Introduction To Romance (10 Books). Кэрол Мортимер

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Название Introduction To Romance (10 Books)
Автор произведения Кэрол Мортимер
Жанр Короткие любовные романы
Серия Mills & Boon e-Book Collections
Издательство Короткие любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781472083944

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she breathed against his mouth.

      “Is this what you want?” he asked, his hand pressing between her thighs, the seam of her jeans riding against the swollen flesh and driving her crazy. “Is this how you want it?”

      She’d rather have it naked, but she was too far gone to speak. She wasn’t positive she was even breathing. All she could do was feel the amazing sensations rocketing through her body.

      His fingers scraped over the seam of her jeans again, making her whimper. The sensations intensified, her entire body feeling like it was electrified. Desire coiled, tighter and tighter between her thighs. His lips closed over hers, tongue plunging before he lured hers into his mouth and sucked.

      She exploded with a tiny whimper. Tiny sparks of light blew to pieces behind her closed eyes and the room spun as the orgasm poured through her. He slowed the kiss, then as her pants became shuddering breaths, trailed his lips over her cheek to bury his face in the crook of her neck.

      Genna sighed, feeling as though she’d run a marathon.

      In her jeans.


      The guy had given her the two best orgasms of her life, and she hadn’t gotten her jeans off for either of them.

      Time to change that.

      But suddenly, she was nervous.

      This wasn’t Brody, her brother’s friend.

      He was different now.

      He’d seen things, done things that were beyond her comprehension. He was a soldier. A SEAL. The best of the best at doing the impossible.

      Since there was nothing impossible about what she wanted him to do to her, this should be a piece of cake.

      As if he’d read her thoughts, he slowly pulled back. Genna ran her palm over his cheek, smiling and ready to make a joke.

      But the distance on his face was a little off-putting.

      She took a shaky breath, trying to calm her racing heart.

      She’d never felt this way before. Her body was still humming and she was ready to strip naked and do all the things to his body that she’d dreamed of for years. Things she’d had zero interest in doing to other guys’ bodies. Brody things.

      “You need to go,” he growled. “Now. Before this goes too far.”

      Go? Was he kidding? The climax was still working its magic on her body in delightful little shudders.

      “I think it needs to go just a little bit further,” she corrected softly, nibbling kisses along his jaw and down his throat. He gave a low moan when she got to that spot beneath his ear, emboldening her. One hand still gripping his biceps for balance, she grazed the other down his side and across his rock-hard abs, taking a second to give her own moan of appreciation. Then, still nibbling, she slipped her fingers beneath the elastic waistband of his sweatpants.

      Before she could explore, or even touch anything interesting, his hand shot out and grabbed her wrist.

      “Further,” she whispered in his ear, dipping her tongue along the rim before adding, “Please.”


      “C’mon,” she cajoled. “Let’s see how good we are together. This is it, finally we get to give us a chance before you have to go back to being a big, bad SEAL heroically saving the world. Let’s do it now.”

      It was as though the hard, hot body in her arms had turned to ice. She pulled back to look at him, trying to figure out what was going on.

      “I’m not a damned hero,” he ground out.

      Genna laughed. “Of course you are. Even the president says so.”

      “I’m no hero and there is no we,” he said with a laugh so bitter it made her mouth hurt. When Genna shook her head, he shifted aside. As if moving away from her body would make the differences between them all the more obvious. Since he was hard and she was panting, it was a smart strategy.

      Genna wanted to thump her hand against her chest to force some air past the knot in her throat.

      He was so big, looming over her. His body was like a solid wall of muscles. Even through his T-shirt, she could see them bunch, hard and firm beneath the fabric.

      “Brody—” she said slowly, then went silent. She had no idea what to say. This wasn’t the Brody she’d held in her mind all these years. The one she remembered as her gallant hero, the one who wrote her incendiary letters. The one who made her melt with just a look. Okay, maybe he was that last one, but not the rest. And she wasn’t sure what to think about it.

      “Look, we should—”

      “No,” he interrupted. “There is no we. There’s you, the pampered princess. And there’s me.”

      He paused, giving her a once-over that made her go hot and cold both at the same time. “Not interested.”

      Despite her confusion and the sick feeling in her stomach, hot passion was still gripping her limbs and pooling between her thighs. Genna dropped her eyes to the very large, very visible proof pressing against his sweatpants.

      “No? You look mighty interested to me,” she taunted without thinking. As soon as the words were out, though, she wished she could pull them back.

      “Sweetheart, you want to get naked and do me right? Fine, let’s go. I’m willing to let you. But that’s not interest. That’s over the minute I roll off your body.”

      His words hit Genna like a kick in the gut. Swift, well aimed and brutally painful. Emotionally reeling, she tried to take a breath, but it hurt so much.

      “But I thought—” She broke off, not about to admit what their letters had meant to her. Or what these kisses were a sign of. And definitely not a peep about the fantasies, the dreams and the hopes she’d built around him over the years.

      “You thought what? That because we played the old-school version of sexting that there was something going on? That because I’m willing to do you against the wall, it’s special?”

      Ouch. Genna frowned, suddenly feeling very naive. Apparently they taught mind reading in SEAL school.

      “I didn’t think the letters were a secret code for let’s run away together. But neither did I think they were your version of a girl in every port.” Wishing she were anywhere but here, Genna tried to ignore the tight knot of misery in her stomach, where only moments ago had been white-hot desire. “Did you write me just to be mean? For some kind of revenge? Is that what this was all about?”

      For a second Brody looked as if he was going to protest. Then his expression smoothed again, back to stoic military machine.

      “A day where we learn something isn’t a day wasted,” he told her in a sanctimonious tone that made her want to kick him in the shin. And not the good one.

      “Well, I guess today is fabulous,” Genna said, tears burning her eyes. She lifted her chin, daring them to fall. “I learned that you weren’t the man I thought you were. I found out that you make an excellent bully and that you have no problem playing games and deliberately hurting someone.”

      She waited for him to protest. To claim she was wrong.

      She wanted, desperately, for him to be that guy she’d always thought he was. To be the one who fought the odds, faced down the bullies. The one who protected her. That Brody was her hero.

      But this one? His expression didn’t change. She struggled to accept that this was the real him. The boy she’d known was a distant loner with a rough reputation and a questionable attitude. But she’d always been sure that was just a defense mechanism, maybe because his father sucked and he’d had such a bad childhood. On their night together he’d joked, he’d smiled. He’d been so sweet.
