off. Someone who had a social conscience and a warm heart. Someone like Georgia.

      He couldn’t help the glimmer of hope that maybe the last twenty-four hours had all worked out the way they had for a reason—or with divine intervention, as requested.

      No doubt he was mad, but the idea he’d just had wouldn’t leave. He could even salvage the job from something Georgia had said if he played up the business aspect, but suddenly that wasn’t as important as protecting Georgia from the creep. He paused and looked at her again. ‘You could marry me.’

      She held up her hand. ‘You don’t know me.’

      He sat forward. ‘I know enough. I’m sure you are a sensible woman and wouldn’t normally entertain the idea. That’s why I’m pursuing you now when your guard is down.’

      She huffed humourlessly. ‘My guard isn’t down that much. I’ve just seen my ex-husband and my protective instinct hormones are surging. I don’t need to waste another couple of years of my life finding out if the next guy I marry is a jerk, or worse.’

      She had a point, but Max didn’t believe he was a jerk. ‘What about a temporary marriage with, say, a year’s contract? You save me and I’ll protect you.’ He frowned with concentration as he marshalled his best arguments.

      ‘I’m serious, Georgia. I need to be married and after today I only have one week left. I’ve a friend I can get a dispensation form to get a licence in forty-eight hours, and you would be out of your ex’s reach until you are stronger.’

      He sat back a little in case he was crowding her. ‘It doesn’t look like I will fall madly in love at my age and I like you. I like you a lot. I need a temporary wife and Harry said you were looking for a job after the baby. You could work with me when you’re ready.’

      ‘It all sounds so coldly clinical.’

      ‘We could warm it up.’ He saw her face close and he backed off quickly. ‘I’m sorry. Joking. We won’t go there.’ He paused and risked a lighter comment. ‘Especially as you’ve just given birth.’

      She had to smile and he knew it. But he was intrigued.

      ‘Would it help if I told you I think we would deal very well together? Much better than expected?’

      ‘Much better than whom?’ She shook her head. ‘You and Tayla? Two selfish, immature, rich people who think marriage is a sham or an excuse to wear feathers?’

      He held up his hands. ‘The feathers were not my idea. In fact, a condition of marrying me is that you are not allowed to wear feathers.’

      ‘I’m not marrying you, Max.’ She turned her shoulder on him. ‘I’m not even sure I like you after this conversation. And I can’t believe that Harry was a part of this whole sellmy-daughter-to-a-loveless-marriage thing.’

      ‘Harry wanted to have Tayla safely married before he was much older.’

      He saw the moment she understood, and the sudden sadness in her eyes as she sat back against him, all else forgotten. ‘Why the urgency?’

      ‘That’s for Harry to tell, not me.’ It was Harry’s secret, not his.

      ‘Poor Uncle Harry.’

      He squeezed her shoulder. ‘Leave it. He is dealing with this in his own way.’

      She stared and shook her head. ‘So that’s why Harry agreed?’

      ‘One of the reasons.’ He smiled sympathetically and then went off at a tangent again. ‘I do have one burning question that’s puzzled me.’

      She raised her eyebrows and his arm slid away from her shoulder so he could look at her fully.

      ‘Did you want a place in the wedding party or did Harry lean on you?’

      She grimaced. ‘Who wants to be a pregnant matron of honour? Harry was so pleased that Tayla was settling down, and he wanted to see that, as cousins, his daughter and I were friends. Knowing he’s unwell explains why he was so insistent. I wanted to please Harry and the idea that I did have a family was comforting.’

      Max admired her warmth for Harry. ‘Harry thought I would make a good husband.’

      ‘I understand that.’ She looked worriedly at him. ‘I’ve already made one mistake in marriage, though, and I’m frightened I’d make a bigger one with you.’

      Max could feel the swing his way and he vowed she wouldn’t regret it. ‘That’s the beauty of it, Georgia. This is a business arrangement.’

      Her voice was quiet but determined. She spoke slowly. ‘I’m thinking. I can’t believe I’m doing it but I am considering your proposal on the basis of a one-year contract.’

      She shivered under his arm. ‘My biggest problem is that I’m still frightened. Especially now Elsa has been born. Sol has seen her, and will want her. And me. I’m too vulnerable.’

      She looked up at him to read his face and make sure he understood what she was offering. To make clear all she wasn’t offering and the risks.

      She spelt it out. ‘In a business relationship I could build up my strength in a safe environment and you need a wife in name only. To be honest, that’s all I’ve got to offer anyway. And I need to ease back to work and get on with my life.’

      He squeezed her shoulders and she felt so frail under his hand. He would guard them both. ‘Fine. Come home with me and I swear I will keep you both safe.’

      He smiled crookedly because he didn’t want to say it but in all honesty it needed to be said. ‘I don’t wish to take advantage of your shock unfairly. Your uncle would probably also be able to offer you protection from your ex-husband.’

      She shook her head. ‘That won’t work. You say Harry is unwell and I’m not up to Tayla’s recriminations.’

      ‘Not a relaxing thought.’ He smiled at her and the tension lightened a little in the room. That was it, then. He had what he wanted. Hopefully so did she. He stood up. ‘Let’s go, then.’

      She tilted her head and looked up at him. ‘It’s that easy?’

      ‘It will be. You pack and I’ll sort out the rest.’

      She shifted Elsa onto one arm and pulled the toothbrush from her pocket. ‘I’m packed.’

      When Georgia walked out of the hospital and into the sunlight it felt as if Tayla’s disastrous wedding had been a year ago not just one day.

      Max’s hand hovered near the small of her back and she carried Elsa tightly against her, as if to defend her from an unknown assailant.

      Incredibly, with Max, she did feel safe, even after the shock of knowing Sol had found her.

      ‘Why do I feel so protected with you when I barely know you?’ She’d met him such a short time ago and she’d