The Greek Doctor's Secret Son. Jennifer Taylor

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Название The Greek Doctor's Secret Son
Автор произведения Jennifer Taylor
Жанр Контркультура
Серия Mills & Boon Medical
Издательство Контркультура
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781474037310

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      Nico shot to his feet, his anger soaring as he strode to the door. Amy had a lot of explaining to do!

      * * *

      Amy had just finished her shower when there was a knock on the bedroom door. Jacob was lying on his bed, playing on his games console, so once she had wrapped a towel around herself, she went to answer it. It was Helena, who ran the hotel with her husband, Philo. She smiled apologetically when she saw Amy.

      ‘Kalispera. I am sorry to disturb you but there is someone asking to see you.’

      Amy felt a rush of fear swamp her. There was only one person who would seek her out and she wasn’t sure if she was ready to face Nico yet. Not until she had worked out what she was going to say to him.

      ‘Oh, right. Thank you.’ She glanced down and shrugged, playing for time. ‘I’m not really fit to see anyone right now, I’m afraid.’

      ‘Do not worry.’ Helena smiled reassuringly. ‘I have shown the doctor into the sitting room and given him something to drink. There is nobody in there so you will be able to talk in private once you are dressed.’

      Amy closed the door as Helena went on her way. She couldn’t think of anything she wanted to do less than have a private conversation with Nico but what choice did she have? Knowing him, he wouldn’t give up and go away if she failed to appear. No, he would be far more likely to come to her room and that was something she wanted to avoid. The last thing she needed was Jacob overhearing their conversation.

      Gathering up her clothes, she hurriedly dressed, opting for a cotton dress in a delicate shade of green which she knew suited her. A slick of coral lipstick and a flick of mascara helped to relieve the pallor that had invaded her skin. Her hair was still wet from the shower but she didn’t have time to dry it so she brushed it back from her face and secured it at the nape of her neck with a silver clip. Maybe it was silly to make such an effort with her appearance, but she needed to feel that she was in control of herself, especially as she had a feeling that she was going to need every scrap of control she could muster when she faced Nico.

      ‘I just need to have a word with someone,’ she told Jacob, slipping her feet into a pair of tan leather sandals. The heels weren’t all that high but they did add an extra inch or two to her height and that would help. Nico was over six feet tall and she hated the thought of him towering over her, although at one time she had loved the way he had made her feel so small and feminine—

      ‘I’ll be in the sitting room if you want me.’ Amy blanked out that thought, knowing how foolish it was. The last thing she needed at this moment was to start harking back to the past. ‘I shan’t be long so you’re to stay here until I get back. Understand?’

      ‘Uh-huh.’ Jacob barely glanced at her, too absorbed in his game to worry about her absence.

      Amy wasn’t happy about leaving him on his own, however. As she made her way to the sitting room, she decided to make it clear to Nico that she had no intention of getting into a protracted discussion. Whatever he had come to say would need to be said as quickly as possible. Taking a deep breath, she pushed open the door. Nico was standing by the window and he turned when he heard her enter the room. He had his back to the light, making it impossible to discern his expression. She felt at an immediate disadvantage and decided to take the impetus from him in the hope that it might help to ease the situation.

      ‘Helena said that you wanted to speak to me.’ She gave a little shrug, as though the request didn’t worry her although it did. ‘I don’t mean to be rude but I’ve left Jacob on his own, so can we keep it brief?’

      ‘Of course.’ He inclined his head although his eyes never left her face, she noticed. ‘It’s quite simple. I just have one question I would like you to answer: Is Jacob my son?’

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