The By Request Collection. Kate Hardy

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Название The By Request Collection
Автор произведения Kate Hardy
Жанр Контркультура
Серия Mills & Boon e-Book Collections
Издательство Контркультура
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781474094672

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your door?”

      She shrugged.

      “When’s the last time you saw him?”

      “He followed me home from the market. I...I saw him out the kitchen window, standing across the street. He tried to take my picture, but I think I ducked before he could.”

      Without waiting to be invited inside, Demetrius strode past Zoe toward the aforementioned window. This was his fault for thrusting her into the media spotlight. Now that she was working closely with him, the media would want to know everything about her. They would dissect her life, looking for a juicy piece of gossip.

      Demetrius swept aside the curtain and peered out at the busy roadway. He didn’t see anyone acting suspicious. “Do you still see him?”

      She moved to his side and gazed out at the numerous faces. “No. He disappeared just before you arrived. That’s why I thought you were him.”

      Demetrius let the curtain fall back into place. He glanced around, noticing the quietness. “Are you here alone?”

      She nodded. “My mother is visiting a friend at the coast.”

      “Well, you can’t stay here alone. Pack a bag. Tonight you’re staying at the palace.”

      Her eyes grew round. “No, I can’t. I won’t.”

      Why was she being difficult? This was for her own welfare. “You can and you will. I’m not leaving you here.”

      “I’ll be safe. I’ll keep the door locked.” Her lips pressed into a firm line as her gaze took a defiant gleam.

      He wasn’t going to let her have her way. Not this time. Not with her safety at stake. “Why are you being stubborn? It’s not like I’m asking you to return to the palace as my wife.”

      Her chin lifted. “So far I’ve been lucky enough to avoid the king and his advisors. I won’t be able to do that if I’m living there. And...and I don’t want to deal with them. I didn’t exactly leave on the best of terms.”

      Demetrius couldn’t argue that point. The king’s advisors were certain that she was a gold digger, but surprisingly the king had been quite reserved with his thoughts about Demetrius’s failed marriage. Maybe his father thought that he’d suffered enough without adding an “I told you so.”

      Still, there had to be an alternative. A way to assure himself of her safety until the media set their sights on a new target. He rolled the options around in his mind.

      “I have the perfect alternative.” Why he hadn’t thought of it in the first place was beyond him.

      Her eyes widened with interest. “You do? What?”

      “You’ll see. It’s not far from here.”


      JUST AS DEMETRIUS had promised, his chauffeured car ushered them past the palace gates, beyond the palace itself and down a narrow lane Zoe didn’t even know existed. Unspoiled green foliage and wild flowers lined both sides of the roadway. They were heading far, far away from any curious eyes. It sure was a good thing that she knew Demetrius as well as she did. Otherwise, she would be wary of their isolated destination.

      “Where are we going?” She turned to Demetrius as he continued to type response after response into his phone.

      His fingers paused as he glanced out the window. “We’re almost there.”

      “That doesn’t tell me anything.”

      “Stop worrying. I’m certain you’ll approve.”

      “And if I don’t?”

      There was a moment of silence. “Then we’ll go back to your apartment.”

      She didn’t believe it’d be that simple. Nothing was ever simple when it concerned this particular prince—this very sexy prince. “What’s the catch?”

      “There isn’t one.” When she arched a brow at him, he sighed. “You don’t believe me?”

      “Let’s just say I know you well enough to expect you not to give up so easily.”

      Like when he’d proposed to her on a starlit night along the seashore. He refused to take any answer but her acceptance. Not that accepting a marriage proposal from a prince had been a hardship. In fact, in that moment, it had been quite the opposite.

      Demetrius slipped his phone in his pocket. “There’s no catch.”

      “I don’t believe you.”

      Their gazes met and held as though in a struggle of wills. Demetrius was the first to turn away. “Before we go any further with this argument, see if this will calm your worries.”

      When she turned to the window, her gaze landed upon a beautiful white beach house. It was like something out of a glossy magazine. The door and some of the trim was done in a light teal. The appearance was refreshing and welcoming. Was this part of the royal estate?

      “It’s amazing.”

      “I’m glad you like it.” A smile lifted his lips and eased the stress lines marring his face.

      The car pulled to a stop and the driver got out to open her door for her. “If you want to go inside, ma’am, I’ll bring in your luggage.”

      “Grazie.” She turned back as Demetrius alighted from the car. “Is there anyone here?”

      He shook his head. “It’s all yours for as long as you need.”

      Zoe made her way down the stone walkway, passing by a garden full of exotic foliage and blossoms from bright yellow and orange to pink and deep red. It was impossible not to fall in love with this place.

      Anxious to see if the interior was as impressive as the exterior, she grasped the brass door handle and swung open the teal door. She stepped inside, greeted by a light-gray tiled foyer. The house had an open floor plan with a spacious kitchen that could be closed off by some teal shutters. The interior decor was of white walls and teal trim like the outside.

      An abundance of open windows let the sea breeze filter through the house. She’d never been to such a charming place. When Demetrius said he’d take care of her, he hadn’t been kidding. This was her idea of paradise.

      She moved to the wall of windows facing the Mediterranean. It was absolutely gorgeous. It didn’t matter how many times she looked out over the sea, she never tired of it. It would appear her mother wasn’t the only one having a seaside holiday of sorts.

      Zoe heard footsteps behind her. “You can just set the bags by the door. I’ll get them—”

      “Are you sure?”

      That deep, rich voice sent a wave of delicious sensations coursing up her spine. It was most definitely not the driver. She spun around, finding Demetrius standing there holding her bags. “Sorry. I thought you were the driver.”

      “I hope you’re not disappointed. I sent him away.”

      “What? But why?” Being alone with the one man who could send her heart pounding with just a look was not a good thing. “I mean, I’m sure you have work to do.”

      “I do. But first we have to talk.”

      Talk? About what? She got the distinct impression from his serious expression that she wasn’t going to like what he had to say. Was he going to blame her for the nosy reporter sniffing around for gossip?

      Demetrius cleared his throat. “But first, do you approve of your accommodations?”

      “It’s absolutely amazing.” Zoe moved to his side and retrieved her luggage. She glanced up at him and her stomach quivered with excitement. They may no longer be a couple, but that didn’t