Dreaming Of... Greece. Rebecca Winters

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Название Dreaming Of... Greece
Автор произведения Rebecca Winters
Жанр Короткие любовные романы
Серия Mills & Boon M&B
Издательство Короткие любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781474083577

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      When he left the cabana, he wasn’t surprised to find Raina had disappeared on him. She couldn’t get away from him fast enough. On his way into the house he ran into Nora. Though tempted to ask questions he knew she could answer, he didn’t want to drag her into something that was strictly between him and Raina.

      “The wedding was beautiful. Now you can relax for a little while. Thank you for lunch.”

      “You’re always welcome here. You know that. Raina’s ankle was hurting and she went to her room. She asked me to say goodbye to you.”

      “I appreciate that. She did seem a little under the weather.”

      He kissed her cheek and left the house for the limo where his driver was waiting. “Take me to the office.”

      During the ride he sat back trying to figure out what was going on with her. She’d told his employee at the store her name was Ginger Moss, but the concierge denied any knowledge of it. Why in the hell had she done that?

      Once back at the Giannopoulos business complex off Syntagma Square, he walked through the empty offices to his private suite. It was a good thing it was Sunday. In this mood he’d probably bite the heads off the staff.

      Vasso would be back tomorrow, but Akis needed to talk to him. His brother was busy overseeing a new store opening in Heraklion. If not for the wedding, Akis would have gone with him.

      He rang Vasso’s cell phone number. It was four o’clock in the afternoon. He should still be at the grand opening to make sure everything went smoothly. “Pick up, Vasso.” But it went through to his voice mail. Akis left the message for him to call ASAP. While he waited to hear from him, he caught up on some paperwork.

      When his brother hadn’t phoned him by seven-thirty, Akis couldn’t take it anymore and decided to drive back to the Milonis estate. Before the night was out he would find out why she didn’t want to let him into her life. Was it because she thought he was beneath her socially? Wasn’t he good enough for her? If that was the case, then she needed to say that to his face.

      Raina was different than any woman he’d ever met. He was deeply attracted not only to her looks but to her personality, as well. She could fight it all she wanted, but they had a connection. He just had to tear down that wall she’d put up. It was important to him.

      Ione, the Milonises’ housekeeper, met him at the door and explained that Chloe’s parents had gone out for dinner, but they’d be back shortly.

      “What about their houseguest?”

      “Thespinis Maywood is in the den watching television.”


      So she hadn’t run away quite yet. Pleased by the information he said, “I’ll just say hello to her, then. Thanks, Ione.” Without hesitation he walked past her and found his way to the room in question. Having been over here many times, he knew where to go.

      The door was already open so he walked in to find her lying on the couch in front of the TV with a couple of throw pillows elevating her leg. She was dressed in the same jeans and T-shirt she’d worn earlier.

      “That was quite a disappearing act you performed earlier,” he stated from the doorway.

      Her eyes met his calmly, as if she’d known he would show up again and was amused by it. Challenged by her deliberate pretense of indifference to him he said, “What does one call you? Ginger when you’re with strangers, but just Raina with close friends?”

      A sigh escaped her lips. After turning off the TV with the remote, she sat up and moved her legs to the floor. “I take it you went to the store where I fell.” She stared hard at him. “I must admit I’m shocked that the clerk would give you my name. That’s privileged information.”

      “Agreed, but it was false information. In case you were worried, I happen to own that store.”

      “What?” Those incredible lavender eyes of hers had suddenly turned a darker hue. At last something had shaken her out of her almost condescending attitude. Did she really not know how he earned his living? Because of her relationship with the Milonis family, he found it hard, if not impossible, to believe.

      “I read the incident report written up in the back room. You gave my employee the name of Ginger Moss, age twenty-six. What name will I find if I ask you to show me your passport? It will be important when I pay your hospital bill. They’ll need more information to correct the discrepancy on the record.”

      “My insurance will reimburse you.” She rested her hands on the top of her thighs. “I sometimes go by the nickname Ginger.”

      “Because of your hair?”

      Her eyes fell away. “Yes.”

      “Even if I were to believe you, that’s neither here nor there. I want to know why you felt you had to maintain your lie with me when you’re a close friend of the woman who married my best friend.”

      The silence deafened him.

      “I’ll find out the truth before long. Why not be honest with me now and get it over with?” he pressed.

      “Is that the only reason you came over here again?”

      “What do you think?”

      More color filled her cheeks. “I—I wish I hadn’t told you where I’d fallen.”

      “Since I found you here at Chloe’s, it’s a moot point.”

      She stirred restlessly. “You want me to apologize?”

      Akis had her rattled, otherwise she wouldn’t have asked those questions. He rubbed his lower lip with his thumb. “You want the truth from me? Do you think that’s fair when you’ve exempted yourself from being forthcoming with me?”

      She moistened her lips, drawing his attention to them. All night he’d wondered what she’d taste like. “I meant no harm.”

      “If that’s the case, then why the deception?”

      “Look—” She sounded exasperated. Her cheeks grew more flushed as she got to her feet and fitted the crutches beneath her arms. “I haven’t had a meaningful relationship with a man for a long time because it’s the way I’ve wanted it.”

      He walked over to her. “But clearly there’ve been a lot of men who’ve wanted one with you. You think I’m just another man you can ignore without telling me why?” She looked away quickly, letting him know he’d guessed the truth. “A woman with your looks naturally attracts a lot of unwanted attention. It must be galling to realize that whatever you did to put me off, fate had a hand in my showing up at Chloe’s home. Prove to me my interest in you isn’t wanted and I’ll leave now.”

      She looked the slightest bit anxious. “Akis—I just don’t think it wise to get to know you better.”

      “Why? Because you haven’t been honest with me and there is a man back home you’re involved with?”

      “No,” she volunteered so fast and emphatically, he believed her. “There’s no one. This conversation is ridiculous.”

      “It would be if I didn’t know that you’re interested in me, too. But for some reason, you’re afraid and are using the excuse of having to fly to California to put me off. I want to know why.”

      “I’m not afraid of you. That’s absurd.”

      “Last night you cheated me out of a dance. I don’t know about you, but I need to feel your mouth moving beneath mine or I might go a little mad with wanting.”

      “Please don’t say things like that,” she whispered.

      “Because you know you want it, too?”

      Her breathing sounded shallow. “Maybe I do, but I’m afraid.”

      “Of me?” He brushed