Cedar Cove Collection (Books 7-12). Debbie Macomber

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Название Cedar Cove Collection (Books 7-12)
Автор произведения Debbie Macomber
Жанр Короткие любовные романы
Серия Mills & Boon e-Book Collections
Издательство Короткие любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781472074393

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exercise routine. If it hadn’t been for Olivia, Grace would’ve dropped it years ago. The fact that Olivia had cancelled two weeks in a row told Grace something was going on.

      She should’ve just asked.

      This blasted reception was to blame. All her time and energy had gone into the arrangements for it.

      “What’s the problem with Olivia?” Cliff asked when he’d joined her in the front seat.

      “I don’t know,” Grace muttered, “but I intend to find out.” She wasn’t leaving the reception until she did.

      The private ceremony with Pastor Flemming took place at the church an hour before the reception, with immediate family and close friends in attendance. Maryellen and Kelly and their families were there, along with Lisa and hers. Olivia and Jack, Charlotte and Ben, Cal and a few other dear friends made up the rest of the gathering.

      Grace studied Olivia, who served as her matron of honor, and couldn’t see any obvious signs of distress. Jack, on the other hand, looked dreadful. The way he stayed close to Olivia’s side was revealing, too.

      “Tell me,” Grace said as soon as the ceremony was completed and they had a moment alone. “What’s wrong?”

      Olivia’s eyes welled with tears and she shook her head. “I will after all of this is over.”

      “No,” Grace insisted, pushing her toward the church ladies’room and forcing her inside. “I’m your best friend. Tell me now.”

      “Well, you married Cliff without letting me know,” Olivia reminded her, pressing her index fingers under each eye to forestall the tears.

      “This is different.”

      “I’ll tell you, I promise, but I’d rather wait until the reception’s over.”

      Reluctantly Grace agreed. It must be bad since Olivia was almost in tears. Grace had no idea how she’d get through this afternoon without knowing. If time had allowed, she would’ve made Olivia tell her right then, but her guests had already started to arrive.

      The church hall had been beautifully decorated, thanks to their daughters, who’d worked feverishly that morning. Soon it was overflowing with guests, all offering their best wishes. Cliff and Grace made sure they greeted everyone personally. Grace considered it the supreme compliment that so many people had chosen to share this special afternoon with her and Cliff.

      They made the ceremonial first cut of the cake and fed each other a bite, to the applause and laughter of their guests.

      The girls were cutting the cake and distributing slices when Grace noticed that Olivia, who stood at her side, had stiffened.

      Sure enough, just as she’d feared, Will Jefferson hovered just inside the door to the church hall, near Cal and Vicki’s table. Grace felt her heart constrict. This was exactly what she hadn’t wanted, exactly what she’d prayed wouldn’t happen.

      Olivia frowned. “Let me take care of this,” she whispered.

      Grace put another slice of cake on a plate and, carrying it, went to search for her husband. Her stomach was in knots. Under no circumstances did she want Cliff to think she’d invited Will to the reception.

      Olivia wasn’t the only one concerned about Will’s presence. As soon as Charlotte saw her son, she hurried across the hall and stood directly in front of him, hands on her hips. Although Grace couldn’t hear what was being said, Charlotte’s body language clearly showed that she wasn’t pleased.

      Grace approached Cliff seconds after Charlotte had reached Will.

      As she watched, standing beside her husband, Will nodded, looking across the room at Cliff.

      “At the risk of stating the obvious, Will Jefferson’s here,” Grace said. “Before you ask, I didn’t invite him.”

      Cliff slid his arm around her waist. “I know you didn’t. I did.”

      “You?” She blinked in surprise.

      “I ran into him at Maryellen’s earlier in the week and the two of us had a chat. He apologized, and so did I.”

      Grace’s mouth sagged open. “But … you didn’t say anything.”

      Cliff rubbed his jaw. “Actually, I forgot.” He shrugged. “You know what they say about keeping your friends close and your enemies closer. At any rate, he acted decent enough. You don’t mind that I invited him, do you?”

      It didn’t matter whether she did or didn’t. Will had shown up for the reception. At her husband’s request … “Come with me,” Cliff said, taking her hand. Before they moved from the vicinity of the table, he grabbed the slice of cake she still held.

      They held hands as they made their way to the table where Charlotte sat with Ben and now Will.

      “Hello, Will,” Cliff greeted him. He set the piece of wedding cake in front of him. “I’m glad you’re here.”

      “I’m not,” Charlotte inserted. “It’s always been my understanding that only those invited to a party should attend. A lot has changed over the years, but I didn’t realize manners had gone out the window with everything else.”

      “Like I explained, Mother, I was invited,” Will said, glancing at Cliff with a wry expression on his face.

      “That’s right, Charlotte. I asked Will if he’d come today.”

      Charlotte looked taken aback. “You did?”

      Lingering nearby, Olivia caught Grace’s eye; she raised one shoulder, indicating she hadn’t known anything about this.

      “Welcome,” Cliff said, extending his hand. “Grace and I are grateful you could join us. Stay as long as you like, and by all means have a piece of wedding cake.”

      Grace didn’t speak. Fortunately, it wasn’t necessary.

      Two hours later, most of the guests had departed. The money tree for the animal shelter dipped under the weight of the attached bills. Grace sent her daughters home with their husbands and children, while Olivia and Jack stayed, helping with the final cleanup. Lisa and her husband took their restless little girl for a walk. April wanted to feed gulls by the waterfront, so Lisa gathered some scraps of bread in a cloth napkin.

      While Grace collected the wedding cards on the table, Olivia unclipped the bills from the money tree and inserted them in an envelope. She and Cliff had requested donations for the shelter, a cause they both supported, in lieu of gifts.

      Without Grace’s prompting, Olivia released a shaky breath and announced, “My mammogram showed something … suspicious.”

      Grace froze.

      “I went in for a second set of tests last week.”

      “The results?” she asked, instinctively fearing what her friend was about to tell her.

      “I have an appointment Monday morning.”

      “Oh, my goodness, Olivia.” Grace was devastated for Olivia and heartbroken that she’d felt compelled to keep this to herself.

      “I couldn’t tell you,” Olivia whispered, as if reading her thoughts.

      “I made it impossible, didn’t I?” Guilt and self-contempt overwhelmed her. Caught up in her own life, in superficial concerns like a wedding reception, she hadn’t been paying attention to Olivia.

      “No … I didn’t want to ruin your day.”

      Grace dropped the stack of cards and impulsively hugged her friend.

      Olivia shuddered, clinging to her for a long moment before she stepped back.

      “Do you want me to go to the doctor with you?” Grace asked.

      Olivia shook her head. “Jack said he wanted to be there.”