1812. Adam Zamoyski

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Название 1812
Автор произведения Adam Zamoyski
Жанр Историческая литература
Издательство Историческая литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780007381067

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the need for talent in the rapidly expanding state had sucked in immigrants from many lands. It was a mobile society, highly dynamic, but also beset by cultural insecurity.

      For most young officers, military service had meant little more than attending parades (the non-commissioned officers did all the training, so all they had to do was lead their men) and court festivities. The rest of the time was given over to gaming, drinking and womanising. They underwent hardly any training or military instruction. ‘We had no sense of morality, an entirely false conception of honour, very little true education and, in almost every case, a surfeit of foolish high spirits which I can only call depraved,’ wrote Prince Sergei Volkonsky, a junior officer of the Chevaliergardes.7

      They marched away to war in 1805 as though they were off to a hunting party. Some, like Tolstoy’s Prince Andrei, dreamed of emulating Napoleon. They were routed at Austerlitz. They were defeated at Pultusk and two other minor battles in the following year; in 1807 they lost the bloody battle of Eylau, and were finally vanquished at Friedland.

      Most of the Russian officers took these defeats very badly. The campaign had been a sobering experience, and they had begun to grow up. Even the most depraved of the aristocratic layabouts felt a spark of patriotism flare inside them, and the valour of their soldiers had awakened a novel respect for these serfs in uniform. They felt humiliated at the apparent facility with which the French could inflict defeat on them however hard they fought, and their resentment of them was heavily tinged with an inferiority complex which shines through their writings on the subject. Lieutenant Denis Davidov and his brother officers were outraged when the Comte Louis de Périgord, the bearer of a letter from Marshal Berthier to General Bennigsen, did not remove his fur kolpak when ushered into the Russian general’s presence. They saw it as an insult to Russia’s honour, and developed a dogged determination to go on fighting until they finally won a battle against France. They regarded the peace of Tilsit as something akin to a betrayal.8

      The wounded pride of these officers was reflected by a sense of humiliation felt by sections of the nobility back home. Once nations have embarked on the pursuit of great-power status they begin to develop a curious perspective on what represents a threat to their very existence. And the Russians were fast catching up with the French in this respect. ‘Our land was free, but the air had grown heavier, we walked about freely but could not breathe,’ complained Nikolai Grech after Tilsit. ‘Hatred of the French grew apace.’ But there was more to it than mere hatred. There were the beginnings of a sense of mission. Ordinary backwoods xenophobia came together with anti-Masonic paranoia and the first stirrings of Romanticism to create a conviction that Russia was somehow different from other European countries, more spiritually alive, and that she should reject the mainstream (i.e. French) culture of Europe and go her own way.9

      There was a flurry of pamphlets, passionately argued, semireligious, deeply anti-French, advocating a return to Russian values, and in 1808 Sergei Glinka founded a new periodical, Russkii Viestnik, which was to be ‘purely Russian’, and would oppose the treacherous philosophy of the West with the manners and virtues of old Russia, an imagined culture of idyllic innocence. Defenders of the Russian language joined the fray, and a discussion club, Biesieda, was founded by a group including the poet Gavril Romanovich Derzhavin to combat foreign influences in literature. Patriots denounced the employment of French tutors and chambermaids as ‘gallomania’, and the retired Admiral Aleksandr Semionovich Shishkov called for children to be brought up in traditional Russian ways. Alexander’s sister Catherine, whose German husband George of Oldenburg had been given the post of Governor of Tver, Yaroslavl and Novgorod, somehow contrived to become the belle idéale of the most fervent champions of Russian culture. They included the former Chancellor Count Fyodor Rostopchin and the historian Nikolai Karamzin, who used to refer to her as ‘the demi-goddess of Tver’.10

      In these circumstances, the creation by Napoleon of the Grand Duchy of Warsaw was as a red rag to a bull. Russia had actually gained a piece of Polish territory in the operation, but territory was not the only consideration. Orthodox Russian traditionalists tended to regard the Catholic and unmistakably Western Poles as the rotten apples in the Slav basket. Now the Polish inhabitants of Russia’s western provinces, some of whom had only become subjects of the Tsar a dozen years back, could potentially form a terrible fifth column of Western corruption inside the Russian empire.

      This kind of thinking gave rise to a paranoid conviction, voiced by Sergei Glinka and others, that France under the satanic leadership of Napoleon was bent on the subjugation of Russia, and that Tilsit and indeed any peace concluded with her was but a truce putting off the terrible day. The sense of paranoia was only intensified when, at the end of May 1810, the Swedes elected Napoleon’s Marshal and kinsman, Jean Baptiste Bernadotte, Prince of Ponte-Corvo, to the position of Crown Prince and de facto ruler of Sweden.

      With its colony in Pomerania, Sweden still ruled over more than half of the entire coastline of the Baltic Sea. She had lost Finland to Russia in 1809 and a constitutional crisis resulted in the half-mad Gustav IV being toppled in favour of Charles XIII. The new King was senile and childless, and in their search for a successor the Swedes turned to Napoleon for advice. He declined to involve himself in their internal affairs, and in the end they chose a man they believed he might have nominated, and whom they considered to be agreeable to him. Their mistake was to have momentous consequences.

      Bernadotte was an old colleague of Napoleon. When the two were no more than aspiring officers he had succeeded, and possibly supplanted, the future Emperor in the affections of the lovely Désirée Clary, whom he had subsequently married. Désirée’s sister Julie had married Napoleon’s brother Joseph, which might have made for a happy family. But it did not. Bernadotte was jealous of his colleague’s meteoric rise. While he happily accepted the rank of Marshal of France and the princely title Napoleon had bestowed on him, he cloaked his resentment in righteous disapproval of Napoleon’s assumption