Five Star Seduction. Jacquelin Thomas

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Название Five Star Seduction
Автор произведения Jacquelin Thomas
Жанр Короткие любовные романы
Серия Mills & Boon Kimani
Издательство Короткие любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781472013132

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definitely be frowned upon.”

      Zaire’s expression stilled and grew serious. “You and Ryan fell in love when you thought he was just some guy you’d found on the streets. That was a workplace romance. Look at Livi and Blaze. Same thing.”

      “Our relationships were different, Zaire,” Sage said. “You and Tyrese will have to work closely together.”

      “I don’t see a problem with that,” Zaire commented.

      “Zaire, I’m just saying that you have to be careful. That’s all. Tyrese has his other employees to consider, as well. The last thing you want is to be the subject of workplace gossip.”

      “I don’t care what other people think,” she uttered. “But I get what you are saying.”

      “Keep your relationship out of the office,” Sage advised.

      “I hear you.”

      Zaire finished up her meal.

      As they walked out of the restaurant, Sage said, “I hope I didn’t upset you.”

      “You didn’t,” Zaire assured her. “You gave me something to think about.”

      “I’ll support you no matter what you decide.” Sage checked her watch. “I need to get going, sis. I have a prenatal appointment, and Ryan’s meeting me at the doctor’s office.”

      Zaire placed a hand to her sister’s round belly. “Take care of my little niece or nephew.”

      They embraced.

      “I’ll see you this weekend,” Sage said.

      “Family cookout,” Zaire responded with a smile.

      “I really want you to be happy, sis.”

      “I know that.”

      After Sage got into her car and drove away, Zaire also left.

      Her sister was right. She was going to have to keep her developing feelings for Tyrese under control. Zaire did not want to be the subject of workplace rumors.

      * * *

      Tyrese was glad to be heading back to Los Angeles. He always enjoyed his visits to the Big Apple, but he preferred the less frenzied pace of the West Coast population.

      “We will be taking off in five minutes,” the flight attendant announced.

      “Thank you,” he responded, and then returned his attention to the documents in his hand.

      The company plane, a Boeing 767, looked ordinary on the outside, but Tyrese had had its interior outfitted with chestnut and decorated in a rich burgundy and gold. The small conference table on board bore the company logo in the middle. The plane had been redesigned to carry twenty-four passengers.

      Tyrese stretched and yawned in his seat. He settled back against the soft leather and closed his eyes.

      Images of Zaire floated behind the lids. Tyrese had called to check on her, but they’d only had time for a quick conversation because she’d had to get to a meeting.

      His mouth curved into an unconscious smile.

      He felt movement as the plane glided down the runway.

      Tyrese was looking forward to seeing Zaire. He gave himself a quick reminder that he could not allow himself to get involved with her. She was his partner. She could never be more than that to him.

      The last time he’d gotten involved with someone within the company, it had cost him his job and almost his business reputation. Tyrese’s mouth took on an unpleasant twist.

      That experience had provided the motivation for going into business for himself. When no one would hire him, Tyrese had relocated to Los Angeles and started his company, which had proven to be very successful in what he termed boutique marketing. He was labeled a visionary, a man of the future.

      The old adage was right as far as he was concerned. Success was the best revenge.

      * * *

      Zaire walked out of the Zumba class wearing a smile. She patted her damp face with the back of her hand.

      “You’re the only person I know who leaves a workout with a smile on your face,” Livi said, shaking her head in disbelief. She dabbed at her neck and chest with her terry-cloth towel.

      “I always feel good after a workout,” she responded. “Don’t you?”

      “I’m exhausted and sore.”

      Zaire glanced over at Livi. “Let’s stretch some more. It’ll help.”

      Livi smiled blandly. “Sure.”

      They headed over to a corner that was vacant.

      “We have a gym at M.G.,” Zaire said. “I’ve been thinking about exercising there at least two days a week when I’m working late.”

      Livi gave her a puzzled look. “M.G.?”

      Zaire reached out, stretching her muscles. “Yes, that’s what everyone calls the company.”

      She straightened to relieve the ache in her shoulders.

      “What are your plans for this evening?” Livi asked as they headed to their cars a few minutes later. “Blaze and I are having dinner at the Chart House. You’re more than welcome to join us.”

      “Thanks, but I think I’ll just head home. Daddy’s in San Francisco, so I’ll order some takeout for me and Mama. We can make it a girls’ night.”

      “Okay, I’ll talk to you later. Please give your mother a hug for me.”

      “I will,” Zaire promised.

      In the car, she placed a quick call to her mother. “How do you feel about Italian for dinner? I can pick up some on the way home.”

      “That sounds great,” Barbara said.

      “Great. I’ll be there shortly.”

      The red lights on a plane in the air caught Zaire’s attention as she waited for a light to change from red to green.

      Tyrese is flying back to Los Angeles tonight.

      The thought thrilled her.

      His absence from the office had been duly noted by Zaire. Tyrese was very hands-on, but he was careful to avoid micromanaging his team. He was well respected by everyone in the company and had a reputation of being fair.

      Zaire wanted a peek into Tyrese’s life outside of work. There was no mention of a woman in his life, although she knew he most likely kept his personal life completely separated from the company. He aroused her curiosity. Zaire vowed to find out everything about Tyrese Moore.

      * * *

      Tyrese was already in his office working when Zaire arrived the next morning.

      She knocked softly on his open door. “Good morning.”

      “Come in,” he said. “I want to hear how everything went yesterday with your meeting. Bill Daniels can be temperamental, but I heard that you had no problems winning him over.”

      She sat down in one of the visitor chairs. “He was actually a very nice man. The meeting went very well. I have some ideas that I think will work great for his venue.”

      He smiled. “Great. I can’t wait to hear them.”

      Zaire rose fluidly from her chair. “I guess I’d better get to work. I should have a proposal ready in a few hours.”

      Tyrese checked his watch. “Why don’t we meet around three to go over what you have?”

      “Sure. I’ll see you then.”

      He leaned back in his chair and appeared to be studying her.

      Their eyes met and held.