Make Me Crave. Katee Robert

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Название Make Me Crave
Автор произведения Katee Robert
Жанр Контркультура
Серия Mills & Boon Dare
Издательство Контркультура
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781474071284

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grin had her breath fluttering in her chest like a trapped thing. “You won’t regret it.”

      Before she could think too hard about what tomorrow would bring, he kissed her, long and slow. Reacquainting himself with her as if it had been days since they’d last touched instead of moments. Her Adonis worked his way down her body one torturous inch at a time, turning parts of her erogenous that she never would have considered before that night. The inside of her elbow. The bottom of her ribs. Her knees.

      He stroked and kissed her body as if memorizing every inch, until she was a quivering mess. Her world narrowed down to where he would touch her next, to the only parts of her he hadn’t touched—her breasts and the spot between her thighs where she ached for him. “Please. Adonis, please.”

      He chuckled against her inner thigh, and she felt it like a bolt to her pussy. “I like it when you call me that.”

      “I’ll call you anything you want if you just touch me.”

      “I have been touching you.” He shifted to lay next to her, his big palm coasting over her body, an inch off her skin. She shook with the need to arch up and feel him, but the slant of his brows told her that if she tried, he’d just move his hand farther from her. “Unless you mean something specific. Like here.” His fingers drifted just above her nipples and then down until she could feel the air displacement above her clit. “Or here.”


      The touch was so light, she thought she might have imagined it. But she didn’t imagine the look in his hazel eyes. He leaned down until his lips brushed hers with each word. “I want to feel you coming on my cock.”


      ROMAN HAD LAUGHED when he’d found the stash of condoms on his initial exploration of the villa, but he’d never been so glad for them as he was in the moment when he ripped through a foil packet and rolled the condom over his cock.

      He looked at her sprawled on his bed, her long limbs askew, her pussy so wet he could see it glistening from where he stood, her breasts reddened from his mouth, her hair a tangle over the white comforter... Passion personified. “Aphrodite.”

      She tore her gaze away from his cock. “What?”

      “If I’m Adonis, then you’re my Aphrodite.” He wanted to know her real name, but Roman wasn’t a fool—if he pressed her now about it, it would ruin the fantasy they played at. He ran his hands up her thighs as he climbed back onto the bed. “You look like her statue.”

      Her lips curved in a sinful smile. “You already have me in your bed. You don’t have to go overboard with the compliments.” She leaned up on her elbows and kissed his throat. “If you don’t slide your cock into me right this second, I’m liable to expire on the spot.”

      Fuck, she kept surprising him. Roman laughed; the sound was harsh with need. “Can’t have that.”

      “No, we can’t.” She nipped the spot where his neck met his shoulder and then her hand was around the base of him, guiding his cock inside her.

      He fought to keep the stroke steady and not drive into her like a goddamn beast. She clenched around him, one leg looping around his waist to take him deeper yet. Heaven. There was no other word to describe her little whimpers and shakes that he could feel all the way to the base of his cock. Or for her hands sliding down his back to grab his ass and drive him the rest of the way into her. He tangled his fingers in her hair and kissed her hard. “You know what you want.”

      “I want you.”

      He pulled almost all the way out of her and she rose to meet his thrust, her body moving in perfect time with his. As if they’d done this a thousand times before.

      It was good. Too damn good.

      He pulled back enough to create a little distance between their bodies. “Touch yourself. I said I want to feel you come on my cock, and I meant it.”

      She didn’t hesitate, one hand snaking between her thighs, her middle finger circling her clit. The sight of her seeking her own pleasure while they were still joined threatened to toss him headfirst over the edge. He thrust again, hard enough to make her breasts bounce with each stroke.

      Once. Twice. A third time.

      She came with a cry, her mouth opening in a perfect O and her pussy milking him. He had no choice but to follow her under. Roman grabbed her hips and fucked her, pursuing his own pleasure even as her orgasm went on and on. Pressure built in the small of his spine and his balls drew up as he came hard enough to see stars.

      He managed to collapse next to her instead of on top of her, but only barely. They lay there several long minutes as their gasping breath settled into something resembling normal. Roman pulled her closer, driven by some desire he didn’t have a name for, and kissed her again.

      She shifted toward him and hooked her other leg around his waist. “God, I just came harder than I’ve come in living memory and I already want you again. Do you have some kind of aphrodisiac in your sweat?” She licked his throat. “I think you might.”

      He rolled onto his back, taking her with him so she sprawled on his chest. “If I do, then you do, too.” Sure enough, his cock was already stirring.

      She squirmed against him, her smile conveying that she knew exactly how hot the move was. “Is it still a one-night stand if we keep having sex until we’re both walking funny tomorrow?”

      He opened his mouth, reconsidered and shut it. Telling her to stay as long as they were both on the island was premature in the extreme—and would interfere with his business here. He couldn’t forget his purpose, not even for this beautiful creature staring at his mouth as if she wanted it all over her body again.

      Business would wait until tomorrow.

      Roman coasted a hand down her spine, bringing her more firmly against him. “It’s still night, so the possibilities are endless.”

      “I like the way you think.”

      “Trust me, I’ll give you reason to like a whole lot more than that.”

      * * *

      Allie woke up to his mouth on her pussy. Again. In the few hours since they’d passed out after having sex again, he’d woken her up three—three—times like that, and proceeded to ravish her until her promise that they’d both be walking funny today was definitely a reality rather than a possibility.

      His big shoulders spread her legs wide and he fucked her with his tongue, his low growls just as hot as his actions. She slid her fingers through his hair without opening her eyes. “Yes. Right there. Keep doing that.” He zeroed in on her clit, mimicking the movements she’d made when she touched herself and pushing her to the edge yet again.

      She didn’t stand a chance of holding out.

      She came with a cry, back bowing and her hands clenching him to her to prolong the pleasure as if she was totally and completely wanton. Maybe she was. She certainly had played the part that night, with no thought to what he’d think of her words or actions because this was only temporary. They were strangers, which was freeing in a way she’d never anticipated. It didn’t mean she’d ever do anything like this again, but she was going to enjoy every single second of her time with her Adonis before dawn came.

      He left her for several precious moments, but then he was back on the bed, flipping her onto her stomach and drawing her hips up. The position left her exposed, but she loved every second of it, especially when he stroked her between her thighs and then his cock replaced his fingers.

      He pushed into her with a smooth move, sheathing himself to the hilt. And then he began to move, thrusting roughly into her and then withdrawing, only to begin again. Allie gripped the comforter and shoved back to meet him, until