Название | Cedar Cove Collection (Books 7-12) |
Автор произведения | Debbie Macomber |
Жанр | Короткие любовные романы |
Серия | Mills & Boon e-Book Collections |
Издательство | Короткие любовные романы |
Год выпуска | 0 |
isbn | 9781472074393 |
Despite herself, Grace smiled.
Teri could tell that something was bothering Rachel. The salon was humming with activity the way it always did on Fridays. But, busy or not, the two of them usually managed to arrange their schedules so they could have lunch together. At noon, Rachel claimed she simply wasn’t hungry.
“What do you mean, you’re not hungry?” Teri demanded. “Whatever’s bothering you must be big. Nothing takes away your appetite.”
Rachel didn’t even smile.
In spite of Teri’s efforts to get her to talk about her trip to Pittsburgh, Rachel had barely said a word. For that matter, she hadn’t mentioned Jolene or Bruce, either, which was highly unusual.
If Teri had her guess, what distressed her friend was her ongoing confusion about Nate and Bruce. Nate hadn’t made any secret of his intentions. And then there was Bruce.
Teri wanted to shake that man and tell him to take action, do something before he lost Rachel for good. If he did, it would be his own stupid fault. As for Rachel … Teri didn’t know what to think. She didn’t doubt that Rachel loved Nate, but—in Teri’s opinion—she loved Bruce more.
A few weeks ago, when Rachel phoned, rattled because Bruce had kissed her, she’d made it sound as though that was the first time it’d ever happened. News flash: Bruce had kissed her long before that night.
Although this last kiss—maybe there’d been more to it. Rachel had obviously been shocked. So, it appeared, was Bruce.
The only time she’d mentioned him was to tell Teri how angry he’d been when he picked her up from the airport. According to Rachel, he couldn’t dump her on her doorstep quickly enough.
At four, Teri had a perm, and because she was too busy watching Rachel and worrying about her, she got behind schedule. When James showed up at five-fifteen to drive her home, she had another half-hour left.
“I’ll wait,” James, the soul of patience, assured her. He glanced nervously around the salon. “Perhaps it would be best if I waited in the car. By the way, you might bring your umbrella when you come out. It’s really begun to storm.”
Rachel had finished for the night. “I’ll see everyone tomorrow,” she said, raising her hand in farewell as she started toward the door.
“What are you doing this weekend?” Teri called out.
Rachel shrugged. “Nothing much. Right now I have to pick up my car at the garage on Harbor Street. I had the oil changed. Then I’m going home to soak in a hot bath.”
“James can take you,” Teri offered. No reason he couldn’t. All he’d be doing otherwise was sitting in the car—reading, no doubt. But it wouldn’t take him long to drop Rachel off and by the time he came back, Teri figured she’d be ready.
“No, that’s all right,” Rachel said, shaking her head. “The exercise will do me good.”
“But it’s raining out! Why get wet when James is here twiddling his thumbs? He can easily drive you.”
“It would be my pleasure, Miss Rachel,” James told her in that polite way of his.
Rachel gave him a smile. “Thank you. Then I accept.”
Teri walked out the door into the interior of the mall with her.
“I really appreciate this,” Rachel said. “You’re a good friend, Teri. The best I’ve got.”
She sounded so depressed, it was all Teri could do not to throw both arms around her. “Hey, if you need to talk or anything, just give me a call.”
Rachel smiled a little shakily. “Thank you, I will. Do you have plans for tonight?”
“Not really. Christie’s coming over this evening and we’re going to watch Grease.” It was a musical they’d loved when they were kids. They knew all the songs and planned to sing along. They’d have popcorn and then later on, some ice cream, the expensive kind. It would be a girls’ night in.
At the mention of her sister, James lowered his gaze. Their romance seemed to be at a standstill; something must’ve happened because Christie had insisted on driving over on her own.
“The weekend’s open, though,” Teri said.
“Okay. Let’s get together. I’ll phone you.”
“Please do,” Teri said, eager to help in any way she could. At the beginning of her relationship with Bobby, Rachel had been a wonderful confidante, discreet, sensible and encouraging. Teri wanted to do the same thing for her friend now. She looked over her shoulder and wished she had a few more minutes to talk. This was the first time all day that Rachel had opened up to her.
“I’ll call you in the morning,” Rachel said as she headed out the mall door to the parking lot.
Standing by the car, James had the umbrella ready. It was raining steadily now and almost dark.
Teri returned to the salon and finished Mrs. Dawson’s perm and waited for James.
And waited.
Thirty minutes passed, and he still wasn’t back. When she called Rachel’s cell, she immediately got voice mail. James didn’t answer his phone, either. She tried Rachel’s house. Same thing.
Unsure of what else to do, Teri called her sister. “Do you mind swinging by the salon for me?”
“Where’s James?” Christie immediately asked.
“I don’t know. He was going to run Rachel to the garage to get her car, but he hasn’t come back.”
“Did you try his cell?”
“He isn’t answering and neither is Rachel.”
Christie hesitated. “That’s a bit odd, isn’t it?”
“Yes.” More than odd. Definitely out of the ordinary—and even a little frightening. “Are you coming or not?” Teri asked. Otherwise she’d call one of the few cabs in town. Bobby was probably starting to worry.
“I’ll be there in five minutes.”
“Thank you,” she said with a relieved sigh. Bobby wanted her to quit her job, and incidents like this didn’t help. She had no idea where James and Rachel had gone or why they weren’t answering their cell phones. There had to be a perfectly logical explanation, she told herself; she wasn’t going to stress over it.
Her sister drove up in her rattletrap of a car, the exhaust belching oil. Leaning across, she unlocked the passenger door and shoved it open. Teri leaped gratefully inside, damp from her short sprint to the car.
“Have you heard from James?” Christie asked before she’d said hello.
Teri hid a smile. “Not a word.”
“I’ll bet he’s at your place now,” Christie speculated. “He just forgot to come back for you.”
Teri didn’t believe that for a minute. James was a paragon of responsibility; he’d never shirk his duties. Despite her resolve not to worry, she was beginning to feel anxious.
Christie was unusually quiet on the ride home.
“Does he have the hots for her?” she blurted out as they approached the long driveway on Seaside Avenue.
“You know.”
“James for Rachel, you mean?”
“Who else do you think I’m talking about?” Christie asked irritably.
“No way.” If James was interested in anyone, Teri suspected it was her very own sister.