The Soldier And The Single Mom. Lee Tobin McClain

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Название The Soldier And The Single Mom
Автор произведения Lee Tobin McClain
Жанр Короткие любовные романы
Серия Rescue River
Издательство Короткие любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781474064460

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of what she’d been fleeing.

      The last thing she wanted was to feel that way at Lacey’s place, but Buck was making it obvious that he didn’t want her there.

      “Let’s see. There’s Lou Ann Miller, but I think she’s away visiting her sister. Maybe Susan Hayashi? Except her mom and brother are here visiting, and they’re doing some renovations on Sam’s house. Getting ready for the wedding, you know. Such a nice couple.” He looked at Buck’s impatient expression and waved a hand. “But you don’t need to hear about all that. You’re sure Lacey’s place isn’t an option?”

      “Like I said, somewhere else would be better.”

      “Sure enough. I’ll ask around. And I’ll check the balance in the emergency fund.” The pastor studied Buck with a level expression, obviously wondering what was going on. “I’d take you in myself, except we have a houseful of teenagers for the Artists for Christ Concert over in Mansfield. Not very quiet for your baby.”

      As if on cue, Bobby wiggled hard, trying to get down to the floor, and she gave the place a quick check for hazards and then set him down. “Do you know of any jobs?” she blurted out before she knew what she was saying. And wondered when Rescue River had become a viable place to live. “I don’t want charity—I want to work, and I’m willing to do anything. I’m good at decorating, cooking and event planning, and I’m really organized. And I have most of a college degree.” Her voice cracked a little on the last word. She’d been thinking about her job skills ever since she left her in-laws’ place, and figuring out how to package her housewife background into something more impressive. Still, it was hard to brag about herself.

      “Hmm. Again, we’re a very small town, so I don’t know of much. But what about Lacey? She’s doing all that renovation. Surely she could use some help...”

      “That’s not going to work.” Buck’s words were flat, firm and final.

      And that irked Gina. She scooped Bobby back up into her arms. “I’m sorry I remind you of your ex. I’ll get out of your hair as soon as I can. But I have to do my best for my son. Why are you so against my working for Lacey, if I can talk her into it?”

      He lifted an eyebrow, clearly trying to play it cool. “Because you’re on the run and we know nothing about you.” He rubbed the back of his neck with one hand. “And...look, Lacey’s not as strong as she acts. Let’s leave it at that.”

      What could she say? She nodded, feeling like there was more to the story.

      The pastor put a hand on each of their arms. “Let’s take it to the Lord,” he suggested, and Gina felt ashamed she hadn’t done more praying about her situation. She’d been too tired and too worried, but that was exactly when she needed to turn it over to God. Buck and Gina bowed their heads, and the pastor uttered a short prayer for Gina to find shelter and work and for everyone to get along. Something like that. Though she felt too upset and flustered to focus on the words, the pastor’s heartfelt prayer offered a tiny sense of peace.

      At the gas station, Buck pulled out a couple of five-gallon gas cans. “We’ll fill both of these,” he said to the attendant who came out to help, even though they were at a self-serve pump.

      Gina touched Buck’s arm, embarrassed. “Um, could we just fill one? About halfway? That should do me until...” She trailed off, her face heating. Never in her life had she been completely broke, not able to afford more than a couple of gallons of gas at a time.

      He waved a hand. “Don’t worry about it. We’ll fill both.”

      “No, I’d rather just do what I can afford.”

      “I said don’t worry about it.”

      “Trying to get me as far away as you can, are you?” She was half joking, and then she saw on his face that she’d guessed exactly right. “Fine, fill both.” She slammed back into Buck’s truck, feeling unaccountably hurt.

      There was no particular reason why Buck should like her or want her to stay. Just because he’d rescued her last night, he didn’t have responsibility for her future or Bobby’s. That was solely on her shoulders.

      The thing was, as she rode around Rescue River, even now as she watched the gas-station attendant clap Buck on the shoulder and help him lift the heavy gas cans into the back of his pickup, she liked this place. She could picture herself and Bobby playing in the park and attending the church and getting together with other friendly people. She could imagine herself a part of this community.

      On the other hand, the idea of the man beside her resisting every moment of her presence was disconcerting. She hated not being wanted. She’d grown up feeling that way, and she’d married into a family where she felt like an outsider. Was she continuing her same sick pattern?

      Rescue River was where the Lord had led her. It seemed like the perfect place to stay, at least for a while.

      She just had to convince Buck not to block the whole idea.

      * * *

      Buck helped Gina fill the gas tank on her loaded, late-model SUV, continuing to wonder what her story was, continuing to get distracted by the lemony scent of her hair. Dion was there, too, helping and subtly questioning, observing everything.

      It was early evening, but Buck could still hear the steady chink-chink-chink of a rotary tiller off in the distance. Probably Rob Richardson, trying to get his field finished before the rain came on. Sun peeked through a bank of dark clouds, illuminating the freshly plowed acre beside them. Buck inhaled the sweet, pungent zing that indicated a storm was headed their way.

      Gina thanked them both politely, strapped Bobby into the car seat and headed back to the guesthouse. Buck was about to climb into his truck when Dion gestured to him. “Stay back a minute, would you?”

      Buck turned toward the police chief. “Sure. What’s up?”

      It wasn’t like he was eager to get home. He was half hoping that Gina, now that she had a tank of gas and some baby food, would hightail it to the next town. Or the next state.

      Then again, what would she do if she left Rescue River? Alone without money and with a baby to care for, what were the odds that she’d survive, let alone do well?

      He didn’t want to worry about her, because being around her disturbed him on so many levels. Her resemblance to Ivana evoked all kinds of feelings he’d had during his marriage. That initial attraction. Anger at how Ivana’s love for him had cooled. Fear that he’d made a lifelong mistake in marrying her, and guilt that he’d let his feelings show.

      Horrible guilt about how everything had ended. And with that, the way his drinking had spiraled out of control.

      “We have a little bit of a problem,” Dion said.

      “With the car?”

      “More so with the baby. Did you notice the bandage on his arm?”

      Buck nodded. “She said it’s a scratch.”

      “Mmm-hmm. Have you seen any other marks on the kid?”

      Buck stared at Dion as the puzzle pieces started moving into place. “You’re thinking...what? That somebody abused the baby?”

      “Could be.” Dion nodded, not looking at Buck, staring out over the fields. “Could be her.”

      “No.” Buck reeled back against that accusation. “I’ve seen how protective she is. She wouldn’t do anything to hurt him. I more got the impression that she’s running away.”

      “That’s my gut instinct, too, but she’s a pretty woman and a mother, so guys like us can be a little distracted. Keep your eyes open for it, would you?”

      “Did you find out something against her?”

      Dion frowned. “Not officially. But I have a few friends in law enforcement on the West Coast. Apparently, someone tried to report the car stolen, only to find out that it’s