A Family For The Rancher. Allison B. Collins

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Название A Family For The Rancher
Автор произведения Allison B. Collins
Жанр Контркультура
Серия Cowboys to Grooms
Издательство Контркультура
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781474077330

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his bad leg dragging in the dust.

      “I need to go check on something. Congratulations again, Ben. See you.” He turned and headed away from them.

      The other couple wandered back toward the party, and Kelsey stood there, trying to decide if she should follow Nash or leave him alone. His state of mind right now was critical to the therapy process. Oh sure. That’s why I want to check on him—it has nothing to do with wanting to get closer to this ornery, attractive cowboy. Decision made, she hurried along the path he’d taken toward the barn.

      The door stood open, and she peeked inside but couldn’t see much in the dim light. She finally made out Nash standing outside one of the horse stalls, his hand resting on a horse’s nose.

      Seeing him like this, without his defensive posture and hot words at the ready, she hurt for him. He was a man’s man, the sort whose physical abilities defined who and what he was. And right now, Nash didn’t know who that was. When he rested his forehead against the horse’s forelock, his defeat was heartbreaking.

      The horse neighed, and nudged Nash’s shoulder as if offering support.

      “You wanna get the hell out of here too, Thunder?” There was no gruffness, no anger—only grief. “I wish we could.”

      Guilt pricked her conscience. She shouldn’t be here listening to him, so she backed away, but kicked something that clanged.

      “Who’s there?” Nash demanded.

      “It’s just me. Sorry, I didn’t mean to intrude.”

      “Why are you here?” He started walking toward her.

      “Oh, um. My mother and daughter are up at the party. Do you want to come meet them?”

      “I’m not the best company right now. Rain check?” Nash suddenly crashed to the ground in front of her, his foot tangled up in a heavy rope. “Dammit!” he exploded, kicking at the rope.

      A high-pitched giggle echoed on the wind outside the barn, and Kelsey stuck her head out the door. Mindy and Ben were headed straight back on a path to the barn. She turned, saw him still struggling to get up. Hurrying over, she knelt down to untangle the rope, but in her haste, she made it worse.

      “I can do it,” he snapped, shoving her hand away.

      High-pitched giggles floated again, and she reacted. Fast. She swung a leg over his waist and straddled him, sinking down on top of him.

      Her move cut him off midcurse, and he stopped, staring up at her, his mouth open. “What the—”

      “They’re coming.” She bent forward and latched her lips on his.

      He pushed her shoulders up. “What the hell?”

      “Just shut up and kiss me.”

      He stared up at her as another giggle floated around the corner of the barn. She bent over again and kissed him.

      It was the only thing she could think of to save his pride.

      His head tilted sideways, and he kissed her back. And oh God, did he ever kiss her back. His lips were just a little rough, and they scraped across her mouth, devouring it. Tingles shot down her spine, up her legs, and swung around to pool in her lower belly.

      Maybe this isn’t such a good idea.

      She hadn’t been with anyone since Rob died. Didn’t want to be with anyone. But this... God, she’d forgotten how good it could be when two people were attracted to each other.

      But Nash and I aren’t attracted to each other. He’s my client. Period.

      “Oh! Excuse us.”

      A high-pitched voice barely penetrated the fog in her brain. She started to pull away from Nash, but he tightened his hold, slid his hands around her back. One hand drifted down her spine, and he dipped his fingers beneath her shirt, teasing her bare skin.

      “I said, excuse us.”

      Kelsey slowly sat up, staring at Nash.

      He drifted his thumb over her lower lip, and the tingles raced again down her spine. Tilting his head to look around her, he said, “Guess we got a little tangled up in each other.” His voice was all rough, sexy cowboy now, and it did something to her insides.

      He looked up at her again and grinned.

      She smiled back, oddly pleased he’d included her in an inside joke about getting tangled up.

      This is just fake. It doesn’t mean anything... Rob. Think of Rob.

      Yet her body had come alive in Nash’s arms, her blood racing, awakening feelings she hadn’t had since she’d buried her husband. She started to climb off him, but he held her in place, so that her most tender spot was right over the growing bulge in his jeans.

      * * *

      HE HELD KELSEY so she couldn’t scramble off him just yet. She was the perfect shield to get rid of two people he didn’t want to talk to again. And she felt good against him. Too good. He hadn’t been with a woman in a long time. Too long, if the way he’d hardened almost instantly when she kissed him was any indicator.

      She stared down at him, her long dark hair hanging down to brush his chest. God, he wished he didn’t have a shirt on so he could feel it. So far he’d only seen it in a braid and hadn’t noticed how long and silky it was. He wanted to tangle his hands in her hair, draw her down and kiss her over and over.

      “Nash,” she hissed, and tried to get up again.

      “Stay, babe. They’ll leave if we just ignore ’em.” At least he hoped they would, and before she gave in to the panic starting to bloom on her face.

      “Well, how rude,” said Mindy. “But then you never were much of a gentleman.”

      Kelsey turned her head toward Mindy and Ben. “Some women don’t want a gentleman all the time.”

      He looked up at her, shocked at the sexy words. She actually looked pretty shocked, too.

      Glancing around Kelsey, he saw Mindy’s face go red. Ben put an arm around her. “Come on, sweetie. Let’s leave them alone. You still owe me a dance.”

      The minute the other couple was out of sight, Kelsey scrambled off him and stood, then extended a hand to him. “Come on, cowboy. I need to get back to my mom and daughter.”

      He took her hand, slowly testing his balance. Once he was stable on his feet, he tried to catch her eye. “Thank you.”

      She looked up at him. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that.”

      “Why did you?”

      “I don’t know. Hunter said something about them, and...” She shrugged. “I knew you wouldn’t want them, or anyone, to see you on the ground.”

      “Without a good reason, at least.” He grinned.

      Pink suffused her cheeks, and she turned away.

      “Seriously. Thanks.” Her earlier words registered, and he frowned. “You said before you have a daughter. I assume you have a husband, too. I don’t want him to hear about this and think I’m moving in on his wife.”

      “I’m a widow,” she said, so quietly he had to bend closer to hear the words.

      “Ah, geez. I’m sorry. What happened?”


      “How long?”

      “Almost three years.”

      “That’s rough. Do you—”

      “I have to go.” She started off at a fast clip, then swung around. “Just know I normally don’t do that type of thing.”

      “What type of thing?”

      “Throw myself at men.”