The Dare Collection January 2019. JC Harroway

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Название The Dare Collection January 2019
Автор произведения JC Harroway
Жанр Короткие любовные романы
Серия Mills & Boon Series Collections
Издательство Короткие любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781474095327

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and sat down, spreading his thighs once again. ‘Kneel. Your mouth needs to be around my cock in five seconds or I’ll turn you over my knee again.’

      I was helpless to do anything but obey him—not that I wanted to disobey. The thought of getting to taste him was making my mouth water.

      Shakily I lowered myself to the floor, ignoring the hard press of the wood against my bare knees, then leaned forward, my fingers reaching for the zip of his suit trousers.

      He didn’t help this time, letting me fumble as I got him unzipped then reached inside his boxers. He was long, thick, his skin hot and silky-smooth. And God, so hard.

      That was me, wasn’t it? That was me making him hard.

      He was staring at me so intently, so arrogantly I could hardly breathe. And then, like he could read my mind, he said, ‘That’s because of you.’ There was an accusing note in the words that made me shiver with delight. ‘You and your delicious pussy made me hard. Now, what are you going to do about it?’

      I held him in one hand and eased forward between his thighs. ‘Shall I...suck it?’ My voice was embarrassingly thick and shaky-sounding, making me blush. But I couldn’t stop myself from adding, ‘Please...’

      He made a rough sound. ‘Of course you should suck it. What did I say about getting your mouth around my cock?’

      I didn’t need to be told twice. I bent, touching my tongue to the shiny head of his dick, tasting salt and musk.

      A moan escaped me and I opened my mouth wider, taking him in deep.

      God, he tasted so good. Raw and dark, and intensely masculine.

      The look on his face mesmerised me, set in harsh lines of hunger, his gaze boring into mine with such intensity I wanted to look away.

      But his hands were suddenly fisting in my hair on either side of my head, holding me still as his hips flexed and he thrust his cock into mouth, hitting the back of my throat.

      I groaned, holding him as tightly as he was holding me, the sound vibrating against his shaft as he thrust again.

      He bared his teeth, his breath hissing. ‘You’ve got no idea how fucking erotic this is, watching my dick disappear into your mouth.’ He thrust again. ‘I could do this all night.’

      I couldn’t speak, not that I wanted to. Not that I could have with my mouth full of his cock. The ache between my thighs was getting unbearable and I was desperate to touch myself, get myself off because the taste of him and the look on his face, stern and commanding and full of desire, was turning me inside out.

      Because, yet again, there was power here. A power that was mine. The power to make this strong, harsh, beautiful man breathless with desire. So much so that he wanted to make me his for the night.

       You want to be his for more than one night.

      I pushed that thought away hard.

      I didn’t have time to think about crap like that, not when his cock was in my mouth and the harsh sounds of his breathing filled the room.

      ‘This is getting you off, isn’t it?’ His voice was gravelly and ragged. ‘Sucking my cock is making my bad girl horny.’

      I nodded frantically. I didn’t know why I just didn’t touch myself. Maybe because I wanted his permission—which was totally against everything I’d believed about myself, but then again, this whole evening was totally against everything I’d believed about myself.

      That I’d be some man’s fuck toy. That he’d spank me then order me to suck him off and that I’d like it.

      No, that I’d love it. Even find power in it.

       Makes a difference when someone other than yourself is punishing you, right?

      The thought was fleeting, gone before I had time to hold onto it, and then he abruptly pulled out of my mouth and I let out a helpless sound of loss.

      He ignored me, reaching for one of the condom packets then ripping it open. With a lazy, practised movement that stole my breath completely away, he rolled the condom down. Then, before I could move, he leaned forward and pushed me down onto the floor onto my back.

      Kneeling between my thighs, he gripped my hips, hauling my pelvis into his lap but leaving the rest of me lying on the floor, making my back arch.

      He looked arrogantly down at my pussy and I couldn’t breathe as he rubbed the head of his cock through my slippery flesh a couple of times, teasing me. Then he fitted himself to the entrance of my body and, gripping my hips, thrust hard, watching all the while. I cried out, my sex throbbing as I felt myself part then clench around him.

      The hard wood of the floor pressed against my spine, but I barely noticed. All I was aware of was the iron bar of his cock and the exquisite slide of it inside me, the deep, hard thrusts that had me crying out yet again.

      Casually, he lifted a hand, his dark gaze watching where we were joined and his fingers found my clit, stroking me in time to his thrusts.

      The orgasm crashed over me and I sobbed, writhing on the floor, arching up as he thrust harder, deeper.

      He didn’t stop, the ragged sounds of masculine pleasure echoing around me in time to the sound of his flesh on mine and, before I knew it, another climax was building inside me again, bringing raw pleasure. Intense ecstasy.

      I sobbed, his name pouring out of me. ‘Xander... God... Xander...

      ‘You’ve been such a good girl.’ His voice was so dark, so rough. His hold on me was so tight it was going to leave bruises. ‘Such a good little fuck toy. I’m going to make you come again.’

      ‘I...can’t,’ I moaned.

      ‘Yes, you can,’ he said as if there was no doubt or argument. ‘Unless you want to say your word.’

      No. Never.

      I said nothing and he laughed, the sound as roughly erotic and deep as the feel of his cock inside me.

      Then he didn’t talk any more, using his fingers as he fucked me, making me come yet again, sobbing and writhing on the floor.

      And when he was done I felt him move harder, faster and, through the pleasure that was dragging me under, I heard him call my name. And then follow me into ecstasy.



      I COULDN’T BREATHE, the effects of my orgasm squeezing my chest tight, squeezing all the air out of my lungs. My heartbeat thundered in my head and in that moment if anyone had asked me to perform a simple equation I wouldn’t have been able to do it. Even two plus three would have been an impossibility.

      I wouldn’t have even known what numbers meant.

      There was only Poppy, naked, her beautiful body stretched out in front of me, the curve of her butt resting in my lap, the rest of her arched back on the floor.

      Perspiration shone on her bronzed body, her curves burnished and lit by the neon from the city lights outside. She had her eyes closed, thick, silky black lashes lying on her perfect cheekbones, her breathing harsh and ragged, echoing mine.

      She felt tight and hot around my cock, her muscles still pulsing, and I wanted to keep going, to take her some more, but I’d used her hard so far already and she needed a break.

      I didn’t question the urge that gripped me; I just went with it, pulling out of her and dealing with the condom. Then I gathered her up in my arms, nestling her soft weight and warmth against my chest.

      Her head fell back on my shoulder and she looked up at me, her lovely eyes darkened and glazed with pleasure. She didn’t speak, but her smile made